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6                                                                                                                                                                                                    CITY PRESS, 4 NOVEMBER, 2018


                     iasha Pillay started working at Unistar
                     Inks seven years ago as her father’s
                     personal assistant. Today, her dad works
                     for her.
                      The 28-year-old now owns a 51% stake
         Rin the family business and her father,
         Dasson, delights in calling her “boss” – especially when
         her grandparents are in earshot.
           It was a R22 million loan from the Industrial
         Development Corporation (IDC) – which she applied for
         as part of the Gro-e Youth Scheme for young
         business owners – that catapulted Pillay’s
         company from being a small enterprise to
         becoming a big business. From 20-something         In
         employees two years ago, the company now
         has more than 50 – and its turnover has    partnership
         doubled.                                      with the
           Pillay’s business was founded by her
         father in 2004 after he spotted a gap in the
         printing ink market, which was dominated    IDC
         by European imports. Unistar began
         manufacturing printing inks for food packaging
         and it now prints packages for household names
         – bread bags for Albany and chip packets for
           Pillay had not planned to join the family business.
         Armed with a bachelor’s degree in business science
         from the University of Cape Town in 2011, she’d been
         accepted into the graduate recruitment programme at
         SA Breweries. But she went home to Durban and
         started helping her dad out during her holiday because
         she “cannot sit still”.
           “I started implementing new policies and I realised
         what a change I’d made and how much he needed
         me. I was more his PA than anything else when I
         first started. But the business grew and I saw gaps,”
         she says.
           However, it wasn’t all plain sailing.
           “It’s not the fact that I came in as a young woman
         that ruffled so many feathers, it’s because I
         implemented so many changes,” she says.
           “The business had been running for eight years
         before I started, and some thought: ‘You know, we were
         profitable before she came in, what is she trying to do?
         What is she trying to achieve? Is she just showing off?’”
           Pillay insists that she was no different from any
         other employee, growing from the father’s PA to               CHANGING  THE  WORLD  Riasha  Pillay  is  driving  the  package  printing  industry  in  SA  one  giant  leap  at  a  time              PHOTO:  ELIZABETH  SEJAKE
         assistant lab technician, to a general manager and then
         to the production manager of the company’s entire
         Durban plant.                                                                     YOUNG, BOLD AND
           But gaining recognition and respect was far more
         difficult outside of the business than within. As the
         first young black woman business owner in ink
         manufacturing in the country, it was hard to make her
         mark in an industry dominated by older white men.
           “I was constantly undermined and left out of industry
         gatherings because they didn’t take me seriously,” she
         says, adding that this drove her to complete her
         master’s degree in business administration.
           “Also, joining the family business, there was a stigma,        ambitious
         like I was a beneficiary of nepotism. It was like: ‘She
         got to where she is today because of her dad.’
           “No. My dad got to where he is today because of me.
         This business got to where it is today because of the
         sacrifices that we both made.”
           But she won in the end.
           “All those men respect me today – after they got to
         know me and got to listen to me, they realised I’m not
                                                                                       Riasha Pillay started out in the family business, now she’s
         an airhead.”
         Going green
           It is perhaps because she had such a tough time as a                        running it and pushing ink to the limit, writes Nicki Gules
         young business owner that Pillay is now giving young
         people opportunities in her business, and employing
         their skills and creativity to drive it forward.                                                                                                                             “We are also looking at smart packaging and how we
           In 2014, Unistar Inks embarked on a massive                     PILLAY’S ADVICE FOR YOUNG BUSINESS OWNERS                                                                can use conductive ink to reveal the temperature of
         sustainability drive and launched its water-based inks in                                                                                                                  your milk, and to help prevent food waste.”
         2015. It worked with the likes of Valpré on the                                                                                                                              The recent outcry over counterfeit foods sold in spaza
         company’s green bottle and with Kimberly-Clark to               “Be resilient. Take the step. Go for it. If you have a   And when they do tell you no, it will be a motivating   shops in Gauteng prompted Pillay to research how
         make its packaging more environmentally friendly.               dream, go for it.                            factor for you to get it, and take the next step.             widespread the problem was.
           “We soon realised we needed more money. We were                 “Despite the odds that you may feel are stacked   “You need to have a tough skin, and you need to find     “I started reading about how bad things are in the
         self-funded all along, and that’s when we approached            against you, break them down. You have nothing to prove   that passion.                                    rest of Africa and the number of people it is affecting is
         the IDC,” she says.                                             to anyone but yourself.                       “If you find that passion and if you find what really        scary,” she says.
           People who are 35 or younger at the time of                     “And the worst thing that anyone can tell you is no.   motivates you to get up in the mornings, it makes   “So I am going to Tiger Brands, a company we
         application can qualify for preferential interest rates         ‘No, we don’t want your product, no you don’t fit in here.’   working for it so much easier.”              already work with, to look at printing translucent ink
         through the IDC’s Gro-e Youth Scheme, and they need                                                                                                                        on packaging so a customer can tell whether the goods
         to have a majority stake in a company.                                                                                                                                     are counterfeit,” she says, adding that the translucent
           Pillay took over the commercial and production side         – be applied to anything, from solving retail stock                                                          ink would prove authenticity in a similar way that
         of the business, which gave her father more time to           management problems to measuring the temperature of                                                          watermarks prove bank notes are real.
         follow his passion for technology and research and            food when the ink is used for printing on containers.                                                          Pillay’s youth drive is having a tremendous effect on
         development.                                                    Printing circuitry for use in electronic devices such                                                      the company, she says.
           She applied for the loan two years ago.                     as cellphones is also something the company is                                                                 “The talent that they have is incredible. They have
           “It was daunting for me, like any funding application,      working on.                                                                                                  this passion to create new technologies and make
         but it also taught me about my own business, which              “The ink is made out of silver nitrate and has                                                             something of themselves.
         was great. You really get into the fine print, and you        conductible properties – that’s one of my father’s proud                                                       “It is something that has changed the way I operate
         don’t realise a lot of the logistics until you have to        inventions. He worked with overseas experts, including                                                       and changed the way I run this business because I am
         repeat it to somebody else,” she says.                        from Toronto in Canada and a professor from a                          ‘‘                                    able to see how much passion they have.”
           The IDC funding was used to expand Unistar’s                university in London,” she says.                     We are also looking                                       With the new technology Unistar Inks has launched
         product line, and to produce a new green printing               “You have masterminds who create these                                                                     with the help of the IDC loan, Pillay has ensured that
         technology called ultraviolet curable inks. They also         technologies, but they don’t have experience in the   at smart packaging                                     the young engineers involved in its development get to
         used the money to expand, opening a new operation in          printing side of it, which we have, and we also have                                                         see the process through to the end.
         Johannesburg. The plan is to expand to Cape Town next         experience in the ink side of things.                                                                          “They have travelled to London with my dad, and
         year to give the company a truly national footprint.            “We are taking ink to the limit and breaking barriers   and how we can                                     he’s taken them to visit all the stakeholders. I have
           Going green was an obvious step for Pillay.                 in terms of what inks can be used for.”                                                                      taken them to customers and they are part of the
           “Green technology is slightly more expensive, but if          To help develop the new technology, Pillay has hired        use conductive                                 production of this product. For them, it’s not
         you look at the way things are going and you look at          seven interns – mostly young black woman chemical                                                            necessarily about the commercial gain, but the
         the new taxes being imposed throughout the world,             and electrical engineers who have recently graduated                                                         realisation that they have created something; that
         especially for industries in terms of carbon emissions,       and come from disadvantaged communities.                   ink to reveal the                                 they’ve done it,” she says.
         being an industrialist means you have to look at the            “They are actually our jewels and are taking the                                                             While hiring the talent is one thing, getting a shy
         bigger picture,” she says.                                    business to the next level because they are innovating        temperature of                                 engineer to speak up at a meeting is another, so the
           No green inks are manufactured in South Africa –            with my father,” she says.                                                                                   company has invested in training programmes for staff
         most of the local inks are solvent-based – and the green        “We are looking at commercialising the conductive                                                          in everything from finance to production management.
         technology is Unistar’s “competitive advantage”.              inks in the next year, and we are working with                 your milk, and                                  “We make them know that they are valuable and that
                                                                       companies such as LG and it’s exciting. Although                                                             we are going to grow them. We aren’t here just to
         Young people driving solutions                                we have our bread and butter – like our Tastic rice                                                          extract their ideas and create robots out of our
           The environmentally friendly inks aren’t Unistar’s only     brand bags – this is how we are differentiating              to help prevent                                 employees,” she says.
         innovation. The company is looking to commercialise           ourselves. This is where the business is going. We are                                                         “We realise we are nothing without our staff and our
         new conductive inks in the next year. These inks, which       going to be the first people who can print using                      food waste                             stakeholders, and the IDC is one of them. We wouldn’t
         are able to conduct electricity, can – in theory for now      conductive inks in the world.                                                                                be where we are today without them.”

          The IDC financing process in 5 steps                                                  4                                                                                                     5  The SBU undertakes a due

          R1 million or more for entrepreneurs for new businesses or expansions                                                                                                                         diligence process. If the plan
                                                                                              Appli-                                                                                                    meets all the requirements,
          The potential  1              All business   2         If it falls within   3       cations                                                                                                   the money is transferred
          client drops off              plans are                the mandate, the             that    Agroprocessing  Industrial   Chemicals    Textiles      Heavy    Light manufacturing  The rest of
          their business                registered               PIBC allocates               pass    and agriculture  infrastructure          and clothing  manufacturing  and tourism  Africa
          plan at the IDC's             by the                   it to a manager              the
          Pre-Investment                records                  to begin                     basic assessment
          Business Centre (PIBC) at     departement              screening as                 process are forwarded
          19 Friedman Ave, Sandown,     and                      part of the basic            for review to one of
          or at one of the IDC's regional   screened for         assessment                   the 13 strategic       Metals and     New       Automotive and   Media and  Machinery and   Chemical
          provincial offices             a mandate                process                      business units (SBU's)  mining      industries    transport   audiovisual    capital    products and
                                                                                                                                               equipment                  equipment  pharmaceuticals                     Graphics24
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