Page 4 - The Heartbea t Newsletter issue 2
P. 4


                                                 LECOMPTE, APPOINTED

                                                 TO BOARD OF THE UNITED

                                                 WAY OF ST LOUIS

                                                 LADY Peggy Lewis LeCompte, was appointed to the Board of The United
                                                 Way of Greater St Louis in December 2017.  She will serve a two-year term

                                                 She is vice president of Illinois Division of United way. Lady Peggy has
                                                 served as Campaign chairman fir Illinois Division of the United Way.
                                                 For past eight years she was Marketing and Communications Division

          Newly inducted Ladies blended in with their new TLOD family of East
          St. Louis, IL.
          SEATED ROW FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Lady Princetta Farries, 1st Vice
          President | Lady Peggy Lewis LeCompte, 10th National president;
          Chapter organizer; Sponsor | Lady Shirley Vaughn, Chapter President |
          Lady Mary Leach Davis, National Area III Director | Lady Nichole Sisson-
          Sailor, 2nd Vice President; Membership Chairman

        EAST ST.


                                                                            Lady Nichole Sisson-Sailor in the center with
                                                                            new Ladies (from left to right): Lady Desarie
        CHAP TER                                                            L. Holmes, PhD | Lady Lisa Connors Ferrell,
                                                                            PharmD | Lady Angela Pirtle Chapman | Lady
                                                                            Lenzy Scott-Watson, PharmD


        EAST St Louis Chapter inducted four
        Ladies into top ladies of distinction,
        inc. The ladies were later feted at
        TLOD welcoming brunch                                               New Ladies with Induction Brunch
                                                                            Chairman, Sylvia Yandle

               4                                   THE HEARTBEAT NEWSLETTER                                ISSUE 02 2018
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