Page 176 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 176

REPORTED SPEECH                                        Note:If the reportingverb is in a present tense,no tense
                                                                changes are necessary:
        We change tenses in reported speech. If the reporting verb  77/ /?e/pyou w/?enyou move into your new flat. '  She soys
        (said, told,admitted,warned, etc.) is in the past, we tend to  she ' ll help me when I move into my new flat.  ^
        change the original verb to a past form as well. Here are some
        changes we make:                                        Questions in reported speech
                               speech           reported        • We change the word order in the question to the same as a
                                                                  normal sentence.
         present simple   7 am a sales      She said she
           past simple    representative fora  was a sales      • We make the same tense changes as in reported speech
                          steel company. '  representative for    (see opposite).
                                            a steel company.    • We use the same question words {when,how, etc.).
         present continuous  7 m filing this  He said he        • We use a full stop (.), not a question mark (?):
           past continuous  correspondence.'  was filing the      ‘How long have you been working in the marketing
         present perfect  7 Ve tried eating  She said she had        She asked me how long I had been working in the
           past perfect   insects inAsia.'  tried eating insects  marketing department.
                                            in Asia.              ‘When can I interview you?’
         past simple      7 missed the last  He told me he had       The researcher asked the students when he could
           past perfect   flight.’          missed the last       interview them.
                                                                • We do not use the auxiliary verbs do,does and did; the
            ^             email tomorrow.'  would reply to my     ‘What time doyou take a coffee break?'
         will  would      7'll reply to your  She promised she    question has the same form as a normal sentence:
                                            email the next day.      The new employee asked what time we took a coffee
                                                                  ^ break.
        Modal verbs change in the following way :
                                                                • We use if or whether with Yes/No questions:
            ^             long periods, but I  gently jog for long  ‘Can I wear casual clothes at the presentation tomorrow?’
        can    could      7 can gently jog for  She said she could
                                                                     He wanted to know whether he could wear casual clothes
                          can't run fast.'  periods, but she      ^ the presentation the following day.                    PDF from
                                            couldn't runfast.     at
             ^            the calculators to  suggested he        questions: ask,wonder,want to know, enquire.
         may    might     7 may let you use  The teacher        • We often use these verbs and phrases to introduce reported
                          solve the problems  might let us use  Pronoun, determiner and adverb changes in reported
                          later.'           the calculators to
                                            solve the problems
                                            later.              We usually make the followingchanges:
             ^            cut.'             get her hair cut.        ^             earlier.'        warned her earlier.
         must   had to    7 must get my hair  Shesaidshe had to  you   he/she/ they  7warned you    He said he had

        We do not change:                                        your ^  his/ her/  ‘I noticed your  He mentioned that
                                                                 their             grammar mistake  he had noticed her
        • modal verbs could, would,should,might,ought to and used to
          in reported speech:                                    our ^  their      earlier.'        grammar mistake
          7would prefer to have two starters rather than a main course.'
             She said she would prefer to have two starters rather than  this/ that  ‘You should erase  She told him he
          a main course.                                         (as pronouns)  ^  it this from your  should erase it
        • must when it’s negative:                                                 memory.'         from his memory.
          ‘You mustn’t open the files relating to the new product launch. ’  this/that/these/  This report is very  She told him the
             Her boss told her she mustn't open the files relating to the  those   detailed. ’      report was very
          newproduct launch.                                     + noun   the +                     detailed.
        • must when it expresses a deduction:
          ‘The candidates must still be waiting in reception. '  She  Remember that references to times also need to change in
          said that the candidates must still be waiting in reception.  reported speech:
                                                                7 delivered the package this morning
                                                                ^  She said she had delivered the package that morning.
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