Page 54 - IDC
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                    CITY PRESS, 15 OCTOBER, 2017



                    IN  NUMBERS


              THE CONTRIBUTION
                  TO THE SA GDP


               LARGEST PRODUCER
               OF CHICORY ROOTS
                   IN THE WORLD                                        ABUNDANT  HARVEST  Manoj  Seonath,  the  head  of  agroprocessing  and  agriculture  for  the  Industrial  Development  Corporation        PHOTO:  DEON  RAATH

                     4 300                                                         Seeding future

                DAIRY PRODUCERS

                          IN SA

                  60 000

             PEOPLE EMPLOYED IN                                                     entrepreneurs


                  LARGEST SUGAR                                             Balancing job creation, opportunity and innovation in the agricultural
                PRODUCER IN THE

                         WORLD                                              sector is a challenge. Manoj Seonath, head of agroprocessing at the

                   R78bn                                                                 IDC, tells  Gayle Edmunds how they are approaching it

               AGROPROCESSING’S                                                         hether you chose cereal, eggs, toast or  transformation is realised and the farmers may be further   “We are all aware of the drought in the Western Cape and
                CONTRIBUTION TO                                                         fruit and yogurt for breakfast this morning,  included in all parts of the value chain.   the farmers are especially affected on the growing side. The
                                                                                                                             This focus on inclusion and transformation has meant that the
                     THE SA GDP                                                         your breakfast was possible because of the  IDC considers differently their role in funding workers’ trusts or   distressed farmers affect local consumption, but it [the drought]
                                                                                        agroprocessing value chain.
                                                                                                                                                                               also has a major impact on export,” said Seonath.
                                                                                         This sector of the economy ensures that,  trusts that benefit whole communities.        “There are also unforeseen consequences of the drought. For
                362 000                                                Wwhen we visit our favourite supermarket,           buy workers a significant stake in farms on which they work.   example, the windbreaks on farms are trees, but when water is
                                                                                                                             In a classic funding model, a funder could provide capital to
                                                                       there is variety of goods on the shelves to feed us. And as such,
                                                                                                                                                                               scarce farmers chop down these trees that use up water, which
                PEOPLE EMPLOYED                                        it has an inportant role in growing our economy. In the last   But a better long-term strategy is to ensure that those workers   in turn exposes the farms to additional risks.”
                                                                                                                           see real benefits of ownership (from the first year of ownership)
                                                                       three to four years, the IDC has created in excess of 7 500
                                                                                                                                                                                  The dynamic nature of the sector – a result of ever-changing
              IN AGROPROCESSING                                        direct jobs in the sector, and this financial year to date the IDC   in the form of trickle dividends.   climate patterns – means that those working in agroprocessing
                                                                       has created in excess of 1 300 jobs and is anticipated to create a
                                                                                                                             These trusts then immediately improve the lives of these
                                                                                                                                                                               need to keep a constant eye on emerging opportunities, Seonath
                          IN SA                                        few thousand more before the financial year end in March.   workers whereas the classic model results in years (or   explains.  An excess of maize can encourage farmers to
                                                                         Manoj Seonath, the Industrial Development Corporation’s
                                                                                                                                                                                         start planting soy, for example, or farmers with the
                                                                                                                           even decades) of waiting – usually while a capital
                                                                       (IDC’s) agroprocessing and agriculture head, says there is a lot   debt is paid off – before they see any results   right soil type can instead grow blueberries and
            R17 067m                                                   of “positivity” in the sector. This has the potential to create an   from their investment.     project in           macadamia nuts – both of which are high-value
                                                                                                                             Another regional level strategy is to
                                                                       enormous number of jobs and have a positive impact the
                                                                                                                                                                                             exports for South Africa.
                                                                                                                                                                                                While the sector’s reliance on the weather
             THE VALUE OF CITRUS                                       economy.                                            acquire businesses that are currently run   partnership             offers a specific set of challenges,
                                                                         “You can still make a good success out of agriculture with
                                                                                                                           by people who wish to pass on their skills,
             FRUIT EXPORTS FROM                                        hard work and if you have done your research. But it is not a   and ultimately their business, to an   with the         innovation and technology also present
                                                                       ‘get rich quick’ sector. I do see more educated youth going back
                                                                                                                           emerging entrepreneur. Such an example
                                                                                                                                                                                               opportunities in the sector. Seonath says
                                                                                                                                                                                               the corporation works closely with a range
                      SA IN 2016                                       to agriculture, however,” Seonath says.             would be where a new entrepreneur                                  of agricultural organisations to tap into their
                                                                                                                           might be funded to become a partial
                                                                         He added that, because of the sector’s potential in driving
                                                                       transformation and the possibilities for creating a more inclusive   IDC would then ensure that the existing skills  IDC  ongoing and up-to-date research around
                                                                                                                           shareholder in an established business. The
                   2.33m                                               economy, the corporation has started to fund entrepreneurs and   remain in the business for three to four years,      climate change and technological advances.
                                                                                                                                                                                             “Technology is a trade-off with job creation.
                                                                       businesses throughout the sector’s value chain. This approach
                                                                                                                                                                                          As a country, we don’t want to be left behind, but
           OF ALL HOUSEHOLDS IN                                        has made the corporation’s involvement more dynamic as they   or at least until the emerging shareholder is     jobs are crucial.
                                                                       adapt to gaps and opportunities all along the chain.
                                                                                                                           ready to take over. This ensures that skills and
                                                                         The corporation is looking to help entrepreneurs and existing
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Technology is on our doorstep, and is being seen
            SA ARE AGRICULTURAL                                        businesses looking to expand in high-value field crops; wheat   businesses that are crucial to the agroprocessing value   throughout the agricultural value chain, both on the primary
                                                                                                                           chain don’t retire or die with their current owners.
                                                                                                                             While the sector itself holds a great deal of potential,
                    HOUSEHOLDS                                         and sugar; the livestock value chain such as cattle, poultry and   agroprocessing is held hostage by Mother Nature. Regional   and agroprocessing sides.
                                                                       pigs; fishing and aquaculture; beverages; forestry: and
                                                                                                                                                                                 “We have to create and save as many jobs as we can, but we
                                                                       horticultures including fruit, vegetables, nuts, tea and coffee.   droughts around the country have presented farmers with some   also have to look at farmer profitability. Job creation at the IDC
             1 120 233                                                 Even though the bulk of raw material (in the form of milk)   unforeseen challenges.                     is always vitally important, but it is also about big innovations.
                                                                         Seonath explains, using the dairy industry as an example.
                                                                                                                                                                               To balance the trade-off between job creation and technology
                   AGRICULTURAL                                        comes from big commercial farmers, there is also room for the       CONTACT  THE  IDC:                  enhancements which replace manual labour, it is vital that we
                                                                       involvement of emergent black farmers. These emerging farmers
                                                                                                                                                                               find ways to grow the capacity base in the sector, so that we
                                                                                                                                     Call  the  IDC  0860  693  888  or  email
           HOUSEHOLDS FOCUS ON                                         could require funding to form a collective that provides a  or  apply  online:   are able to absorb more jobs despite technological
                                                                       percentage of the milk to the leading dairy. This investment
             POULTRY PRODUCTION                                        would be a way for the IDC to promote the inclusion of those   The  pre-investment  business  centre  walk-in  centre  is   grow that industrial space to produce more demand for local
                                                                                                                                                                                 “We have a certain amount of industrial capacity, how do we
                                                                                                                                   at  the  IDC  head  office  at  19  Fredman  Drive,
                                                                       farmers in that value chain. This would also give the farmers
                                                                       the opportunity to move up the value chain, where they could   Sandton  or  visit  one  of  the  regional  offices  and export market?”
                       55%                                             perhaps become shareholders in the dairy. In such instances,                                              This is a question every sector is facing.
                   OF ALL LARGE-                                           Luxury pet food takes a bigger bite out of the market
                  TAKES PLACE IN                                       CHIMWEMWE MWANZA                                                                         EDIBLE                  FUNDING WOMEN-LED
               EASTERN CAPE AND                                                                                               PROPOSITION          BUSINESSES IN NUMBERS:
                 NORTHERN CAPE                                         Fazielah Allie, the managing director and majority owner of K-9                          Fazielah                       THE IDC APPROVED
                                                                                                                                                                Allie,  the
                                                                       Pet Foods, says the business was launched out of necessity two                           owner  of  K-9               R3.2bn
                       24%                                             decades ago. She couldn’t find pet food that she considered                              Pet  Foods,              FOR BUSINESSES WITH FEMALE
                                                                                                                                                                believes  her
                                                                       healthy enough for her dogs, so she began cooking their food
                                                                       herself. Her dogs’ new-found health was a great advertisement, and
                                                                                                                                                                product  has
                OF ALL VEGETABLE                                       so her business started.                                                                 found  its                 OWNERSHIP OF MORE THAN
                                                                                                                                                                niche  in  a
                                                                         Now the company produces frozen pet food out of a factory in
               PRODUCTION IN SA                                        Montague Gardens in Cape Town and, as part of its growth plan, K-9                       competitive                      25%
                                                                       Pet Foods has secured a contract to manufacture wet pet food for
                    IS TOMATOES                                        Woolworths, among other retailers.                                                                                 FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR TO
                                                                                                                                                                                           MARCH 31, 2017. THIS IS A
                                                                         “We see a lot of potential for growth in the local market,” says
                       60%                                             K-9, which is a female-owned and female-empowered manufacturer,                                                         178%
                                                                       Allie, despite the industry being fiercely competitive.
                                                                         Having identified a unique growth opportunity in its niche market,
            OF ALL AGRICULTURAL                                        approached the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) for                                                      INCREASE COMPARED WITH THE
                                                                                                                                                                                               PREVIOUS PERIOD
                                                                       funding so that it could buy the plant machinery required to extend
             LAND IS DEVOTED TO                                        its product offering and fulfil its new contractual commitment.
                                                                                                                             To the end of the financial year on March 31, the corporation had
                                                                         Since then, the manufacturer has been on a growth curve, which
             GRAINS AND CEREALS                                        is a remarkable feat considering that South Africa’s pet food industry   approved R3.2 billion for businesses with female ownership of more   imported wet pet food with K-9’s locally produced food. This
                                                                                                                                                                               increases local manufacturing capacity, but also ensures that jobs are
                                                                       is dominated by local and multinational heavyweights whose scale   than 25% – a 178% increase compared with the previous period.  generated in South Africa.
                       15m                                             newcomers.                                          received funding support from the IDC have invested in primary   development initiatives and allows the pet food manufacturer to
                                                                                                                             A number of female-owned entities, such as K-9, that have
                                                                                                                                                                                 The five-year procurement deal also fits in with Woolworths’
                                                                       strategically gives them an edge against smaller players and
                                                                         “This market is difficult to penetrate considering the strength of
                                                                                                                                                                               benefit from the resealable tub packaging – designed specifically for
                                                                                                                           industries such as agriculture, forestry and fishing, as well as the
                HECTARES, OR 12%                                       established companies. But we believe in the quality of our product   manufacturing of food products – activities that form part of the   Woolworths – giving K-9 an advantage in the local pet food market.
                                                                                                                           core of the corporation’s Agroprocessing and Agriculture Strategic
                                                                       offering. What is more encouraging to us is that local retailers, some
                                                                                                                                                                                 Another notable feature of the IDC’s partnership with K-9 is that it
               OF SA’S LAND AREA,                                      of whom are an extension of international brands, now stock our   Business Unit.                        fulfils the corporation’s objective to create a steady stream of black
                                                                       products,” says Allie.
                                                                                                                             Encouraged by potential growth prospects, Allie says that the
                                                                                                                                                                               industrialists who are not only capable of growing their businesses,
            IS USED FOR FARMING                                          In recent years, the IDC has significantly increased funding to   IDC’s support has enabled the company to build a modern   but who will also create jobs.
                                                                       female-owned and female-empowered businesses, which reflects an   production plant that will enable K-9 to expand.   Allie, who still uses the same recipes and has the same attention
                                                                       increasing shift to support women’s roles in advancing economic   One of the most important elements of the contract with   to detail she did when she started out in 1996, says that, with the
                                                                       and social transformation.                          Woolworths is to facilitate import replacement, thereby replacing   growth of the business, K-9 will create 37 jobs.
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