Page 4 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
P. 4

INTERVIEWER: Good morning, Grand Master.

      Grand Master: Good morning.

       INTERVIEWER: Thank you for having decided to grant this interview.

     Grand Master: Thank you for giving me the opportunity, to express to the public what the

     time is ripe for.

     INTERVIEWER: Allow me then, Grand Master, to start with a very direct and current

     question, that is, what is the Priory of Sion, exactly? How could it be defined to be described to

     those who do not have the skills or have come upon the relevant information to define it.

     Grand Master: The Priory of Sion, is an initiatory Order, which due to its highly esoteric and
     symbolic nature, together with the fact that from 1600 until the more recent history, was a

     secret and clandestine society, made it even more prominent and important is the correct

     perception of its symbolic and allegorical aspects to be understood, which were the only

     elements through, it communicated with the external world, and only towards specific

     recipients, able to decipher our signs, symbols and allegories.

     IN: I think that the most important and decisive question, that today, can and should be given

     to the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, and the only one that could give really essential

     information to better understand the real nature of this Order , by many, even today,

     considered legendary, is the one that still wonders the whole world, or, if the Priory of Sion

     that has arrived today, is really the one founded in 1099 by Godfrey of Bouillion, which you

     declared together with several authors who have written several works on your Order.

     GM: This question is essentially fundamental, but at the same time, I realize that the answer to

     be given is not so simple, if the recipient is an extended group of public, but I will try anyway,
     explaining that, essentially, the Priory of Sion is a coherent initiatory system, composed of

                                                interdependent symbols and allegories, which does not need to be

                                                real, to be true.

                                                Let me explain better, our mysteries, are hidden within allegories

                                                and symbols, which correspondence with the plan vulgarly called

                                                "real", is therefore not essential prerogative, such as the legend of
                                                the Quinotauro, which joining the wife of the King Clodione,

                                                conceives Meroveo. It is clear that what matters is what is hidden in

                                                this particular allegory, namely that a deposit of knowledge that has

                                                non-human origins has been transmitted to the Merovingians;

                                                therefore, although we believe in the existence of other forms of life

                                                and intelligence, we do not consider central the fact of the existence

     of Quinotauro in itself, in that particular situation, but rather we consider the representation,

     through this allegory, of transmission through the merovingians of this initiatory repository of

     knowledge. The set of elements, symbolic, allegorical and ritual, combined with esoteric and
     theological knowledge, make the Priory of Sion an extremely sophisticated and coherent

     initiatory system, which does not need anything else to be effective and perform its function.
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