Page 21 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2023 Final revised
P. 21

Volume 100, Issue 1                                                                                     21

          CHAPTER NEWS

          FREDERICKSBURG CHAPTER # 545 (Shelby Chandler, Secretary) In the last Sojourner, Fredericksburg
         Chapter No. 545 discussed their recent  efforts in  growing  its  Chapter  from  the  brink  of  closure and again
         becoming active in the community.  In following this goal, we again reinitiated, for the first time in five years,
         our Toys for Tots program, where we arranged, as a Bridge of Light effort, to have our local Masonic Lodges
         put out collection boxes for toys.  When a Lodge agreed to do such, we agreed to send a representative out to
         their Lodge to request support from their membership: if they would collect toys, Chapter 545 would agree to
         pick them up and deliver them to the Toys for Tots warehouse.  The Lodges which agreed to participate did a
         fine job  of  collection,  but there  were two Lodges  of  note.   Stafford  Lodge No. 279,  AF&AM in  Stafford,
         Virginia  made a unique  effort  to  get their  membership to  collect toys by offering them dinner before their
         stated  meetings.   Members  paid  for their  dinner  by  bringing a toy as  payment. This  was a very  successful
         project, and we delivered a very large number of toys to the warehouse.  Special
         thanks go to Right Worshipful Dan Ford, who volunteered to represent Chapter
         545  in  this  endeavor.  Worshipful  Master  John  Parrish  and  the  brethren  of
                                                           Ashland  Lodge  No.  168
                                                           AF&AM        in    Ashland,
                                                           Virginia made a coordinated
                                                           effort to bring together other
                                                           groups, such as Past Worthy
                                                           Matron  Beverly  Samuels
                                                           and  the  Hanover  Chapter
                                                           No.  130,  Order  of  the
                                                           Eastern  Star;  2022  Hanover     Ashland Lodge #168
                                                           Christmas  Mother,  Ms.  Michele  Clements  and  the
                                                           Hanover  Christmas  Mother  Project;  and  Scoutmaster
               Hanover Lodge 130, Hanover Chapter 130, OES    Steve Witt and Boy Scout Troop No. 555. These groups
         came together, and they were able to collect over $15,000.00 in toys. The success of this mission became a
         logistical challenge for our National Sojourners Chapter, in that we
                                         had to find a means or method to
                                         transport this large amount of toys
                                         from  Ashland,  Virginia,  to  the
                                         Toys for Tots warehouse 46 miles
                                         away in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
                                         We called for assistance and Kena
                                         Shriners,  managed  to  procure  an
                                         open  trailer  for  us  (many  thanks
                                         to  Kena  Shriners),  but  we
                                         eventually  were  able  to  acquire  a    Toys for Tots Staff with Marine Veterans
                 Unloading the trailor                                                 Motorcycle Association
                                        massive,  enclosed  trailer,  which
         would prevent the loss of toys during transport. Because of the trailer’s size, we had to drive some back roads
         into  town,  but  upon  arrival  at  the  warehouse  we  were  greeting  by  excited  Toys  for  Tots  volunteers  and
         members  of  the  Marine  Veterans  Motorcycle  Association,  who  happily  assisted  in  quickly  unloading  our
         collection of toys.  Photos were taken following the delivery and there was great pride in the achievement by
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