Page 9 - Our Land
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It can take anything from several decades to 1 000 years
to grow a centimetre of topsoil and healthy soil is vital to a
resilient, food-secure country, writes Mandi Smallhorne
High-potential arable land by province
he dust storm that engulfed the Kraft Gauteng worth preserving – towards Bapsfontein or
family on the national road as they Vereeniging and Carletonville, for instance.
drove home from their holiday in the North West Eastern Cape According to a Bureau for Food and Agricultural
Free State in January 2016 was so thick 1% Policy pilot study back in 2012, 46.4% of our high-
they couldn’t see 2m in front ahead of 4% Free State potential arable soils are in Mpumalanga.
Tthem; they were forced to pull into a 1% “The potential loss of maize production to current
garage and wait it out. mining activities and activities in the near future
The dust clouds barrelling across the parched amounts to 284 844 tons per annum. A further 162 736
province’s fields, which should have been green with tons of maize could be lost from the prospecting
mealies at least waist high, were reminiscent of 21% Gauteng areas that in future could also be transformed,” the
scenes from the Dust Bowl disaster in the US during authors wrote, calculating that this could, over time,
the 1930s. push the price of mealies and mealie meal up
Back home in Johannesburg, the Krafts’ neighbour, significantly.
a soil scientist, showed them the red dust that had 46% Mpumalanga can be seen as food security
settled on his patio: “That’s Free State fines,” he said, insurance for South Africa because it is resilient to
using a term for a kind of topsoil. drought – and a changing climate means we’ll be
seeing more droughts. The sad news is that “high-
THE LIFE UNDER US 22% potential soils that are mined will never be
Topsoil is the top layer of the soil – it can be rehabilitated”.
anything from centimetres to metres deep – in which At the time the study was done, Mpumalanga had
life happens; the roots of plants burrow deep, 5% KwaZulu- probably already lost about 26% (225 217ha) of its
sending out fine, furry side branches that interact Mpumalanga Natal high-potential arable soils to mining and prospecting.
with bacteria, insects and fungi in the soil. These are And it can’t really be restored.
the living creatures that break down organic matter Limpopo “It’s like putting a wedding cake in a tumble drier
(such as manure) and minerals, and enable the plant and then trying to make use of what comes out,”
to feed on them. Source: Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy Graphics24 says Paterson.
Under natural conditions, this dense matting of Contrary to earlier beliefs, you can’t replace topsoil,
roots and microorganisms also stabilises the soil, and Arable soils for rain-fed agriculture and the damage done by opencast mining to the
the spongy nature of good, healthy topsoil soaks up water table compounds the overall damage to
rainfall, reducing the risk of floods, retaining water (in areas that are dependent on rainfall) agricultural potential.
just where plants need it and boosting the storage of
groundwater. High potential WHAT WE CAN DO
One other vital service that healthy topsoil Moderate potential If our soil is so crucial and so hard won, is there
performs is that it is full of carbon. Hendrik Smith, a Marginal potential anything we can do to save it? Yes, as it happens,
soil scientist at Grain SA, says organic carbon, is “the quite a lot.
fabric of healthy soils”. So there is a win-win First, we can use the extensive information that is
equation here – if we can store more carbon in our available from the ARC and other organisations to
soil, we will have healthier and more resilient soil, assess the land we’re considering buying or using – is
and we will also be acting to counter climate change. agriculture feasible, and what kind? Would mining or
When human activities disturb the soil, via actions development destroy good soil?
such as overgrazing, land clearing or continuous Secondly, we can demand more responsibility and
monoculture cropping, the topsoil becomes very accountability from our government. Mining-affected
susceptible to water and wind erosion, says Garry communities, environmental social justice activists
Paterson, a soil scientist at the Agricultural Research and even mining companies themselves have all
Council’s (ARC’s) Institute for Soil, Wind and Climate. demanded more stringent application of laws and
And when, as happened in the Free State from 2014 regulations pertaining to the environment. Civil
to last year, you add to the mix a prolonged drought society should understand that this could affect our
and high temperatures that desiccate plants and suck food and water security too, and join them.
all moisture from the soil, conditions are ripe for the Thirdly, we can suggest that government tighten up
dense dust storms the Krafts saw. 0 2 50 500km on laws such as the Conservation of Agricultural
Storms whip up the precious topsoil and can Resources Act to include some kind of duty of care
deposit it far away (during Dust Bowl storms in the Source: Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy Graphics24 for farmers to protect the soil.
Midwest, topsoil travelled half a continent across the Finally, we can get behind organisations like the
US to land in thick layers on ships in the New York ARC and Grain SA in supporting the application of
Harbour). 12 conservation agriculture.
This is a method of farming that does not plough
LOSING THE LIFE up the land, tearing the topsoil; instead, it drills into
Topsoil is life; it is what grows our food, whether the topsoil to drop individual seeds into relatively
in the form of the plants we eat or the plants that THE PERCENTAGE OF undisturbed soil. It keeps a layer of mulch or growing
feed our livestock. It can be considered a SA’S LAND THAT IS plants on the land at all times and it looks to
nonrenewable resource and, under natural conditions, diversify farms, running livestock and planting a
it can take anything from several decades to 1 000 SUITABLE FOR CROP PRODUCTION range of crops instead of just one.
years to grow a centimetre of topsoil. Conservation agriculture not only preserves soil
Smith says we are losing it much faster than it is from erosion, it also actively grows topsoil, and
produced naturally to windstorms, erosion and other that is something we are going to need in a
land uses. 13 precarious future.
In South Africa, it’s often said we lose 13 tons of
topsoil per hectare of mealies harvested, but that’s a SOIL SAVIOUR
raw average. Paterson says losses range from five tons THE NUMBER OF TONS, AS A RAW Cocky Mokoka invested in a no-till plough in 2007
to 25 tons in some of the more fragile areas. and switched his entire 1 000ha farm in the Vaal area
“If you look at satellite photos after heavy rains, AVERAGE, OF TOPSOIL WE LOSE FOR to conservation agriculture, with 300ha under crops
you can see brown stains spreading out into the EACH HECTARE OF MAIZE HARVESTED and livestock running on the rest.
ocean – that’s silt and minerals washed down our “The secret is a cover crop,” he explains.
rivers.” This prevents evaporation of precious moisture and,
We don’t have much land to play with in the first if you choose the right cover crop, it can fix nitrogen
place. Of the approximately 1.2km 2 million that is 70 in the soil, reducing your need for chemical
South Africa, only 12% is suitable for crop production fertilisers.
– and less than a quarter of that (22%) is high- “And you need to plant diverse crops. You need to
potential arable land. THE PERCENTAGE OF SA’S move away from this mono, mono, mono,” he adds,
Water is the main constraint. Paterson says there is referring to huge swathes of land all under a single
good soil for agriculture in parts of North West and LAND THAT IS ONLY SUITABLE FOR crop in regimented rows.
the north-western Free State, but very little available LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE GRAZING Initially, it’s expensive to invest in the machines,
water. but, after a few years, your input costs start to
Close to 70% of our land area is suitable only for drop (less fertiliser, herbicides, pesticides and even
grazing, be it for wildlife or livestock. diesel for your equipment) and your soil springs back
Quite a significant chunk of land that is good for 26 to life.
farming could be considered precarious, either in The little community of microorganisms and
Mpumalanga, where it lies over highly desirable insects starts doing its job again, the soil retains
underground coal seams, or in rapidly urbanising THE PERCENTAGE OF HIGH-POTENTIAL water better, it stashes away carbon and the whole
areas. Paterson points out that, “although it’s the ecosystem becomes more resilient.
smallest of the provinces, Gauteng has the highest ARABLE SOIL LOST TO MINING AND . This article is part of a series on climate and
percentage of good soils”. At present, however, there’s PROSPECTING IN MPUMALANGA BY 2012 food security. It was made possible with the support
still good open farming land on the outskirts of of the African Academy of Sciences