Page 48 - IDC
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                        CITY PRESS, 7 MAY, 2017


                                                                                                                                                PROJECT  IN

                                                                                                                                                  WITH  THE

                                                                                                                                                      IDC                              Eastern Cape

                                                                                                                                                                                          in numbers


                                                                                                                                                                                          LARGEST PROVINCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      IN SA


                                                                                                                                                                                          THE POPULATION OF
                                                                                                                                                                                               THE PROVINCE

         GOING  RETRO  Port  Elizabeth-based  Hi-Tech  Automotive  is  a  low-volume  specialist  manufacturer  of  vintage  sports  cars.  Hi-Tech  produces  replica  classic  cars  that   7.6%
         were  built  mainly  during  the  1960s                                                                                             PHOTOS:  KHWEZI  PHOTOGRAPHY
         DRIVING TOWARDS                                                                                                                                                                CONTRIBUTION TO THE
                                                                                                                                                                                        NATIONAL GDP – FROM
                                                                                                                                                                                         THE FOURTH-LARGEST
                                                                                                                                                                                          REGIONAL ECONOMY


                                                                                                                                                                                          THE LENGTH OF THE
                                                                                                                                                                                         PROVINCE’S PRISTINE
            Lubabalo Ngcukana chats to Kingsley Dell-Robertson, the Industrial

         Development Corporation’s regional manager in the Eastern Cape, about                                                                                                                         4

                the role it plays in stimulating economic expansion in the province                                                                                                              NUMBER OF

                                                                                                                                                                                            UNIVERSITIES IN
         Tell  me  what  the  industrial  development  corporation                                                    institutions need to partner with entrepreneurs. We all                  THE PROVINCE
         (IDC)  is  doing  in  the  province;  what  are  the  biggest                                                need to play a role in developing entrepreneurs so that
         opportunities  entrepreneurs  can  look  forward  to  in                                                     they can create new businesses and, in the process,
         this  part  of  the  world?                                                                                  sustainable jobs.
           Over the past financial year, more than 2 100 jobs
         were created and R778 million in funding was                                                                 The  IDC  has  funded  a  number  of  projects  in  the  past          2 117
         approved. This is consistent with the funding approved                                                       financial  year.  Which  will  have  a  large  effect  on  the
         over the past five years. As the IDC in the Eastern                                                          province?
         Cape, we have contributed to our government’s agenda                                                          Attracting an OEM to South Africa is a substantial              JOBS CREATED OR SAVED
         in terms of job creation and transformation, both in                                                         positive investment for the country, particularly to the                  IN THE 2016
         funding existing businesses and new opportunities.                                                           Eastern Cape, which already exports about 50% of
           The Eastern Cape has the highest expanded                                                                  South Africa’s manufactured vehicles. The Eastern Cape                 FINANCIAL YEAR
         unemployment rate, so job creation has an added                                                              has a strong automotive industry, which is why the
         significance in this province. We encourage businesses                                                       BAIC project chose to establish itself in this region.
         with high job-creating opportunities to approach our                                                          In terms of the project itself, it’s going to be
         office so that we can partner with them and further                                                          implemented in phases. The first phase is going to
         develop these opportunities.                                                                                 produce about 50 000 vehicles during the first year of
           The Eastern Cape is the automotive hub of South                                                            full production and will create just under 1 000                   R778m
         Africa, with the key original equipment manufacturers                                                        permanent jobs. Other jobs will be created during the
         (OEMs) and Hi-Tech Automotive based here.                                                                    construction phase. The BAIC project is one of the
           These OEMs, together with the imminent                                                                     major projects the IDC is working on.                           IDC FUNDING APPROVALS
         establishment of the Beijing Automobile International
         Corporation (BAIC) plant, will provide viable                                                                What  has  your  office  done  to  actively  empower            IN THE PROVINCE IN THE
         opportunities over the life of the production vehicle.                                                       youth,  women  and  black-owned  businesses?  Of  the              2016 FINANCIAL YEAR
           The next significant opportunity is in agroprocessing  Kingsley  Dell-Robertson                            projects  that  you  have  funded,  how  much  funding
         because of the job-creation nature of the industry. The                                                      has  gone  to  those  sectors  of  society?
         current low agricultural usage of arable land makes for                                                       Black, female and youth ownership is an integral part
         plenty of opportunities in agriculture. Both of these                                                        of the IDC’s assessment for funding, especially in a
         industries are key sectors for government and are                                                            start-up, where lessons learnt by experience train the             R273m
         supported through various programmes, such as the                                                            next generation of entrepreneurs. The department of
         Automotive Production and Development Programme,                                                             trade and industry has the Black Industrialist
         and the Agri-parks Programme.                                                                                Programme, which provides a grant in relation to                 FUNDING APPROVED FOR
           Citrus exports have grown exponentially in the past                                                        capital expenditure. The IDC then funds the balance of           BLACK INDUSTRIALISTS
         few years, which has created a number of jobs in the                                                         the project. The corporation has set aside R23 billion
         agriculture sector.                                                                                          over the next five years for black industrialists, which                  IN THE 2016
           Tourism has immense growth potential in urban and                                                          will help change the landscape of ownership and assist                 FINANCIAL YEAR
         rural areas. The Eastern Cape has 800km of largely                                                           in transforming the business sector. We place much
         unspoilt coastline with noteworthy wildlife reserves that                                                    emphasis on the change of management control so that
         are malaria free.                                                                                            the entrepreneur becomes a true industrialist, not only
           The maritime cluster also has major opportunities,                                                         an investor.
         and includes boat and ship repair and building. The                                                           With regard to youth development, we hosted a                     R344m
         Eastern Cape is the only province with three ports – in                                                      youth conference late last year, where pertinent issues
         Port Elizabeth, East London and Ngqura. There is a                                                           relating to youth entrepreneurship were discussed. In
         plan to create maritime industrial capacity around                                                           the Eastern Cape specifically, we have attended a                     IDC FUNDING FOR
         these three ports. Nelson Mandela Bay is one of the                                                          number of road shows, youth and business chamber                        FEMALE-OWNED
         largest bays in South Africa and has good conditions for                                                     events, where the IDC provided insight into its youth
         ships to anchor.                                                                                             funds and support for young entrepreneurs.                          BUSINESSES IN 2016
           Chemicals and textiles remain an important value                                                            Added to this, R344 million has gone towards funding                  FINANCIAL YEAR
         chain, a portion of which is driven by the automotive                                                        female-owned businesses over the past year.
         industry.                                      A  worker  at  the  Da  Gama  Textiles  factory  in            Informing these entrepreneurs about  the IDC and
           The province also has a solid base of clothing, textile  Zwelitsha  near  Bhisho                           the help that is available to them is vital, and we have
         and footwear companies, which are large job-creating                                                         built relationships through partnerships with business
         entities. Government has many incentives in place and   economy, where South African products compete        chambers and forums to help provide the necessary                         WHERE TO
         supports the textile industry so that it can compete   internationally. The Eastern Cape government has      platforms that are key to reaching these entrepreneurs.
         against imports.                               realised this and is setting its local procurement target                                                                                 FIND IDC
           In terms of rural opportunities, a mostly ignored area  at 50%, creating a market for locally manufactured   What  would  your  advice  be  to  an  entrepreneur  who
         for business is Mthatha. Whenever I travel there, I see   products and services. The IDC will finance entities that   walks  into  your  office  asking  for  funding  from  the
         a vast population that places a great demand on limited   are prepared to manufacture locally produced products.  IDC?                                                                     East  London
         capacity in a place where most products are brought   Another critical factor faced by business is having the  I always say to entrepreneurs that the first thing to                    2nd  Floor,  Block  B,
         into the area. Having a natural geographical advantage   skills to match industry requirements. The Eastern Cape   do is to put their business plan down on paper. This
         provides the possibility of establishing a manufacturing   has four universities that can potentially supply   helps them formulate their ideas and enables them to                  Chesswood  Office  Park,
         concern in Mthatha. Recently, the IDC funded a brick   graduates who meet the skills required by businesses.   obtain input from others on the viability of the project.              Winkley  Street,  Berea
         manufacturing company in Flagstaff, as well as a   For example, the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan               You need to talk to people who have been in                              Tel:  043 721 0733/4
         chemical company that will produce cleaning products   University and the provincial government have set up   business before, whether their business is related to
         in Butterworth. In rural towns, you can replicate the   maritime schools to address the skills shortage in the   your idea or is something completely different – the
         manufacturing entities established in the metropolitans   sector. Volkswagen SA and Mercedes-Benz South Africa    business chambers can also assist in this.                  Port  Elizabeth  Southern  Life  Gardens,
         on a smaller scale, and have the competitive advantage   have established training centres for the skills set that   The business plan highlights what you want to              Block  A  (Ground),  70  2nd  Avenue,
         of reduced logistic costs and time.            is required for their businesses.                             achieve, how you intend to achieve it and the finance               Newton  Park,  Tel:  041 363 1640
           The OR Tambo district has close to 1.4 million   When applying to the IDC, we assess the skills            required to achieve it. You must try to find out how to
         inhabitants, indicating the potential buying power.   required for the project and provide business support   get from point A, where you don’t have a business, to
                                                        funding for training to enhance the skills level of the       point B, where you receive funding from the IDC. Other                   Mthatha  Ground  Floor
         The  country  is  facing  high  unemployment  and  slow   entity to meet the IDC’s requirements.             people have successfully travelled that road, and                    ECDC  House,  7  Sisson  Street,
         economic  growth.  What  challenges  do  businesses   Regarding unemployment and slow growth, the issue      preparing the business plan is an essential learning
         have  to  overcome  and  how  does  the  IDC  help  them?   is, how do we create new businesses that create   curve for any entrepreneur and will help us understand                    Tel:  047 504 2200
           The market for businesses is key in this global   employment? The IDC and other development financial      the project and, ultimately, be able to fund it.
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