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          FARZANAH  MALL                      2017  finalists  and  winners  of  the   sponsors  who  have  served  during  my
          Outgoing  president  of  the        Businesswoman  of  the  Year  Awards.   term.  You  are  bold  women  and  men
          Businesswomen’s  Association        Congratulations!  You  are  phenomenal   who  inspire  me  with  your  commitment,
                                              trailblazers  and  exceptional  leaders  who   dedication  and  sacrifice  to  support,
            t  has  certainly  been  a  year  of   rise  above  the  status  quo  and  give  me   empower,  develop  and  grow  women  and
            contrasts.  It  reminds  me  of  what   hope  at  a  time  when  the  world   children  in  our  beautiful  country.
          ICharles  Dickens  said  in  a  Tale  of   is  in  crisis.                      You  showed  me  your  courage  to
          Two  Cities:  “It  was  the  best  of  times,  it   I  would  also  like  to     stand  up  for  what’s  right,  to
          was  the  worst  of  times,  it  was  the  age   pay  tribute  to  the             challenge  unacceptable
          of  wisdom,  it  was  the  age  of  foolishness,   board  of  directors,            norms  and  that,  with
          it  was  the  season  of  Light,  it  was  the   regional                            unity,  a  smile,  a  hand,  a
          season  of  Darkness,  it  was  the  spring  of   chairpersons,  the                  kind
          Hope,  it  was  the  winter  of  Despair”  ...   various                               thought,  you  can
          for  as  much  as  we  have  advanced  in   committees,                                 overcome  adversity
          terms  of  science,  innovation  and   staff,  judges                                   and  shape  the  world.
          technology,  we  have  in  many  ways   and                                                   . SEE PAGE 23
          regressed  in  terms  of  creating  a  better
          world  for  humanity,  one  which  is  fair
          and  ethical.
           Globally,  we  are  not  only  experiencing
          a  business  and  economic  recession  but
          also  a  geopolitical  recession,  brought  on
          by  a  lack  of  faith  in  those  entrusted  in
          leading  governmental  and  business
          institutions.  Great  leadership  is  linked
          with  great  character.  It  is  for  this
          reason  that  the  Businesswomen’s
          Association  has  chosen  the  theme:
          Women  with  no  filter  –  Celebrating
          leaders  who  honour  themselves  and
           Some  people  start  their  leadership
          journey  with  pure  wealth  creation  on
          their  mind.  Others  start  it  with  the
          hope  that  they  will  create  a  better
          future  and  use  their  knowledge  and
          intelligence  wisely  to  empower  and
          develop  themselves  and  others.  Along
          the  path  of  leadership  come  ego  and
          power  together  with  status  and  wealth.
           Many  become  consumed  by  titles  and
          positions,  becoming  indebted  to  those
          who  have  placed  them  in  positions  of
          power  or  to  those  who  can  enable  them
          to  rise  to  more  power,  compromising
          their  values  for  personal  gain  or  greed.
           Leaders  are  forgetting  that  leadership
          comes  with  the  responsibility  to  lead
          with  competence,  honour,  integrity,
          truth  and  wisdom.  This  year  the
          Businesswomen’s  Association  celebrates
          leaders  whose  essence  embodies
          qualities  of  grace,  truth,  wisdom  and
          excellence.  They  honour  themselves  by
          being  the  best  they  can  be,  staying  true
          to  who  they  are  without  pretension,
          acknowledging  both  their  successes  and
          development  areas  with  humility  and
          humaneness;  and  they  honour  others  by
          recognising  that  success  is  a  team
          effort.  They  invest  in  creating
          opportunities  for  others  and  they  lead
          by  example.
           In  a  period  of  contrasts,  I  am
          extremely  pleased  to  acknowledge  the
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