Page 17 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2023 Final revised
P. 17

Volume 100, Issue 1                                                                                     17

                                                   ANC AND CNE

                                             Annual National Conference
                                                          and the
                                Centennial National Encampment of Heroes of ’76

          Mark your calendars and begin planning now to attend the 103rd Sojourners Annual National Conference
         and the 100th Centennial National Encampment of Heroes of ’76, 14-17 June 2023, at the Red Lion Hotel in
         Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg Chapter No 76, National Sojourners, and York Camp, Heroes of ’76,
         will host these events.

          The  formal  conference  begins  on  Wednesday,  14  June,  which  is  National  Flag  Day,  a  special  day  for
         National Sojourners and Heroes. Of special significance for this conference, it will also be the date for the
         Brother  Colonel  Christopher  Van  Deventer  Centennial  Annual  National  Encampment  and  Bennington
         Banquet, which culminates the Heroes of ’76 year-long centennial celebration.

          In addition to the important annual business of the conference, additional tours are planned. You will have an
         opportunity  to  tour  Masonic  Village  at  Elizabethtown,  enjoy  the  view  of  its  1,400+  acres  of  Lancaster
         farmland and visit some of the activities available on the campus. You can also tour Hershey Chocolate World
         and take a trip on a climate-controlled trolley through the main sites of Milton Hershey’s town and take a free
         chocolate  factory tour. There is also a tour planned  of the  Pennsylvania  State Capitol Building, a National
         Historic  Landmark,  with  a  guided  tour  of  what  Brother  Theodore  Roosevelt  called,  “…the  handsomest
         building I ever saw."

          Finally, there will be a tour of the National Civil War Museum, an affiliate of the Smithsonian, which is
         known for its balanced presentation and understanding of the Civil War, its effect on the nation, and on the
         American peoples struggles for survival and healing.

          In  addition  to  these  special  events,  you  can  take  in  some  of  the  area’s  other  attractions,  to  include  the
         Gettysburg battlefield, a Harrisburg Senators baseball game, a visit to the Amish countryside, or check out one
         of the  many  orchards (and associated  fruit  stands) in the area.  And  the  Harrisburg/Hershey area  has  some
         excellent restaurants.

          Be looking for additional information when the registration form becomes avail after the mid-winter meeting
         in Raleigh.
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