P. 57

                Back in 1983 we purchased the adjoining three properties on our lake frontage.  This
                encompassed two active bars/restaurants and one defunct vacant/overgrown parking lot.  This
                party area was called “Skunk Hollow” and although an eyesore to the marina, however, it has
                nostalgia for the locals who regularly visit us.   They reminisce about the 1960’s to 80’s and the
                “good times” with the live bands, all hours parties, and topless bar.  Now, it’s one big quiet
                parking lot with a beautiful dock.

                However, to build the new commercial dock we needed to provide public amenities from a list
                created by our governing body.   We chose boat rentals.  We started with six– 14’ fishing boats
                and one 24’ pontoon boat.  We regularly expanded the fleet and now we have 15 pontoon boats.
                The boat rentals are the number one way for people to gain access to Lake Minnetonka. Our
                fishing boats rent for $39 for the day during the week, this includes 3 gallons of gas.  We have
                people come out a couple times a week and use them all summer.  It’s a great entry to boating
                and it provides access to people that would otherwise not have the ability to go boating/fishing.
                Pontoon boats have been an incredible source of access for day visitors to Lake Minnetonka.
                Our boats go out all the time.  They are a matching fleet and similar to cabs in NYC they are a
                fixture of the lake.  We consider them a representation of our marina, away from our marina.
                Sometimes we wish we could calm down the “antics” of the renters, but oh well, at least the
                boat looks good!  The thing we realized about 2 years ago is that we are renting hundreds of
                boats in 15 weeks.  Yes, just 15 weeks!  But it’s not just the over 800 pontoon rentals that
                originate from our marina, it’s the upwards of 8,000 VISITORS!
                They visit from all over the world.

                In 2012 we started online reservations and won the IMBC Best Profit Center Award for our
                online reservation system.  This enhanced the ability for out of town visitors to find us.  This
                past summer we had visitors from Germany, Australia, Canada… not to mention TX, CA, NY,
                NC, OH, really everywhere!  It’s wonderful to bring boating to so many people and to
                showcase Lake Minnetonka.

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