Page 18 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2023 Final revised
P. 18

18                                                                                            THE SOJOURNER

          CAMP NEWS

          GEORGE  F.  UNMACHT  CAMP   (Seminole   #373,
         Pedro  Arroyo,  Adjutant).   The  Camp’s  November  2022
         Bivouac was held on Saturday, November 26 at the Winter
         Park Elks Lodge near Orlando, Florida.  Camp Commander
         Jim  Judovits  initiated  4  new  Heroes  during  our
         meeting.   They  included  2  new  members  from  Mason  M.
         Patrick Camp, Bros. Barry Schaffer and Steve Agis, 2 new
         members  from  George  F.  Unmacht  Camp,  Bros.  Michael
         McMillan  and  John  Luck.   Bro.  Marty  Schwebel,  Past
         National  Commander  (PNC),  delivered  the  “Toast  to  the
         Flag”  and  the  Commander  delivered  the  Hero’s
         Obligation. The  Bennington  Flag  Lecture,  The  Heroes  of
         ’76 Medal Lecture, The Monitor Lecture and The Charge –
         Heroes of ’76 were included in the initiation.  Other Heroes
         participating  were  Bros.  Pedro  Arroyo  (PNC),  Richard
         Schulze,  Harry  Eisenberg,  Chester  King,  Alan  Cayo,  Carl
         Penrod, Robert Stihler and Jim Dickenson. The Camp is not
         holding a Bivouac in December. The next Bivouac will be
         on  January  28,  2023.   Camp  Commander  Jim  Judovits
         received a big “Thank You” for a job well done for his part   Front row L-r:  Michael McMillan, John Luck, PNC
         in  the  initiation.   After  the  Bivouac  was  closed  everyone       Pedro Arroyo, Steve Agis, and Barry Schaffer.
         moved to the lounge for further fellowship.                   Back row L-r:  Chet King, Alan Cayo, Jim Judovits,
                                                                            Marty Schwebel, PNC, Richard Schulze, Carl
                                                                             Penrod, Harry Eisenberg, and Robert Stihler
          (Old Dominion Chapter #364, Les Albers, Adjutant). On the morning of December 14, 2022  the staff at
         Mount Vernon welcomed a number of Masons to the Tomb of Brother George and Lady Martha Washington
         to  lay  wreaths  commemorating  223rd  anniversary  of  the  death  of  Bro.  Washington.  Present  were
         representatives from Mount Vernon, Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, the George Washington Masonic
         National Memorial, Old Dominion Chapter No. 364 and the Grand Lodge of Virginia. Each organization was
         honored to place a wreath at the Tomb.  Light Horse Harry Lee Camp, Heroes of ’76  provided a Color Guard
         and Bro. Barry Bartley, Camp Commander and 1st Vice President, representing the Chapter, laid one of the 5
         wreaths.  Pictured are the Color Guard, Bro. Bartley addressing the attendees prior to placing a wreath and
         Most Worshipful Donald E. Strehle, Grand Master of Virginia for 2023, and a member of Hampton Roads
         Chapter No. 6, leaving the Tomb after laying a wreath. Following the ceremony, all were invited by Mount
         Vernon to refreshments in their visitors center.

                L-r: Bros. Les Albers, Pete Cutler, Terry    Bro. Bartley   MW Don Strehle, GM of the GLOVA,
                Gigure and Barry Barley (Color Guard)                                and Color Guard
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