Page 43 - IDC
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                       CITY PRESS, 23 JULY, 2017


                                                                                                                                                     PROJECT  IN

                                                                                                                                                       WITH  THE
                         ater is life. It can also drive                                                                                                                                       WATER IN
                         economic growth – or constrain it
                         severely.                                                                                                                       IDC
                           Recognising water’s integral role                                                                                                                                  NUMBERS
                         in advancing the industrialisation
         Wof South Africa’s economy, the
         Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has put the                                                                                                                               SA’s average rainfall is
         development and rehabilitation of water-related
         infrastructure close to its heart.                                                                                                                                                 490mm a year – 50%
           Lizeka Matshekga, the IDC’s divisional executive of agro,                                                                                                                         of the world average
         infrastructure and new industries, says the corporation
         has realised it has to be more “deliberate in focus” to
         drive businesses to think differently about water.
           “When it comes to water, people think of it as a                                                                                                                                    60%
         natural resource; an act of God. But we must do what
         we can to catch water and to also unlock existing water                                                                                                                        OF  WATER  IN  SA  IS  USED  FOR  AGRICULTURE
         capacity,” she says.
           However, changing consumer attitudes towards
         conserving what many consider to be a free and always   COMMITTED  The  IDC’s  Lizeka  Matshekga  says  there  are  many  opportunities  for  entrepreneurs  to  help  fix  the  worsening  water
         available resource seems to be an enormous task.   situation  in  the  country                                                                         PHOTO:  ELIZABETH  SEJAKE       18%
           “Water supply and stable infrastructure is a catalyst
         for industrial development,” says Matshekga, adding
         that three of the IDC’s core value chains –                                                                                                                                  IS  FOR  ENVIRONMENTAL  USE;  10.5%  FOR  MINING
         agroprocessing and agriculture, metal industries, and                                      The                                                                                   AND  INDUSTRY;  11.5%  IN  HOUSEHOLDS
         chemical industries – are reliant on a stable supply of
           “No matter how great a business proposal is, we will
         only consider funding a new mining or agriculture-                                                                                                                                      305
         related business if its owners have a water use licence.”
           This is to comply with the regulatory framework.                                                                                                                             DAMS  –  OR  70%  OF  DAM  CAPACITY  –  IN  SA
           Alluding to the devastating drought in the Western                                                                                                                                BELONG  TO  THE  DEPARTMENT  OF
         Cape, she says this challenge can be successfully                                                                                                                                      WATER  AND  SANITATION
         harnessed to help drive a shift in attitudes towards the              business
         business opportunities it uncovers in the water sector.
           She cites Eskom’s load-shedding crisis, which
         effectively wiped out the country’s first-quarter GDP for                                                                                                                             40%
         2008, as one of the biggest challenges in recent times
         that helped transform consumer attitudes towards
         preserving resources.                                                                                                                                                             OF  THE  WATER  IN  THE  VAAL  SYSTEM
           “Those who didn’t see the value of mounting solar                                                                                                                            (GAUTENG’S  WATER  SOURCE)  ORIGINATES  IN
         panels on their rooftops suddenly had to think about                                                                                                                                         LESOTHO
         where the power to run their businesses optimally                      of water
         would come from.”
           The upside to this crisis, Matshekga says, is that it
         helped to galvanise the IDC and private sector                                                                                                                                         15%
         participation in government’s renewable energy
         programme. Having helped derisk (removing business                                                                                                                           OF  THE  COUNTRY’S  TOTAL  WATER  CONSUMPTION
         risk) the renewable energy industry, the IDC has – in                                                                                                                              IS  OBTAINED  FROM  GROUNDWATER
         the past six years – commited R15.7 billion in support of   The resource may fall from the sky, but when it
         31 projects in the department of energy’s Renewable
         Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement
         Programme.                                     comes to harnessing its economic power, we have                                                                                           4%
           While a full-blown water crisis would spell doom for
         many productive sectors of the local economy, she sees   challenges to overcome, writes Gayle Edmunds
         a silver lining.                                                                                                                                                                OF  WATER  RESOURCES  ARE  CONSUMED  BY
           “We need to encourage companies to adopt water-                                                                                                                                      INVASIVE  ALIEN  PLANTS
         efficient policies and programmes – to see the                valve that stops toilet cisterns from leaking – all it does   The other role the IDC will play is in facilitating the
         opportunities in recycling water, like for use in the         is stop the toilet from filling up past at a set level. It is   participation of the private sector in solving the
         mines, or look at how acid mine drainage programmes           both a quick fix and a preventative measure.   challenges that an insecure water supply presents.
         have unlocked opportunities for entrepreneurs.”                 Matshekga makes it clear that, when it comes to   Getting business to work with government on solving                 37%
           The IDC has since identified opportunities for              maximising our water usage across the spectrum,   water supply problems will also have the effect of
         entrepreneurs looking for a break in the water and            anything that fulfils the IDC’s manufacturing mandate   taking some of the strain off government when it         OF  WATER  IS  LOST  IN  URBAN  AREAS  DUE  TO
         sanitation management space.                                  will be considered. The IDC is also developing   comes to fulfilling its mandate to supply water to all            LEAKS  AND  THEFT  OF  INFRASTRUCTURE
           It is planning to use agroprocessing as a guinea pig        programmes in place to ensure that companies that are   South Africans as a basic human right.
                                                                                                                                                                                          15 000
         to help draw potential and existing black industrialists      heavy water users are more efficient.           Although the IDC hasn’t yet had as much uptake in
         to such projects.                                               Usually, Matshekga explains, it takes 10 to 15 years   the investment of bulk water infrastructure as it had    15 000
           “We will be asking participants in this sector to           for investors to reap dividends from a big infrastructure   hoped, Matshekga sees opportunity. Just as insufficient
         approach the IDC to help replace aged infrastructure.         project, which is why the structure of the IDC’s   power supply was a risk to the economy that the IDC
         This is because 60% of the water in South Africa is           packages are aimed at including traditionally excluded   helped businesses transform into an opportunity, so      PLUMBERS  ARE  BEING  TRAINED  TO  HELP
         used for agricultural purposes, such as for irrigating        groups – black industrialists, youngsters and women.   water has the same potential. It can kick-start new        REPAIR  AND  MAINTAIN  INFRASTRUCTURE
         crops, and, if the system is old, water loss is extensive.”     To reduce the barriers to entry, the corporation is   ventures and drive innovation, which, in turn, will grow
                                                                                                                                                                                           1 900l
           To illustrate just how water-intensive agriculture can      working on structuring funding products that unlock   the economy and see more people get jobs.
         be, according to, it takes a whopping      benefits for targeted participants during the   “Authorities in the Western Cape recently announced                 1 900l
         1 222 litres of water to produce 1kg of mealies, 4 325        engineering, procurement and construction phases of   plans to partner with the private sector to create a short-
         litres to produce 1kg of chicken and 2 495 litres for one     the long-term infrastructure projects, as well as during   term emergency water supply using desalination, storm   OF  WATER  IS  USED  TO  PRODUCE  ONE  STEAK
         cotton shirt.                                                 the operations and maintenance phases. In this way, it   water capture or aquifer extractions as a stopgap to ease
           One of the biggest obstacles to incentivising               creates benefits for participants from inception, rather   the crisis in that region. These are opportunities for
         companies to become more sustainable in their use of          than expecting businesses to lock up capital for   business to solve a problem and, in the process, facilitate
         water is that the tariffs are so low.                         upwards of a decade.                           the creation of jobs,” she says.                                         250l
           “It is a constraint to getting the private sector to
         invest in upgrading infrastructure. Drought causes
         people to think about water differently and we need to   EXPERT OPINION                                                                                                           OF  WATER  IS  USED  TO  PRODUCE  ONE
         change people’s mind-sets – from water being free to it                                                                                                                                    GLASS  OF  MILK
         being a necessity.                               There  are  growing  investment  opportunities  in  the  water  sector   sewage  works  in  Amanzimtoti,  a  paper  mill  and  a  local  oil
           “If you consider water to be a commodity that could  in  South  Africa,  especially  when  taking  into  account  that  we  will   refinery.  The  mill  and  the  refinery  are  buying  treated  sewage
         undermine the potential of your business, that should   need  63 billion  cubic  metres  of  water  a  year  by  2030.  At  the   water  –  which  costs  less  than  potable  water  –  for  their  industrial
         change your perspective and how you use it.”     moment,  we  have  only  38 billion  cubic  metres  available,  says   processes.  Before  this  agreement  was  reached,  the  treated  water   35l
           To prepare for a programme to help people reassess  local  water  expert  Dr  Anthony  Turton,  as  parts  of  the  country   was  discharged  into  the  ocean.
         how they think about water and how it affects their   begin  to  recover  from  the  worst  drought  in  living  memory.   Turton  also  believes  that  the  mining  sector,  especially  coal   OF  WATER  IS  USED  TO  PRODUCE  ONE  APPLE
         business, Matshekga says the IDC has spent the past   It  will  cost  about  R700 billion  to  refurbish  our  current  water   mines,  can  become  “producers  rather  than  polluters”  of  water  as
         two years scoping out the external environment. It has   infrastructure  and,  due  to  ratings  downgrades,  government   part  of  their  processes  of  dewatering  their  operations.           SOURCES:  DWS,  WWF
         explored acid mine drainage opportunities with private   institutions  might  find  it  difficult  to  raise  capital  on  the  bond   According  to  Turton,  current  legislation  and  regulations  limit
         sector developers an has looked at desalination   market  for  big  projects.                        business  opportunities  because  the  resource  has  been
         opportunities with municipalities. It is also cooperating   The  decision  makers  in  boardrooms  are  further  realising  that   nationalised  by  the  Water  Act  of  1998  with  no  official
         with manufacturers who wish to use water more    they  can  no  longer  regard  water  as  a  “given  resource”  that   commercial  value.  He  advises  investors  to  make  sure  a  secure   TALK  TO  US
         efficiently, and is looking for quick wins in the area of   government  will  provide  in  abundance,  so  they  are  becoming   offtake  agreement  is  in  place,  and  to  internalise  the  risk   If  you  were  in  charge  of  using  our  water  resources
         water infrastructure.                            more  open  to  new  approaches,  says  Turton.     associated  with  having  to  renew  water  licences  every  five  years.   more  efficiently,  where  would  you  start?  SMS  us
           An example of a simple fix is a youth-owned      One  example  is  the  offtake  agreement  between  Durban  south  –  Liezel  de  Lange                                   35697  with  the  keyword  WATER  SMS  cost  R1.50
         company that the IDC funded. This company makes a


         LIZEKA MATSHEKGA                                                                                                                                                           fresh water. The bulk of the water consumed in the                                                                                                                                                   province is drawn from the Maluti Mountains in Lesotho.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Added to this is the threat of ageing infrastructure and
         South Africa is in the middle of a water crisis. You                                                                                                                       the widespread prevalence of acid mine drainage across
         would assume that, after repeated warnings over the                                                                                                                        the Vaal Reef, which means the bulk of water in Gauteng
         past few years by industry stakeholders, we would have                                                                                                                     is highly contaminated. Investing in the country’s water
         changed our attitudes, heeded the call to preserve water                                                                                                                   security is certain to become a huge challenge, especially
         and perhaps have invested in future-proofing the water                                                                                                                     as the crisis becomes replicated across other mining
         needs of the country.                                                                                                                                                      towns in Mpumalanga, Limpopo and North West.
           You would be wrong. Unlike electricity generation and                                                                                                                      Instead of focusing on the doom and gloom, this
         supply, which requires copious investment of capital by                                                                                                                    should be a rallying cry for consumers, business and
         power utility companies, water is considered to be a free                                                                                                                  civil society to invest in modern infrastructure and also
         resource that can be tapped from a river, the sea or a                                                                                                                     help change consumer attitudes towards this resource.
         borehole. Even better, rainfall is the primary source of                                                                                                                     Although the regulatory framework requires work,
         this resource.                                                                                                                                                             existing legislation is a sufficient springboard to galvanise
           Throw consumer and rights groups into the fray, and                                                                                                                      action.
         the clamour of entitlement to this resource grows loud.       160 million cubic metres of usable water left –   improving the quality of life and to poverty reduction,      Policies such as the carbon tax also offer the private
         Is it really necessary, then, for consumers to start paying   representing a deficit of 84 million cubic metres of the   may be undone by a double whammy of a possible    sector the required impetus to be innovative in how it
         tariffs for a resource that is considered to be a basic       resource that must sustain the province until the next   introduction of higher tariffs coupled with drastic water   invests in infrastructure and saves water – after all, the
         right?                                                        rainy season. Simply put, the Western Cape will require   rationing. While this crisis is largely confined to the   tax is aimed at encouraging sustainability and this
           These attitudes typically sum up the mindset of South       three consecutive years of above average rainfall to fully   Western Cape right now, rising water demand across the   should, in turn, create an environment for new
         African water consumers. But this is already changing,        recover from this drought.                     country – the result of an increasing population and the      industries.
         especially in the wake of a crippling drought in the            The severe rationing of the water supply in the   growth in the number of households using flushing          Most of all, though, I would argue that the solutions to
         Western Cape. Sadly, though, we are learning the hard         Western Cape and other parts of the country is an   toilets – makes this a national crisis.                  preventing a full-blown and nationwide water crisis are
         way. For perspective, each person in the Western Cape         indicator that water shedding in South Africa is a reality.   Further compounding this is the rapidly depleting   great opportunities for entrepreneurs with the
         is currently allowed to use only 87 litres of municipal       And it could fast become a regular occurrence.   supply of fresh water – a challenge confronting the         innovation and drive to build world-class water supply
         water a day for drinking and washing.                           In some townships such as Gugulethu (where I come  country’s economic hub, Gauteng. The province has a     and treatment infrastructure.
           Having used 243 million cubic metres of water in the        from), Langa, Nyanga and Khayelitsha, years of progress   massive population whose livelihoods are dependent on       . Matshekga is the IDC’s divisional executive for
         past year, the province now has slightly more than            in the delivery of piped water, which has contributed to   water-intensive industries, yet it barely has a source of   agroprocessing, industrial infrastructure and new industries
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