Page 12 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2023 Final revised
P. 12

12                                  National Sojourners Convention Corporation                THE SOJOURNER
                                            7942-R Cluny Court, Springfield, VA 22153

                                         2023 Souvenir Program Book Sponsor Contract
          The  National  Sojourners  Convention  Corporation,  chartered  under  the  laws  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Virginia,  a  subsidiary
         corporation of National Sojourners, Incorporated, 7942 R Cluny Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153, shall print, publish and distribute
         a Souvenir Program Book concerning the 103rd Annual National Convention of National Sojourners, Incorporated, Red Lion Inn
         Harrisburg Hershey, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111, during the period of 12-17 June 2023, and is selling sponsor space  in
         the said Souvenir Program Book. This agreement is entered into between  National  Sojourners  Convention  Corporation  through  the
         representative whose signature appears hereon for the sponsorship as described and/or attached thereto.

          The content of the sponsorship is subject to the approval of the Publisher, Souvenir Program Book, National Sojourners Conven-
         tion Corporation.

          This  Agreement  may  be  terminated  by  the  National  Sojourners  Convention  Corporation  or  the  sponsor  by  giving  notice  by
         telephone, mail or email communication, followed by a written confirmation via the United States Postal Service postmarked no later
         than 1 May 2023.

          Any refunds made under this agreement will be less twenty percent (20%) for administrative and service costs. A full refund will
         be made when a sponsorship has been accepted, but inadvertently omitted from the published program.

          The following will be completed by the parties to this agreement:     Sponsorship Size  ✓  Color  ✓  B & W
                                                                             Full Page             $   240.00  $   150.00
                                                                             2/3 Page              $   160.00  $   100.00
                                                                             Half Page             $   120.00  $      75.00
                                                                             Third Page            $      80.00  $      50.00
                                                                             Quarter Page                     $      40.00
                                                                             Eighth Page                      $      20.00
                                                                             Patron/Business Card  $      10.00
                                                                             Inside Front or Back Cover  $   400.00
                                                                             Outside Back Cover    $   500.00

          All photographs or copy, color or black and white, must be at least 300 dpi resolutions for proper reproduction. We are unable to
         make  images  of  a  lesser  resolution  any  better  than  we  receive  them.    Completed  sponsorships  must  be  submitted  in
         electronic  formats,  CD/DVD  preferred,  to  James  A.  Baker's  mailing  address  below  or  by  email  to:  Page size in the book will be 8 ½ inches by 11 inches, and margins of various sizes are used as required;
         scale your submissions to your selected sponsorship size.  When using captions or lettering on a picture or illustration, use a con-
         trasting color so your message can be seen.  For example, red lettering on a blue uniform does not show up very well when the copy
         is changed from color to black and white.

          IMPORTANT: DO NOT LOCK your copy unless you have carefully proofed it and are satisfied that all text is correct. We can and
         will correct text that needs correcting, but cannot do so unless the copy is left unprotected. Locked sponsorships with incorrect text
         will be printed “as is.” Finally, save a copy of your sponsorship on your computer in the event your submission becomes corrupted;
         in which case we will contact you and request that you send a backup copy.

          Please verify all information submitted is correct, such as current officers, dates, sites and number of the Lodge, Chapter, Council,
         etc., as well as identifying your sponsorship as being for the 103rd National Convention. If you are unable to provide an electronic
         version and wish for us to construct your advertisement/sponsorship, please sketch what you would like, mail it to us, and enclose
         photo(s), if applicable. This service will be provided at no extra charge.

          Please email or mail this completed form along with a copy of your proposed sponsorship to: or mail
         them to James A. Baker, P.O. Box 733, Liberty Hill, Texas 78642-0733

          The  publisher,  upon  actual  receipt  of  your  submission,  will  endeavor  to  notify  you  via  email  of  its  receipt  by  the  publisher.
         Technical verification of your artwork, however, cannot be provided until the technical editor has reviewed and worked with it.

          Finally, please mail the original of your completed form, this form, along with a check made PAYABLE to NASOCOCO for the
         appropriate amount of your advertisement/sponsorship to James A. Baker, P.O. Box 733, Liberty Hill, Texas 78642-0733

          Finally, keep a copy of this contract, once completed, as well as your submission for your records. Thank you for your advertise-
         ment and sponsorship of the 2023 Souvenir Program Book.
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