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what works for him.  He reviews every service job to see if the company is making money.  If
                the job does not make money he breaks down the job and talks with the service technicians and
                adjusts for the next time.

                Pontoon rentals, boat club memberships, In/Out Service, Winter Storage and Wet Slip contracts
                are also gauged on a year over year comparison.  We know where the numbers are coming in
                and set discounts accordingly.  We learned with the Boat Club that even though we want
                members to sign up in February they will not, they choose to wait until April/May.  But our
                Wet Slips and In/Out Service are a February/March sign up.  There are different cycles for all
                areas of the marina.

                Profit Centers

                WET SLIPS—40 slips on floating and fixed dock

                GAS DOCK—gas, pump out, vacuum

                IN/OUT SERVICE—120 dry slips in four warehouses on site

                WINTER STORAGE—400+ winter storage boats

                SERVICE CENTER—MCM/VOLVO Certified Technicians

                SHIP'S STORE—Center of operations for the marina

                *PONTOON & FISHING BOATS—15 pontoon boats, 10 fishing boats, 8,000+ Tourists

                BROKERAGE SALES— since 1984

                *BOAT CLUB—8 boats and 48 members

                *denotes IMBC Best Profit Center Winner

                Overall Income
                2014—decrease: 6.9% (High Water with Lake Wide Minimum Wake Law, reduced gasoline & repairs)
                2015 - increase: 14.3%
                2016 - increase: 3.9%
                2017 - increase: 8.9% (to date)

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