P. 58
We are not only a job provider;
we are a “First Job” provider.
Often our crew comes to us
with little to no experience
having a job. There are lots of
places that make decisions that
they want employee with a
certain level of experience prior
to applying, we’ll take the right
from the start. The reason
we’ve gravitated to this
employee is they often learn
good habits, instead of
retraining to eliminate bad “Fotos on the Forklift” - our annual summer crew tradition
Now, this isn’t always easy and in recent years it’s actually become more difficult. It also
works well with the hours of our shifts, typically after school and on weekends!
This year we have a full time crew of 7 and this summer season we had a crew of 25 Part-Time
Employees. We actually needed more part-time employees, but instead of hiring someone that
didn’t meet our standards, we chose to wait. Our crew is taught
by one-on-one instruction in an apprentice format. Sure we can
teach a new crew member how to check out a boat in the middle
of the winter, but it simply works better if they shadow another
employee on a “real live” check-out. The rewarding part of
hiring a crew that starts their Freshman year of high school is
they will stay with us an average of 3.5 to 4 seasons! I have had
one student stay through her Law School graduation! PS: she
always says she wants to be on retainer for us… because she Jer’s Great Grill Out—annual crew grill out
doesn’t want anyone “messing” with us. That’s a loyalty you
cannot buy, it must be earned.
This season we started to hire more crew with experience and less
of the “first job” candidates. The reason was, certain jobs, such as
boat club, need that extra level of job experience to provide the
ambiance we want with our members. It was an outstanding
decision and one which we will continue next season.
This makes for an interesting work atmosphere. We have all five of
the current generations working for us. We have The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X,
Millennial, and Gen Z. The next generation is rapidly upon us and I’m going to tell you…
watch out. The overreach of the parents is insane. Worse than we’ve ever seen.