Page 3 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 3
our brains
W e spend lots of time and money taking care of our bodies.
We become extravagant in shopping for new designer
brands and travel around the world to enjoy ourselves and
feel relaxed. On the other side of the table, most of us
refuse to spend a dime to expand our knowledge or to simply pick up and read
a book that is because we don’t know much about our brains and how they
function. This mentality leads us to making wrong decisions in life.
Man should judge with his brain before taking the first step in anything and what
we witness from the absence of mind of some who worship particular figures is
truly a disaster. Under the pretext of religion, naïve youths ponder upon words
spoken by unsophisticated people with minimal knowledge only because they
are country or tribal leaders or religious figures.
When you use your brain in the right way or ask someone who has experience
in life for advice, you will be on the right path and doing so will protect you from
those targeting the youth. Imam Ali says : “Ask in order to understand, and do
not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn
resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who wants to
be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault.”
What is happening in our today’s world from killing to poverty and displacement
are due to the ignorance. Terrorist groups, whether they are religious, secular or
atheist target the innocent youth in mosques, churches or streets who don’t use
their brain and have no respect for them. If you ask these people why they joined
this gang or why they committed such an extremist act, their response will most
likely be “Because my leader ordered me”.
For those who blame Muslims for many terrorist acts around the world, you
should look at the latest world statistics and you will discover that the vast
majority of them are ignorant or non-Muslim.
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