Page 2 - The Heartbea t Newsletter issue 2
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                                                                    CONFLUENCE HOT

                                                              3 CHOCOLATE RUN

          GREETINGS AREA III,                                       EAST ST. LOUIS CHAPTER
          As National Area III Director, it is my pleasure to   4
          bring you the latest edition of "The Heartbeat"           INDUCTION
          Area III is comprised of eight states, Illinois,
          Wisconsin, Missouri, North Dakota, South            7 EBONY CHAPTER
          Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska
          and fifteen chapters, Cardinal, Chicago,
          Confluence, East St Louis, Ebony, Evergreen               EVERGREEN PARK CHICAGO
          Park Chicago, Lincoln Park Chicago, Midway,         8
          Milwaukee, North Shore, Saint Louis, Skyline              CHAPTER
          Metropolitan, South Suburban Chicago and
          Will County Black Diamond. Your chapters are
          "Investing in the Future through Exceptional        9     TTEEN ARTICLES
          Leadership and Service" fulfilling the goals and
          objectives of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. as
          you render invaluable service to your various             FOUNDER’S DAY AND
          communities.                                   10         INDUCTION
          You are invited to explore the newsletter and
          learn more about what is happening in Area III.
          Enjoy! Like us on Facebook!                               LINCOLN PARK
          In service of TLOD,
                                                                    STATUS OF WOMEN
          Lady Mary
                                                         13 CONFERENCE 2017

                                                         14         MILWAUKEE NEWS ARTICLES

                                                                    NORTH CLUSTER
                                                                    SOUTH SUBURBAN

                                                         18         CHICAGO CHAPTER

                                                                    WEST SUBURBAN CHICAGO
                                                         19         CHAPTER

                                                         20         WILL COUNTY BLACK
                                                                    DIAMOND CHAPTER

               2                                   THE HEARTBEAT NEWSLETTER                                ISSUE 02 2018
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