Page 49 - IDC
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                   CITY PRESS, 12 NOVEMBER, 2017
              BE POWER


                    Newly electrified homes need a way to measure their

              consumption and Matsotso Vuso’s meter assembly plant is

                  providing the perfect solution, writes Caiphus Kgosana

                   outh Africa has set itself                                                                         loan to commence operations
                   an ambitious target of                                                                             because of the risks involved.
                   electrifying every home                                                                             The Infrastructure Development
                   by 2020. Through the                                                                               Bank of Zimbabwe, which funds
                   National Electrification                                                                           most of the projects undertaken by
         SProgramme, run by                                                                                           the power utility of that country,
         Eskom and the department of energy,                                                                          came to their rescue. But their
         each new installation must be                                                                                financial assistance came at a cost.
         accompanied by a smart, prepaid                                                                               Nyamezela had to cede to the
         meter that puts consumers in charge                                                                          bank its entire contract and all
         of their own electricity consumption                                                                         payments it received from the power
         and spending.                                                                                                utility until the full facility was
           This is where Nyamezela Metering,                                                                          repaid.
         a 100% black female-owned                                                                                     “The risks were many. You almost
         manufacturer of smart meters, sees                                                                           had to be based there to implement
         the massive potential for growth.                                                                            the project. Regarding cash flow, it          THE  VISION  Quereshini  Naidoo            PHOTO:  EUGENE  GODDARD
           “We are seeing huge opportunities                                                                          was a strain because we had to take
         in municipalities that Eskom is not                                                                          our resources in South Africa to go
         supplying [with smart meters], and                                                                           and implement a project there.”                Clever engineers
         we are working on a funded model                                                                              But Nyamezela pulled it off and
         to approach those municipalities.                                                                            staff gained valuable experience
         Most don’t have capacity and don’t                                                                           from implementing a major project
         have the funding,” says Matsotso                                                                             in Zimbabwe. It put the company on
         Vuso, managing director of the                                                                               a solid footing with Eskom in South
         Nyamezela Group.                                                                                             Africa.                                       UNITE
           Her company is in the process of                                                                            “It profiled us as one of two
         winding down an order with Eskom                                                                             companies that can supply this type
         for the manufacture and supply of                                                                            of residential meter to Eskom
         450 000 smart meters. The product                                                                            nationally,” says Vuso.
         it supplies is a split prepaid meter,                                                                         When the tender was issued, the
         which is smart enabled. For it to be                                                                         company was ready for it. However,            CAIPHUS KGOSANA                immediately interested in the
         a full smart meter, however, it must                                                                         the scope of the South African work        transaction because it involved an
         be able to send data back to the                                                                             required increased capacity. In                                              industry that it was focusing on. It
         utility using a data concentrator.                                                                           addition, because Nyamezela was a                   he story of how F&K      also had an excellent relationship
           Although the components are                                                                                new customer, Eskom was seeking                     Engineering and Hlakani  with Hlakani, having financed two of
         manufactured in China through a                                                                              full guarantees worth the value of            TEngineering came together is  the company’s expansions.
         deal with a technical partner, the                                                                           the contract it had awarded.                  inspirational.                   “Sustainable industrial
         meters are assembled at Nyamezela                                                                             As a result, Nyamezela needed a                A veteran of 29 years in the   development and job creation are
         Metering’s plant in Robertville,                                                                             massive cash injection, and that is           engineering industry, F&K is   crucial for us, mainly as [they]
         western Johannesburg.                                                                                        when it approached the Industrial             legendary in the Middleburg and   ensure our continuation and ability
           Vuso, a qualified chartered                                                                                Development Corporation (IDC).                greater Mpumalanga area for its   to meet the exacting demands of
         accountant, started the Nyamezela                                                                             “The IDC came in handy. Eskom                workmanship and delivery.      industrial clients,” she said.
         Group in 2009 as a group of                                                                                  wanted cash-covered guarantees                  When Hlakani was started in 2009  The name Hlakani is a clever play
         companies operating in the                                                                                   from a bank and the IDC helped us             by media personality turned    on the words ‘hlakaniphile’ and
         engineering and consulting space. Its                                                                        with that,” says Vuso.                        entrepreneur Quereshini Naidoo and   ‘hlanganani’, which are isiZulu for
         main clients were municipalities,                    PLENTY  TO  COME  Matsotso  Vuso                         For now, its products are almost             her business partner Gerhard   the words ‘clever’ and ‘unite’,
         including the City of Joburg’s power                        PHOTO:  EUGENE  GODDARD                          entirely installed in newly electrified       Holtshauzen, F&K offered them office   respectively
         utility, City Power. That is when it                                                                         homes, and Vuso believes there is             space to launch their new venture.   .
         saw a gap on the manufacturing side since most                                               still a long way to go in getting consumers to                Hlakani was not asked to pay rent,   Naidoo admits that she knew very
         companies that were contracted to supply smart meters                                        understand the value of having a smart, prepaid               but to rather contribute to a charity   little about engineering before
         were importing them fully assembled.                                                         electricity meter. In Soweto, angry communities have          of F&K founder Frans Stapelberg’s   entering into a partnership with
           “We contracted to cut-off customers that don’t pay for  A  project  in                     often taken to the streets to protest against the             choice.                        Holtshauzen and Hermann Brummer.
         electricity. We did technical audits and, in some cases,                                     installation of smart meters in their homes.                    Over the next eight years, the   She attributes her success in running
         installations of electricity meters for customers. That is                                     “There is a lot of misunderstanding from consumers          young company grew so fast that,   this operation to her refusal to take
         how we developed an interest in manufacturing these       partnership                        in terms of what the product can do. If you use a             when Stapelberg and his business   no for an answer.
         meters,” she said from a plush boardroom adjacent to                                         conventional meter, you are faced with huge costs at the      partner Kevin Thring decided to call   “I drove 1 000km a week from
         her office on the first floor of the assembly plant.    with  the  IDC                       end of the month. A prepaid meter is a tool that I can        it a day, there was only one buyer to   power station to power station looking
           The plant employs 21 technicians, but is ramping up                                        control. If I know what my budget is, I can control what      consider – Hlakani.            for business. I’m not an engineer. I’m
         production to meet demand and is expecting to increase       and  City                       I consume instead of getting a surprise at the end of           The deal to acquire F&K      marketing, admin, human resources
         that number to 38 by February next year.                                                     each month. Also, with post-paid meters, if you don’t         Engineering was finalised in June and   and client liaison. I went out there
           The staff are electrical engineering graduates sourced        Press                        pay, they cut you off,” she says.                             was funded by the Industrial   and I just knocked on doors and said:
         from universities of technology and technical colleges in                                      Despite the challenges, Vuso is smart enough to know        Development Corporation (IDC),   ‘Listen, give me a chance.’ It took
         Joburg, Ekurhuleni and the Vaal.                                                             that there is plenty of growth to come for her company.       which is now a strategic partner in   wearing them down … I said give me
           New technicians write a trade test and when they                                                                                                         the expanded company.          something small so we can prove that
         pass, are sent on a two-week training course to China as                                                                                                     The takeover makes perfect sense as  we can do it.”
           Vuso and her husband, a former civil engineer at  LESSONS LEARNT                                                                                         complement each other. Hlakani is a   Sunday morning show on Gauteng-
         part of the contract with Nyamezela’s technical partner.                                                                                                   the skills of the two companies   Naidoo, who used to host a
           Setting up such a technical operation has not been
         without its headaches.                                                                                                                                     welding specialist whose clients include   based talk station 702, uses a video
                                                                                                                                                                    Eskom, as well as sizeable construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                   recording machine analogy to
         Eskom, had to take out a bond with a bank to finance the                                                                                                   and manufacturing firms. F&K does   describe her relationship with her
         purchase of the building that houses the assembly plant.   ecuring  funding  was  perhaps  the  biggest  lesson  only studying what you produce, but also work overtime to   fabrications, machining and site   business partners and how their
           Once that was done, they had to fund their own initial  for  Vuso.  She  has  learnt  a  lot  about  sourcing  come up with better products to entice your client. This is   services at a number of mines. F&K   individual strengths work together.
         assembly line and pay for research and development, as  Sfunding,  structuring  funding  deals  and  how  to  use  why the company has to constantly innovate.  also brings with it its range of   “If a video recorder arrives in
         well as raw materials, to produce their first smart meter.   the  resources  at  your  disposal.   “You  have  to  innovate  to  remain  competitive  and   sophisticated machinery, including a   Herman’s hands with a manual, he
         They then had to pay for the smart meter to be    “We  are  still  learning,”  she  says.    remain  in  business.  We  have  another  product  which  is   large Mimax milling machine, one of   opens the manual, sits for five hours,
         laboratory tested and prove its capability to potential   “We  are  not  where  we  want  to  be  as  yet.”  water  resistant;  it  is  our  next  generation  of  product.”   only three in the country.   reads the manual cover to cover and
         clients.                                          She  has  also  learnt  that,  as  a  growing  business,  you                                              An ecstatic Naidoo said the   makes the video work.
           “When the tender came out, Eskom had to conduct   should  never  take  on  more  than  you  can  deliver.                                                acquisition of F&K engineering by   “If the same video recorder arrives
         tests of the product and do an accelerated live testing to   wants.  It  is  a  constant  balancing  act  to  make  sure  you  R3.2bn                      Hlakani had made them into a   in Gerhard’s hands. He gets it, looks
                                                           “It  came  as  a  shock  to  us  that  too  much  growth  can
         tell them if the product would last for the duration we   be  a  problem  for  a  business  –  because  you  are  unable                                   formidable company. It has grown   at the manual, tosses the manual
         said it would last for and do what we said it would do,”   to  deliver  the  quality  and  quantity  that  a  customer                                     from just under 100 employees to   away, takes the whole thing apart
         says Vuso. “We had to pay for that ourselves.”                                                                                                             390 workers, including 110 red-seal   and makes it work.
           The company’s first break came in 2012, when it   are  not  overexposing  yourself  or  overcommitting  to  such                                         certified steel artisans.        “If it arrives in my hands, I look at
         scored a contract to supply 250 000 first-generation   an  extent  that  the  customer  is  unhappy,”  she  says.   IN  THE  LAST  FINANCIAL  YEAR,  THE  IDC’S   “We are able to offer turnkey   the machine, I look at the manual, I
         smart meters to the power utility of Zimbabwe. But that                                          FUNDING  OF  FEMALE-EMPOWERED                             solutions. From start to finish, we   pick up the phone and say, ‘Darling,
         contract came with major headaches. Nyamezela had to   CHALLENGES                               BUSINESSES  ALMOST  TRIPLED  FROM                          can do it in the company; we don’t   I’ll buy you lunch, come show me
         move operations temporarily to Zimbabwe, but no South   The manufacture and supply of smart meters is a highly  THE  PREVIOUS  YEAR’S  R1.1  BILLION       need to subcontract any service,” she   how the whole thing works.’ That’s
         African financial institution was willing to advance it a   competitive environment. Vuso says competitors are not   TO  R3.2 BILLION                      said.                          how we are, and that’s how we fit,”
                                                                                                                                                                      Naidoo said the IDC was      she said.
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