P. 25
Time Line for Facilities Improvements
1961 Remodeled old repair shop (originally had a dirt floor)
1964 Purchased old parking lot
1966 Built Warehouse 1 on the parking lot (100' x 60') with indoor racks
Purchase first forklift
Purchase house by lake with Ship’s Store and Office in lower level.
Built Dock #1 with Gas Dock at End
1982 Bought two more adjoining lots and built Warehouse 2 (100' x 110') with
indoor racks
Purchase second forklift
Purchase adjoining lakeshore lot and built straight dock
**The straight dock, second forklift, and warehouse allowed the In/Out
Service to begin.
1986 Purchase more lakeshore property lots and built dock #2
1993 Bought another adjoining lot and built Warehouse 3 with indoor racks
1998 Tore down family home with Ship's Store and Office in lower level. Built
Warehouse #4 with rack system, Ship's Store, and Office.
**Warehouse 4 transformed the marina creating a "corporate image"
2000 Purchase 3rd forklift
2008 Purchase Forklift #4 - (sold forklift #2)
2016 Insulated Warehouse 4 so we could heat it and work on larger boats in the
aisle between storage racks in the winter.