Page 20 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2023 Final revised
P. 20
ALAMO CAMP (Ft Sam Houston # 17, James R. McConnell, Adjutant). Alamo Camp, Heroes of ’76 was
requested by Army Lodge # 1105 to participate in honoring a Brother for dedicated service to the youth in
Scouting and to our Craft. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is the highest recognition that
can be bestowed on a Masonic Scouter. Brother Jack Hoyle, who has been a dedicated Scouter for 52 years
and a Mason for 30 years, was presented with the award on 29 November 2022 during a ceremony at Army
Lodge. The award is named after Brother “Uncle Dan” who was one of the founding members of the Scouting
movement in the United States. The presentation was conducted by Right Worshipful Brother Anthony
Kimball, District Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. Three Heroes of ’76
(Brothers Freddie Freeland, Rodney Ruth and
Nelson Dunn) presented the Colors and Brother
Ruth gave the Toast to the Flag. It was A great
night for Freemasonry and the Boy Scouts of
Heroes Freddie Freeland, Rodney Ruth and
Nelson Dunn with Scouting Members
Hero Rodney Ruth giving the “Toast to the Flag “
CARL SITTER CAMP (Shenandoah Valley Chapter #543, Charles E. Davis, Adjutant). On the evening of
November 2, 2022, members of Carl Sitter Camp presented the “Build the Flag” program to Unity Lodge
No. 146 of Front Royal, Virginia. The lodge hosted a special dinner, which included the program’s
presentation before their monthly Communication. Chapter President and Adjutant Charlie Davis was the
program narrator for the program and was assisted by Camp Followers Wanda Lawson and Irene Mertens.
Following the program, a new, all weather, American Flag was presented to Worshipful Will Bryan, Master of
Unity Lodge for their use. The program was well received by the members of Unity Lodge and others present.
after which everyone was treated to a lovely dinner of barbeque with all the trimmings.
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