Page 45 - IDC
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                       CITY PRESS, 25 JUNE, 2017


                                                                                                                                                                     The IDC financing process in 5                     s teps
                    outh Africa has the lowest levels of youth
                    entrepreneurship in the southern African                                                                                                         R1 million or more for entrepreneurs for new
                    region and on the rest of the continent,
                    despite the country’s massive youth                                                                                                              businesses or expansions
                    unemployment problem.                                                                                                                               The potential client drops off their business plan at the
         S The Industrial Development Corporation                                                                                                                     1  IDC's P re-Investment B usiness Centre (PIBC) at 19
         (IDC) is determined to change this. Its Development                                                                                                            Fredman Drive, Sandton, or at one of the IDC's r egional
         Impact Support Department (DIS) has embarked on a                                                                                                              or satellite offices, or submit an online application
         drive to encourage more young entrepreneurs,
         especially those that are focused on manufacturing, to                                                                                                       2  All business             3  If the business plan falls
         knock on its doors to get support for their start-ups or                                                                                                       plans are                    within the mandate,
         to expand their existing businesses.                                                                                                                           registered by                the PIBC allocates
           Stuart Bartlett, head of DIS, says the development                                                                                                           the records                  it to a m  anager to
         finance institution set aside R4.5 billion to invest in                                                                                                        department                   begin screening as
         youth businesses over five years, the objective being to                                                                                                       and screened                 part o f t he basic
         create a new cohort of young people that can get into                                                                                                                                       assessment process
         industries that have the capacity to create employment
         and unlock opportunities.                                                                                                                                    4  Applications that pass the assessment process are sent for review to
           One of the major challenges the team has                                                                                                                     one of the 13 strategic business units (SBUs) and a d ue diligence is done
         encountered so far has been finding enough young
         people with experience and skills to enter the
         manufacturing sector.
           “Youth very often don’t have this type of experience
         in manufacturing, the finance or the networks of the
         old boys’ club. They haven’t been given the opportunity
         to gain experience in the sector. They are moving more                                                                                                      Agroprocessing    Industrial     Metals and      Chemicals
         into retail, services and similar industries                                                                                                                and agriculture  infrastructure    mining
         where competition is stiff.”
           Bartlett says most youth
         entrepreneurs tend to gravitate         A
         towards light manufacturing,
         technology and tourism.       PROJECT  IN
           “These are the new types
         of industries that are kick-  PARTNERSHIP                                                                                                                   Automotive a nd  Textiles   New        Heavy       Media
         starting the fourth industrial                                                                                                                                transport     and       industries  manufacturing  and motion
         revolution. The youth are       WITH  THE                                                                                                                     equipment    clothing                           pictures
         more tech savvy and
         knowledgeable in these             IDC
         sectors, but we also want to
         encourage and assist them to
         venture into manufacturing.
           “As the IDC, we are determined that
         if we are going to start making an impact in                                                                                                                  Machinery       Chemical         Light            The
         industrialising the country, we need to deal with the                                                                                                         and capital    products and   manufacturing      rest of
         issue of youth unemployment.”                                                                                                                                 equipment     pharmaceuticals  and tourism       Africa
           To make the corporation more appealing to young
         people, it launched the Gro-e-Youth Scheme.                                                                                                                    On approval by the IDC management, funding is
           This scheme has designed products and terms that                                                                                                           5
         are suited to budding young entrepreneurs.                                                                                                                     made available to the client subject to meeting set
           Mzwabantu Ntlangeni, who is also a development                                                                                                               conditions
         specialist in the same department, says they have also
         come up with additional support packages to assist                                                                                                           Call the IDC on 0860 693 888 or send an email to
         youth-owned businesses that are investment ready.
           The Youth Pipeline Development Programme is a               HELPING  HANDS  Daniel  van  Vuuren,  Stuart  Bartlett  and  Mzwabantu  Ntlangeni  are  the  youth   Clients can also apply o nline, or find more information about the regional
         another business support package that helps young             enterprise  team  at  the  Industrial  Development  Corporation          PHOTO:  ELIZABETH  SEJAKE  offices at
         people become investment-ready by removing any
         obstacles in their path.
           “Say a business plan qualifies for funding, there                HOW TO GROW YOUNG
         could be a condition that requires them to spend
         money first to become investment-ready.
           “Let’s say in order to operate a factory they first
         need to undertake an environmental impact assessment
         (EIA). We know that this exercise is not cheap.
           “This programme subsidises the young person at a
         50% ratio to get this EIA done, and this money can be   ENTREPRENEURS
         repaid at the end of the loan term,” he says.
           His colleague Daniel van Vuuren adds that the
         objective was to create an environment that would not
         intimidate young people, and this they did by putting
         in place a process that would take them by the hand
         and provide them with guidance from the moment they    With R4.5bn set aside for young South Africans who have the potential to
         walk through the door until those who are successful
         receive funding and support.
           To assist young entrepreneurs that are applying for         create jobs, the IDC is open for business, writes Caiphus Kgosana
         the first time, Bartlett’s team works closely with the
         Pre-Investment Business Centre, which is where all new
         applications for IDC funding are received and assessed.       Then guiding them on what sectors the IDC is    He said the developmental mandate of the IDC,                especially for mid-level jobs,” he says.
           “We have worked to change the perception that               interested in funding and helping them structure their   especially in such a difficult time when the country has   Ntlangeni further pointed out that the National
         young people may have had in the past that the IDC is         business pitch to make it more attractive for funding.  been hit with credit downgrades and is in the midst of   Development Plan envisages an economy that should
         a bridge too far for them.                                      Through the Gro-e-Youth Scheme, youth-owned   a technical recession, is to inject more capital into the    create 11 million jobs by 2030.
           “What we are now saying is that the IDC is open for         enterprises (those with a 50%-plus youth ownership)   economy and create jobs.                                 For this to happen, he says, South Africa has to
         business, including providing support to youth-owned          and youth-empowered enterprises (those with between   “We want to see youth enterprises creating jobs.       create 50 000 small and medium enterprises between
         businesses.                                                   25% and 50% youth ownership) are offered financial   Youth unemployment is almost 60%. We are                now and then. This requires the economy to grow by a
           “Young people need to experience that when they             packages that are tailored at an interest rate of up to   experiencing a youth bulge and most of these youths   staggering 20% a year until 2030, something that is
         walk through our doors,” Van Vuuren said.                     prime minus 3% on the capital amount.          are unemployed … it’s dangerous. We want to see youth         extremely difficult in the current economic climate.
           This means helping them by understanding their                What they offer to qualifying youth enterprises is not  enterprises creating jobs at a cost of two jobs for every   That is why the IDC, and its cooperating partners,
         ideas, then taking into account their background and          just a financial package, says van Vuuren, but post-  R1 million that we invest.                             are expected to play a bigger part in helping the
         skills, and helping them compile a basic business plan.       funding business support as well.               “It is not difficult to achieve in these industries,         country to grow its economy.

                           The sky’s the limit for this trio of black industrialists

         POLOKO TAU                                  VISIONARY                                                                                    in size from a 240m² space to two studios,   here will bring in their own staff.                     TRIO  The                                                                                   separated by an acoustic door divider, giving a   “We normally see five to eight actors on
                                                    directors  of                                                                                 combined space of 1 000m² when opened.  television, but behind the scenes there are
         The ice has melted at the once-famous Sky Rink   Sky  Rink                                                                                The studios are surrounded by several control  about 30 to 50 people making it all possible,”
         in the iconic Carlton Centre building, situated in   Studios,  Miles                                                                     and sound rooms.                        Mohapi explained.
         Johannesburg’s central business district (CBD), but   Britton-                                                                            Each studio has been kitted out with LED   “This is one great industry that can employ
         expect no dampened floors there – the skating   Masekela,                                                                                lighting, high-definition facilities and three   everyone from an accountant to a security
         rink has been transformed into a multimillion-  Frank  Mohapi                                                                            cameras. There is also space for fully equipped   guard and cleaner.”
         rand, world-class film and television production   and  Marvin                                                                           production offices.                       Mohapi said the directors were also looking
         facility that is almost ready to launch.      Mathibe,                                                                                    A long corridor is lined with 10 post-  at creating a platform to empower black people
           Described as a “high-technology, one-stop   celebrate  the                                                                             production suites. And completing these studios   to become managers in the film and television
         studio and production facility”, the refurbished   near                                                                                  are, of course, make-up rooms as well as   production industry.
         structure is expected to make its mark as the   completion  of                                                                           waiting rooms, both private and communal.  “We have very experienced black people who
         first and largest black-owned, one-stop film and   their  facility                                                                        With all these structures conveniently located  know the ins and outs of the industry and
         TV production hub of its kind in the country.  in  the  heart                                                                            in one space, Mohapi said the establishment   production, but no one in this country will
           Inspired by the chronic shortage of studios   of  Joburg                                                                               was well equipped to produce dramas, sitcoms,   expose them to management positions.”
         and production facilities in South Africa, three   PHOTO:  TEBOGO                                                                        telenovelas, news features, talk shows, sports   Mohapi and his partners may have succeeded
         black industrialists came together about four    LETSIE                                                                                  and advertising productions.            in realising their dreams in just a few years by
         years ago to embark on this joint venture.                                                                                                “We are a one-stop shop that will address   working hard and overcoming challenges, but
           Soon, they will open the doors of Sky Rink                                                                                             producers’ needs. We are able to live schedule,   they are all too aware of other entrepreneurs in
         Studios, where film and television production                                                                                            host channels and stream live right from here.”  different disciplines who have failed because of
         houses are expected to find everything under                                                                                              Mohapi added that the directors of Sky Rink  the funding committee set-up.
         one roof. This is where producers will walk in                                                                                           did not plan to go out fighting for business   “You find a committee with accountants who
         with storylines and walk out seeing them given                                                                                           against other production houses once the   only think of the money and less of the
         life in the form of quality TV dramas and talk                                                                                           establishment was operational.          business. There should be entrepreneurs there
         shows, sports and music shows.                                                                                                            “We do not want to be referee and player,   who think along the same lines [as the
           It all started after Frank Mohapi tried to use                                                                                         but are offering a platform where production   producers] when security is needed.”
         his considerable public relations and                   Britton-Masekela, the trio wasted no time in   up multiplying more than four times from the   houses can do it all under one roof. Whatever   Asked where he saw Sky Rink over the next
         communications clout to help his producer               working on business plans and proposals.  original R50 million envisaged.        we had in mind was for the production   decade, Mohapi said there would be many other
         friend, Marvin Mathibe, secure a studio for               When they approached Transnet, the owners  Transnet offered the trio the floor as well as  houses,” he said.           establishments like theirs, adding that while he
         filming.                                                of the Carlton Centre, Mohapi said they had   increased support.                  Why locate the business in Joburg’s CBD?   and his partners were setting a trend, they were
           They tried everywhere, but all the good               planned to house the facility in the 2 000-  Today, after receiving R180 million from the   Mohapi smiled at the question. “Apart from   also addressing the desperate shortage of
         studios in town were fully booked.                      seater ballroom, but were instead offered the   Industrial Development Corporation and a   bringing life back to the city centre, the CBD will   facilities while staying on par with technology.
           Naturally, they spotted a gap in the market.          disused ice rink.                       further R40 million from the National    allow easy access for extras (additional people   “We are expecting to hit the ground running
           “I decided then and there to build our own              Thanks to those who told them to “go big or  Empowerment Fund – along with other   brought in on a temporary basis for crowd   when we open our doors. Already, we are
         studios,” Mohapi said.                                  go home”, Mohapi is not shy to say today that   tranches from other partners – the three   scenes). There will be no need to bus in extras.”   about to finalise contracts for long- and short-
           “There was an opportunity in the market               the three entrepreneurs were sent back to   directors of Sky Rink will soon see their dream   The directors also have job creation in mind.  term productions. I believe we will be fully
         waiting to be exploited.”                               polish their proposal and expand on a number   house being launched.             Sky Rink is expected to create about 150 direct   booked in our first year of production and will
           Together with IT and media enthusiast Miles           of things – including their budget, which ended   The 2 400m² facility offers six studios, ranging  jobs, while production houses using facilities   look into expanding soon,” he said.
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