Page 3 - NHBRC Flipbook
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in partnership
with the
opportunity index FOLLOW MY LEAD The Gibs candidates from Mpumalanga – Back Row from left: Lindy Zondi of Power of Girls Trading Enterprise, Busisiwe Khoza of Temoso Trading
155 cc, Nozipho Masina of Inthabi Trading, Gladys Vuma of Fenekwane Construction and Projects, Vukosi Masiya of Lutse Trading, Matilda Nompumelelo Petse of
Mmapumi Trading cc, Fisokuhle Xolile Ntshulana of Fisuxolo Trading cc and Veronica Nyathi of FNC Trading Enterprise. Front Row from Left: Nomthandazo Mbethe
of Phethokuhle General Trading, Sikhulile Maziya of Sikhulile Clearing and Electrical Installation Agency, Naomi Mnisi of Maphoyisa Construction and Accommodation,
Nomvula Maluleke of Nomsithi Trading and Zingisa Biyo of Ukuzingisa Projects. PHOTO: LEON SADIKI
Be the leader
This week, meet the entrepreneurs from Mpumalanga who began their journey on
the National Home Builders’ Registration Council’s (NHBRC) Women Empowerment
Programme last month. The 10-month journey is one that offers many lessons about
running a successful business, and leadership is key to this. Gibs lecturer Paul Nyamuda
offers his tips for excellent leadership and some of the delegates tell Gayle Edmunds
how they lead successful construction companies
One of the biggest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
challenges of
running your own Managing Managing Managing Managing Managing Managing Managing
your staff to perform
at their peak all the time, and Legends are clear The mind of a They consistently Legends manage Legends have learnt Legends Legends are
with passion. about who they give legend works make choices their purpose. In so to be honest about acknowledge failure, passionate learners.
their best to. They differently. Legends aligned to their doing, they manage their weaknesses but have a way of
Paul Nyamuda, an expert in are willing to change can entertain their time well. This with no shame. They learning from it and They do not limit
leadership, says that his focus is the nature of their ambiguity. Legends values and vision. put their strengths their learning to
on unlocking greatness in relationships. They somehow have This is not is because their to work and manage putting it behind formal environments,
individuals, teams and multiple dimensions. activities and daily them and embracing but have multiple
organisations. With a master’s are so consumed For example, Jim compromised. The habits are aligned to around their sources of learning.
degree in research psychology, he with their cause that Collins’ level 5 nature of their their cause, their weakness. They hire the future. They are extremely
has done a lot of work in the area they will not allow leaders have a self- vision and values. inquisitive and adjust
of leadership development and effacing humility, wisdom is that they according to their their behaviour
personal success. He is currently themselves to get while at the same know what to do weakness. They do based on their
teaching the NHBRC women at distracted by high- time, they embrace a not see themselves findings. They
Gibs to unlock their own bulldog tenacity. next. It may involve more highly than understand that the
greatness as leaders. maintenance Legends will often tough, unpopular they should. They organisations that
relationships that have interesting choices, but they
He makes the point, though, don’t take them to combinations, such make them. This can end up are the most
that anyone with followers is a their destination. as great intellect ability to make the attracting the best in competitive are the
leader, but to be a great leader – a They are able to say coupled with the the world and they ones that learn the
legend, he calls it – takes more. ability to learn from right decisions when become the greatest
Here, he identifies the seven key no. You can’t a child; great talent it matters ends up fastest.
dimensions of legendary leaders. manipulate them. coupled with distinguishing them. cheerleaders.
They don’t have a extraordinary To find out more
strong need for about Nyamuda’s
approval from men. humility.
models, visit
paulnyamuda. com
City Press asked a selection of the delegates how they manage their staff for effective performance, what their best
advice for leading well is and how they lead when they can’t deliver on their business promises. Here is what they had to say
Biyo, who employs three people full-time and has 10 contract workers, Nomvula Maluleke of Nomsithi Trading, who employs 20 people, says
Matilda Petse of Mampumi Trading says: “Employees must know says that she strives to be “approachable, and show empathy and that “a delay will never surprise me because I have the work
what they need to do to perform their jobs successfully ... Developing strength for her team”. schedule and so I will report a delay to the client – with a catch-up
elements and standards that are understandable, measurable, plan”.
attainable, fair and challenging is vital to the effectiveness of the Petse, who employs two permanent staff and 14 temporary workers,
performance. The employees are to do their work beautifully, and go says: “I take ownership and responsibility at all times. The team has to Petse says that not making a deadline is disastrous, so she checks
above and beyond the call of duty to meet the targets.” know I’ll be there for them through the good and the bad times. That why the deadlines are not met, finds ways to solve the problem, is
doesn’t mean I allow them to make mistakes or that I ignore crappy honest with the customer and tries to finish the work as soon as
Petse also says that rewarding good work can take many forms, work, but it does mean I take responsibility for the big picture.” possible.
such as verbal praise or giving gift cards or tickets to an event, and
featuring stand-out employees at staff meetings. Lindy Zondi of Power of Girls Trading employs four permanent staff “Missing deadlines has cost implications and increases stress. Then
members and says that you must always treat your employees well it must be work, work and work. Not a healthy situation at all.”
“My near-future plan is even to pay for their vacations. Encourage and treat everyone the same because they are the ones doing the
the employee to take time off by paying for a weekend trip as a way work. Ntshulana says: “The key thing is to have a risk-management plan,
to communicate how much they are valued as people, not just as a where risks are identified and monitored. In a case where we’re
money-making machine,” she says. “Your employees are one of your biggest tools for success. If you unable to meet our contractual obligations, we must notify our client
treat them well, you will have lots of people who want to work for you.” on time. Then we come up with a mitigation plan and a detailed
Zingisa Biyo of Ukuzingisa Projects says: “I recognise good action plan to remedy the situation. This may include working
performance by the quality of the work my team produces, by our Xolile Ntshulana of Fisuxolo Trading, who employs three full-time additional time or putting more resources into the project.”
clients’ satisfaction report and recommendation to other people ... I employees, says that maintaining business relationships is the best
then reward them by providing bonuses at the end of every project advice she’s been given: “Ensuring that our suppliers and
we delivered successfully and within time, specification and budget.” subcontractors are paid on time ensures that we do not cripple their
cash flow, and that we maintain a good working and professional
relationship with our service providers.”