Page 7 - Winning Women 2017
P. 7

BWASA                                                                                                    7


            Women with no filter

            Women live to the point
            of exhaustion.
            They absorb all in fullness
            and in consciousness of
            what is good and bad
            Without separation,
            protection or filter
            Living, inhaling, exhaling,
            expelling or rescuing,
            the whole package of life.
            Without noticing,
            distinguishing or choosing.
            They receive in full all there is,
            The tenderness, the care,
            the pain
            And the guilt of the
            desire they hide…
            – Poet: Sat Nam (Truth is my identity)

            THE  ARTIST  Fabiana  Vizzani  Reis,   DIVINE  This  beautiful  painting,  titled  Godness,  was  auctioned  to  raise  funds  for  projects
            who  donated  the  painting    for  the  Businesswomen’s  Association

            About the artist

            The  divine  nature  of  women  –  this   pursue  her  own  career  as  an  artist.  and  it  touched  me  deeply.  It  was  such
            features  prominently  in  the  work  of   It  was  in  her  studio,  Sestante  Art,   a  noble  project  that  I  wanted  to
            Italian  artist  Fabiana  Vizzani  Reis,  who   that  she  met  Farzanah  Mall,  the   participate  in  any  form  or  way,”  said
            donated  this  painting  to  the   president  of  the  Businesswomen’s   Vizzani.
            Businesswomen’s  Association.      Association.                         She  decided  to  donate  one  of  her
             Born  in  Rome,  Vizzani  grew  up   “She  came  with  my  friend  and   paintings.
            surrounded  by  the  greats  –  Rafael,   curator  Sonia  Monroy  to  see  my   “I  wanted  to  contribute  with
            Caravaggio,  Michelangelo,  Canova,   artworks  for  the  Women  without   something  that  could  really  help!  So  I
            Botticelli  –  and  always  knew  she   Filter  art  exhibition,  which  happened   donated  this  artwork.  The  subject  is
            wanted  to  be  an  artist.  She  spent  the   on  March  8  in  Lisbon.”   the  woman’s  ‘Godness’  to  represent
            first  decade  of  her  career  managing  an   The  theme  of  the  exhibition  was  the  how  strong  and  precious  the  soul  of
            art  gallery  in  São  Paulo,  Brazil,  and   beauty,  fragility  and  power  of  women.   the  woman  is.”
            working  with  other  artists,  but   “When  she  told  me  about  the   The  painting  was  auctioned  during
            eventually  decided  to  take  the  plunge   association,  I  was  very  impressed   the  Businesswoman  of  the  Year
            and  relocate  to  Lisbon  in  Portugal  to   because  I  felt  so  close  to  the  cause   Awards  ceremony  on  September  7.
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