P. 30
Plans for the future:
Streamlining Staff:
Our plans for the future are centered on becoming less dependent on staff, especially part-time staff for
the summer. We understand that critical areas will maintain employees but we are going to automate as
we can.
Our first project is to automate the gas pump. We are adding a "pay-pump" to the facility. Although we
need to follow NFPA requirements for attendants on the dock. The "start / stop" of the gas flow via
credit card will stream line the evening balancing tasks.
Efficient online pontoon and boat club websites. The summer of 2017 has been difficult. Our sites and
provider were a disappointment. Both sites had been outstanding, but now they are obsolete. We are
looking to further integrate daily tasks, creating contracts and schedules from one source and the
integration of our CRM program, Infusion Soft, for email follow-up. This re-engineering of the sites
will save about one hour of staff time per day.
Spring/Fall boat scheduler for the winter storage boats. This site is in progress. Currently all 400
customers need to manually schedule their boat drop/pick up with a staff member. We are creating a
brand new site to simply allow customers to log in and schedule this task.
The Ship's Store is being reimagined. With 8,000 guests visiting a summer we are missing an
opportunity to sell more. Currently we sell a great deal of souvenirs outside, but now we need to look at
how the store functions within the walls, it may be that we automate a "rapid" self-check out for
"members". Or integrate the App to host this function. But there needs to be a way to capture sales
without a lengthy wait in line for a simple bag of ice.
Finally, the check out process for pontoon boats needs to be less staff dependent. Whether this is
accomplished by a "fast lane" check out with videos online or iPads has yet to be determined, but our
success of the reduction in friction with damaged props and video usage has us exploring an even greater
focus on electronic information.
More Ideas:
In addition to automating and streamlining we are exploring the creation of a scholarship program. This
"learn and earn" program is designed to attract the parents of potential part-time crew members. We
have discovered that the parents are not valuing the benefits and leadership of a job. Therefore, if we
create a program targeted to these issues and offer a scholarship instead of a bonus, the change of words/
terms may increase the applicants we are attracting. Sadly two business within 5 miles of the marina
have closed due to not getting applicants. This is unheard of! We will never be able to eliminate our
dependence on staff, so we are going to try this method to see if it helps!
We also plan to add more boats to our boat club and expand the membership. We have success with the
6/7 members per boat ratio along with our policies and procedures so with the addition of the new
website we are ready to expand this service.
As for facilities, we currently rent three off site buildings for winter storage. We are currently exploring
ownership of land and the creation of buildings. The reason is the long term lease holder passed away
and although we are locked into a 5 year contract, it is uncertain if these buildings will remain available
for lease. We have rented these buildings for over 20 years.