Page 17 - Kelas XII_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.7
P. 17


                       Setelah  Anda  mengerjakan  latihan  dengan  hasil  kategori  baik,  maka  Anda  disilahkan
                       untuk mengerjakan tes akhir modul berikut ini!

                       Choose the best answer by crossing a, b,c, d, or e in front of the correct answer.
                       1.  The food in the restaurant is good; however_______________________
                          a. it can bea easily reached
                          b. its parking lotsis considerably big
                          c. the services needs to be improved
                          d. it is cheaper than any other restaurant
                          e. the atmosphere of the restaurant is very easy

                       2.  ______________hree people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to
                          get an injection againts it.
                          a.  Since
                          b. Despite
                          c. Although
                          d. In spite of
                          e. However

                       3.  The river is heavily polluted by industrial wastes; nevertheless, many people __________
                          a.  are greatly concern about it
                          b. are still washingtheir clothes there
                          c. have the victims of it
                          d. do not allow children to play there
                          e. complainabout the danger threatening them

                       4.  My neighbour is an employee with a modest income; ____________, his four children are
                          all university students.
                          a. nevertheles
                          b. despite
                          c. more over
                          d. in spite of
                          e. however

                       5.  He________________, despite his low income.
                          a. work very hard for it
                          b. is unabel to meet his daily neccesities
                          c. was careful in spending his money
                          d. can afford to make a trip to Europe
                          e. complains about his financial condition

                       6.  ______________ the price of gold rises sharply, people keep buying it.
                          a. However
                          b. In spite of
                          c. Even though
                          d. Neverthless
                          e. On the other hand

                       7.  He could win the badminton competition__________________getting sprained ankle.
                          a. although
                          b. however

                       c2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN        Page 13
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