Page 11 - Winning Women 2017
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The judges were impressed with Divisional manager: finance and
the “diverse and unique” controlling at the East London plant of
candidates they interviewed. Mercedes-Benz South Africa
“These women are trailblazers,”
was one of the comments that
emerged. aryn Woodbridge has
Women are still largely excluded risen from a “born
from key decision-making Tand bred” small-town
positions within organisations, so girl from East London to
recognition for women in this beating a life-threatening
category becomes even more illness to becoming the divisional
important. manager: finance and controlling at
Songezo Zibi, head of the East London plant of Mercedes-
communication at Barclays Africa, Benz SA as the first South African
said the judging process was woman to head this position.
informative and educative. When Woodbridge was in the
“It illuminated the fact that we process of completing her accounting
don’t utilise our woman talent articles, she started having fits and pressure on my brain.”
enough, because it is there. If you would go through periods of Transformation is high on her
look for it you will find it.” semi-paralysis and nervous shaking. agenda.
Makgotso Letsitsi, executive “For more than a year I saw “Female representation within
director and head of advisory numerous professionals and was told manufacturing and, more specifically,
services at KPMG, shared this that it was in my imagination, I was in management levels is still unequal.
sentiment: “The other thing is the too stressed, I needed to just take a “I am in the fortunate position to be
young talent – how ambitious and break and slow down. No one believed able to challenge this, not only
driven our young talent is.” in me and what I was going through. through my role as vice-chairperson in
While acknowledging the It eventually took one person to the transformation forum and ladies
challenges, these judges were believe in me. That person made the forum [which Woodbridge started] but
committed to selecting the best difference in my life and me being sitting on the senior management team
candidate for this award. here today. allows me to create diversity and, by
“We look for people who “It was discovered that I had a life- bringing my opinion across, it perhaps
influence society beyond the threatening illness – neurocysticercosis. makes my colleagues think in a
technical abilities. Most of the I was immediately hospitalised and different way and sometimes approach
candidates were technical and had a long road of recovery to rebuild decisions a little differently from time
competent in terms of what they my nervous system due to the to time, with my female perspective.”
stood for, but we wanted to see
how that transcended to
developing others and how it CORPORATE
actually impacted other lives,” said
the 2015 Businesswoman of the
Year, Nosipho Siwisa-Damasane. MPUMI MADISA:
“We were [also] looking for the Executive director of Bidvest Ltd
individual’s ability to articulate
their personal journey and use
that as an opportunity to inspire f it wasn’t for
and be role models for others,” government funding,
said Letsitsi. IMpumi Madisa would
“It was interesting to have such not have finished her
a rigorous process with no low studies.
lights. We didn’t have drama and “My university life was characterised
so on. We just had a process that by insufficient funds to finish my
was full of energy and a lot of studies and I worked temporary jobs
highlights,” said Siwisa-Damasane. right through university to earn
extra money. I am blessed and
fortunate to have secured funding
through what is now called the
National Student Financial Aid
Scheme,” says the executive director
of Bidvest Ltd. responsible for group business
Her four years at Wits were development, client relations and the
characterised by long hours of Africa portfolio.
studying and numerous part-time jobs “A big contributor to my career was
through Dial-a-Student, which ranged the mentors I had in my life, guiding
from counting stock to packing, and supporting me on my career
distributing flyers and filing. journey. Mentorship is therefore very
“At one point I also worked part time dear to my heart. Currently I mentor 11
as a cashier so that I didn’t over people, nine of whom are women.
burden my mother [a teacher and “Mentorship creates a rich platform
single mother of three] with financial for learning and development that is
responsibilities.” customised to the mentee. I hope that
Today, as the right hand of the chief through the association I can expand
executive, the mother-of-two is this work and touch many more lives.”