Page 18 - Kelas XII_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.7
P. 18

c. neverthless
                          d. in spite of
                          e. eventhough

                       8.  The hotel provides good facilities; how ever, my wife____________________
                          a. has enjoyed staying there
                          b. has her friend move to this hotel
                          c. has prolonged her stay there
                          d. has so much to complain about
                          e. has promoted its good service to others

                       9.  Vera was recently been promoted to top position in her company. Although ___________
                          a. she has many years experience
                          b. she is relativelynew in company
                          c. she has a master’s degree in business
                          d. she has proved herselfto be a good manager
                          e. she seems to have much self confidence

                       10. ________________________ his good performances as a student, he is always nervous when
                          doing exams.
                          a. Unless
                          b. Although
                          c. Instead of
                          d. Therefore
                          e. Despite

                       c2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN        Page 14
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