Page 12 - The Heartbea t Newsletter issue 2
P. 12

          LINCOLN PARK

                                 LADY Shanita Baraka Akintonde, Lincoln    Lady Shanita says, “I am honored to have
                                 Park Chicago Chapter, has been named a    a platform from which I can pay homage
                                 columnist for one of the oldest and largest   to two people in particular, my great
                                 Black-owned media outlets in the country—  grandmother, Lucille Jones and my mother,
                                 The Chicago Defender.  Lady Shanita was   Mary Catherine Jones Whimper Bishop,
                                 chosen as a member of a select group      two beautiful, strong, caring Black women,
                                 of 12 writers, whose literary topics range   who lean forward to breathe air into my
                                 from education to business; from religion   lungs every day from their special seats up
                                 to relationships.  Lady Shanita’s column is   in heaven.  For a copy of her latest column,
                                 entitled, On the Front Porch, and is based   visit Or follow
                                 on life lessons she learned while sitting on   her on Twitter @SHAKINTONDE.
                                 her Great Grandmother’s front porch in
                                 Brinkley, Arkansas.

           LORD Jimmy Akintonde, President & Founder,
           UJAMAA Construction, Inc. has been named
           as the primary builder of The Barack Obama
           Presidential Center in Chicago. He is the 2017
           Lord of the Year honoree for The Lincoln Park
           Chicago Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.
           Lord Jimmy’s team was selected due to
           its impeccable reputation, commitment to
           excellence and overall ability to get the job done
           UJAMAA Construction, Inc. also recently
           completed the renovation of the historic Carter
           G. Woodson library in Chicago and has also been
           tapped to build the new Englewood community
           high school, providing opportunities for more
           than 1,200 Teens in a magnificent state-of-the-
           art facility on Chicago’s South Side.  LPCC is very
           proud of Lord Jimmy, but perhaps none more
           so than Lady Shanita Akintonde (aka Michael
           Jackson), Lord Jimmy’s wife of 21-years and
           mother of their two sons, one of which is a Top
           teen.  Lady Shanita is a Charter member, First Vice
           President and Senior Citizens Chair of Top Ladies
           of Distinction, Inc.  Lincoln Park Chicago Chapter.

               12                                  THE HEARTBEAT NEWSLETTER                                ISSUE 02 2018
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