Page 52 - IDC
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                     CITY PRESS, 1 OCTOBER, 2017


                    aseka Lesolang, an entrepreneur based in
                    Gauteng, stumbled upon his business
                    idea while lazing around at his granny’s
                    house in Ga-Rankuwa, northern Pretoria,                                                                                                                              Water is an
                    10 years ago. He was 19.
         P He became annoyed by the
         constant hissing sound the toilet was making,
         and went to close the tap that supplies water      In
         to the cistern – and that got him wondering   partnership                                                                                                                           economic
         what could be done to fix the problem for
         good without employing the expensive          with  the
         services of a plumber.
           Like many township residents, Lesolang’s                                                                                                                                  opportunity
         indigent grandmother couldn’t afford to fix her   IDC
         leaking toilet as she spent her state pension
         grant on basic necessities. But this also meant
         that her municipal utility bill was higher than it                                                                                                                         LIZEKA  MATSHEKGA
         needed to be because the leak would waste up to 200
         litres of water a day – the equivalent of flushing the                                                                                                                             ater  keeps  economies  across  the  globe
         toilet 50 times.                                                                                                                                                                   flowing,  and  South  Africa  is  no  exception.
           “I started noticing that this was a big problem. People                                                                                                                  WEvery  major  sector  of  our  economy  is
         were used to the hissing sound, and I thought to                                                                                                                           dependent  on  the  consistent  supply  of  this  increasingly
         myself: ‘What about the community, the city and the                                                                                                                        scarce  resource.
         province?’ I thought that, instead of complaining about                                                                                                                      As  new  businesses  and  the  growing  residential
         it, I had to find a solution,” Lesolang says.                                                                                                                              infrastructure  across  the  country  increase  demand,
           After a lot of research, which showed that leaks from                                                                                                                    it  will  become  progressively  difficult  for  South  Africa
         a single cistern could translate into the equivalent of                                                                                                                    to  sustain  this  growth  without  investing  in  water
         2 400 baths full of water a year, Lesolang came up with                                                                                                                    security.
         the idea of the Leak-Less Valve. The valve, which he has                                                                                                                     The  bulk  of  fresh  water  used  in  most  manufacturing
         refined over the years, is a mechanism that controls                                                                                                                       industries  spread  across  Gauteng  is  drawn  from
         water flow into the cistern, and monitors and detects                                                                                                                      Lesotho’s  Maluti  Mountains,  leaving  us  with  little
         leaks.                                                                                                                                                                     option  but  to  invest  extensively  in  new  bulk  water
           Although his formal post-school training was in                                                                                                                          infrastructure,  and  in  technology  that  will  contribute  to
         commerce and he hadn’t done a technical subject since                                                                                                                      unlocking  capacity  and  preserving  this  resource.
         high school, he wasn’t deterred and he drew up a                                                                                                                             Mining  and  agriculture  are  considered  key  growth
         rough sketch of how his gizmo would work.                                                                                                                                  sectors  of  the  economy  without  which  it  will  be  almost
           “The toilet manufacturers were not even considering                                                                                                                      impossible  to  achieve  growth,  as  well  as  address  South
         my solution. They said toilets were just like cars – they                                                                                                                  Africa’s  unemployment  and  transformation  imperatives.
         depreciate and inevitably leak. It’s not a matter of if the                                                                                                                  Against  this  backdrop  and  competing  interests,  it  is
         toilet leaks, but when it will leak. They said that,                                                                                                                       essential  for  entrepreneurs  looking  for  IDC  support,
         considering my commerce background, they did not think                                                                                                                     especially  in  mining  and  agricultural  sectors,  to  obtain
         I’d give them anything of engineering value,” he says.        HE’S  NO  DRIP  Paseka  Lesolang’s  invention  has  helped  to  create  jobs  and  save  water  –  two  things   relevant  approvals  including  a  water  permit.
           With funding from the Industrial Development                South  Africa  desperately  needs  –  and  it  all  started  with  his  grandmother’s  leaking  toilet         At  the  same  time,  the  corporation  recognises  that
         Corporation (IDC) and support from a listed company,                                                                                                                               finding  innovative  solutions  to  preserve
         Lesolang’s company Water Hygiene Convenience (WHC)                                                                                                                                    water  and  enabling  consistent  supply
         is now manufacturing the valves in Johannesburg,                                                                                                                                        presents  immense  opportunities  to
         Tshwane and Sasolburg.                                                                                                                                                                    create  new  black  industrialists.
           The WHC Leak-Less Valve saves 70% of the water that  STEMMING                                                                                                                             The  potential  for  growth  of  the
         would otherwise have been wasted, thereby saving users                                                                                                                                      mining  sector  is  massive,  yet
         money. In this water-scarce country, preventing clean                                                                                                                                       onerous  requirements  for  start-
         water from literally going down the toilet is invaluable.                                                                                                                                   ups,  including  water  permits,  are
           Despite such a useful innovation in a country that  THE FLOW
           The valves were first piloted with 865 units in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      emerging  entrepreneurs  to  break
         Tshwane in 2015 and have been rolled out in                                                                                                                                                  justifiably  making  it  difficult  for
         Johannesburg, and 100 000 units are due to be rolled                                                                                                                                        into  this  industry.  Similar
         out in Nkangala in Mpumalanga. A major international                                                                                                                                        challenges  face  those  who  want
         retailer is in the process of rolling out the supply of the                                                                                                                                to  break  into  the  agricultural
         valves at all its stores nationally, where consumers will                                                                                                                                 sector.
         be able to buy them.                                                                                                                                                                       Of  our  available  fresh  water  in

                                                                                                                                                                                                    agricultural  purposes,  which
         loses R7.2 billion in water leaks that remain unfixed,                                                                                                                                  South  Africa,  60%  is  currently  used  for
         getting the business off the ground has been anything   Award-winning entrepreneur Paseka Lesolang                                                                LIZEKA  MATSHEKGA        largely  justifies  the  department  of
         but plain sailing for Lesolang. He’s had to jump through                                                                                                                                   water’s  obduracy  in  approving
         a lot of hoops over the past few years to get to where                                                                                                                                     new  water  licences  to  aspiring
         he is today.                                       made the prototype of his water-saving invention                                                                        entrepreneurs.
           He initially approached government institutions as his                                                                                                                     We  have  to  delicately  balance  the  competing  demand
         solution was meant to save the state money, but he says      from waste found around his grandmother’s                                                                     for  water  against  the  availability  of  the  resource  for  all
         he was sent from pillar to post. His initial breakthrough                                                                                                                  of  us,  which  is  why  it  is  commendable  that  companies
         came when Motsweding FM interviewed him about the                                                                                                                          such  as  Delta  Zero  Corporation  have  developed
         product in 2007, and he was inundated with calls and                                   house, writes Sabelo Ndlangisa                                                      innovative  solutions  to  help  preserve  water.  The
         text messages from people who wanted to buy the                                                                                                                            company’s  patented  technology  is  locally  produced,
         gadget – even though it had not yet been manufactured                                                                                                                      and  80%  of  the  components  supporting  it  are  locally
         or patented.                                                                                                                                                               produced  with  the  potential  for  export.
           One of the people who heard the interview linked              “I completed my demonstration unit there. They even  inspiring youngsters in South Africa.                   The  technology  supports  the  mining  value  chain  by
         Lesolang up with patent specialists who agreed to help        allowed me to sleep in the factory and open for them   Lesolang encountered IDC’s venture capital investor   reducing  the  cost  of  production  through  lower  water
         register his initial patent for free. But the snag was that   the next day.”                                 Irfaan Khota at one of these awards ceremonies in Cape        and  energy  consumption,  of  which  slurry  pumping  is  a
         he needed to develop the product before he could get            That’s when Lesolang started entering competitions   Town in 2014, and the IDC bought a stake in his       huge  component.
         intellectual property rights to it, and he didn’t have the    with his invention and began to secure funds to start   company after a due diligence process in 2015.         Gauteng-based  entrepreneur  Paseka  Lesolang  has
         R500 000 required to do this.                                 developing his product further. The first big award   “This year, the IDC completed another due diligence    developed  a  unique  patented  product,  the  WHC  Leak-
           “Every time I went to investors, they said: ‘Develop a      came from the Maker Faire Africa in Kenya, where he   process at my company and it gave me 10 times more     Less  Valve,  which  is  a  water-control  mechanism  that  is
         product before we can invest in you.’ However, I              won the award for the most innovative project for the   money than it initially did in 2015. I’d like to believe I   placed  in  toilet  cisterns  to  stop  the  influx  of  water  at  a
         needed their money to develop the product. So I had           environment in 2010.                           did a good job between now and then,” he says.                predetermined  level.  This  ensures  the  reduction  of
         this catch-22 situation, and it made my journey much            That’s also where then CEO of the Unreasonable   “My relationship with the IDC has been growing. The       water  loss  due  to  unnecessary  outlet  valve  leaks.
         longer. I had to use composite materials and waste that       Institute, Teju Ravilochan, first noticed Lesolang’s work.   job creation aspects are also improving through its   These  inventions  are  just  two  examples  of  the
         I found at my grandmother’s house to create a                 The University of Colorado-based institute, which   assistance.”                                             interventions  that  entrepreneurs  have  created  to  help
         prototype of how the device works,” he says.                  supports start-ups that have the potential to benefit   To date, WHC has created 26 jobs. The next project   us  manage  the  water  challenges  we  face  and  the  effect
           The award-winning inventor eventually approached            more than 1 million people after a stringent selection   in the next three months is expected to create 70 jobs,   such  challenges  have  on  the  economy.
         the SA Bureau of Standards with the prototype and it          process, eventually selected him in 2012 as one of the   followed by 150 more thereafter for the Nkangala      These  very  different  products  illustrate  the
         referred him to the Innovation Hub, which referred him        25 global innovators it would groom and train that year.  project. The project will help give employment to   possibilities  that  are  out  there  that  could  grow  and
         to FabLab in Pretoria. The lab provides innovators with         This was followed by a number of awards, including   youngsters, women and disabled people in the          develop  our  economy.  Entrepreneurs  and  potential
         materials, computer-aided design and a laser cutter to        the SAB Foundation Social Innovation Award and the   assembling and installation side of the business.       black  industrialists  can  tap  into  opportunities  like  these
         develop their innovations.                                    Junior Chamber International Creative Young     The course also teaches young people basic plumbing          in  the  bulk  water  infrastructure  space  –  for  the  good  of
           “At FabLab, they don’t give you a fish – they teach         Entrepreneur Award in Taiwan the same year.    and entrepreneurial skills.                                   our  economy,  but  also  for  the  wellbeing  of  all  South
         you how to fish. I spent three months there and found           As if his awards cupboard isn’t already groaning,   On a personal note, Lesolang’s grandmother is now      Africans.
         out that there was a FabLab in Soshanguve, which is           Lesolang last month won the Innovator of the Year   saving 200 litres of water a day, thanks to her                    Matshekga  is  the  divisional  executive  of  agro,
         closer to Ga-Rankuwa, so I started using that one.            Award for being one of the top 100 most promising and   grandson’s innovation.                                          infrastructure  and  new  industries  at  the  IDC

            New-generation slurry pump cleans up after mining

         SABELO  NDLANGISA                               DISRUPTIVE                                                                                                       Alastair  environment. The energy of the falling water is used to                        A  slurry                                                                                                      Moffat  of  pump dirty water out and keep the mine dry. That
                                                         pump                                                                                                         Delta  Zero   method inspired Wood’s slurry pump.
            n  a  world  where  water  is  a  scarce  commodity,   invented  by                                                                                         says  the     Moffat says the reason the IDC was keen to fund the
            innovations  that  help  companies  use  less  of  the   Richard                                                                                              pumps     project is because it is environmentally friendly and
         Iresource  are  economic  game-changers.        Wood  saves                                                                                                   are  more    because the components used to assemble it are
           This  is  what  engineer  and  inventor  Richard  Wood  set  water  and                                                                                      efficient,  sourced from South African suppliers.
         out  to  do  with a nonabrasive slurry pump that saves   power                                                                                                 use  less     It has huge export potential, especially to other
         both water and energy. He has been developing this   at  mines                                                                                                water  and   African countries, where mining operations still use
         product, which is already being used in the mining                                                                                                               have  a   diesel generators to produce electricity.
         industry, for the past nine years.                                                                                                                               longer      “We visited mines in Mali, Ghana and Tanzania. They
           Alastair Moffat, the nonexecutive chair of the Delta                                                                                                          lifespan   don’t have an electricity grid like we’ve got here – they
         Zero Corporation, which is rolling out the pump, says                                                                                                             PHOTO:   generate their own electricity and it’s very expensive,”
         slurry pumps currently used in the mining industry are                                                                                                           EUGENE    Moffat says.
         40% to 50% efficient and tend to wear out quickly.                                                                                                               GODDARD     “In terms of the value propositions for mines in
           In contrast, the Delta Zero slurry pump system is                                                                                                                        Africa, it’s huge. We are also looking at mines in
         80% efficient and saves about 30% of the electricity                                                                                                                       Canada and in South America. So it’s got huge earnings
         used to pump slurry. The Industrial Development               particle. Then workers dissolve the gold using cyanide,   The Delta Zero system, on the other hand, transfers   potential for the country.”
         Corporation (IDC) has entered into an agreement with          and the gold gets taken away. If you’ve taken only 5g   energy from clean water to slurry without the clean    The business model is not based on selling the
         the company to fund the further development of the            out of a ton, you are left with a lot of tailings – rock   water coming into contact with the slurry. The lack of   pumps to clients, but rather operating them on behalf
         product.                                                      residue – to get rid of,” Moffat says.         wear means there is more efficiency and water is saved.       of the users, who are then charged a fee for pumping
           Moffat, an engineer, explains why slurry pumps are            “These dams that you see around gold mines are   A study conducted at one of Delta’s clients in the        the slurry. The pumps have a lifespan of 20 years.
         an essential part of industries such as mining: “When         tailings from the extraction process that have to be   Free State found it could save the company about        So far, the project has cost about R60 million and the
         they bring rock out of the ground, it might have 5g of        dumped somewhere. The way they put that into those   R30 million in energy and water costs a year over a     IDC has funded between 15% and 20% of that, Moffat
         gold per ton of rock. So, to get the gold out of the rock,    dams is that those small particles of solids are carried   decade.                                           says. The project will need more money as it is further
         workers take the rock and crush it into smaller               in water. So, the slurry is a stream of water with   Wood already has several inventions under his belt.     introduced. The company plans to raise asset-based
         particles. They then put those smaller pieces into a          particles suspended in it.”                    The inspiration for the pump came to him when he was          funding from financial institutions.
         thing called a mill, where they crush it even further.          Moffat likens slurry to liquid sandpaper and says it   working on an underground cooling system for a        “The term ‘disruptive technology’ has been applied to
           “The way gold is extracted is that each particle has to     quickly wears out steel pipes in conventional pumps   mining company.                                        us here. There are applications for at least 2 000  of  our
         be small enough so that, if there is gold in that particle,   because of the way they are designed. That’s why slurry   Using the force of gravity, the system sends cold   pumps  in  South  Africa  alone.  It  will  be  a  very
         some of the gold will be exposed on the outside of that       pumps are known as “self-destructive machines”.   water underground to cool down the mine workers’           disruptive  technology  in  the  industry,”  says  Moffat.
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