Page 2 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
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Preface history of these structures, existing in
The present, new digital magazine some form, even before civilizations.
"Cercle Sigebert IV - the magazine", This space will therefore be an
will host studies and reflections instrument of analysis, comparable to a
concerning a very broad horizon, magnifying glass focused on all those
concerning the themes pertinent to the tracks that lead man to visit his inner
Priory of Sion and Initiation.
self, in order to
outline and
illustrate to the
reader, that "fil
rouge" constant
over time ,
which links
tradition and
initiation, using
sources found at 360° A bridge that
This magazine aims to give a voice to reconstructs and gives
scholars, researchers and initiates meaning to a path that accompanies man
specially selected by the Priory of from his origins.
Sion to address issues not necessarily We therefore want to draw a coherent
directly related to the Order, but also track, to put the reader in a position to be
adjacent, both in the historical able to have the most direct feedback
context, theological, doctrinal, and possible, not only for the purpose of
traditional. highlighting and placing tradition in
We will therefore face, using history, but also to illustrate where and
particularly detailed studies, research how we can discern real use and essence.
and analysis of many initiatic and Marco Rigamonti Grand Master
religious traditions, but also of all
those mysteries that permeate the