Page 13 - Winning Women 2017
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              TO DIVERSITY

              AND EXCELLENCE

              Our women    r esearchers at the University
              of Pretoria are disruptors and connectors,
              addressing some of the biggest challenges
              facing business, government and society in
              Africa and in the world through their g round-
              breaking research…                                 Did you

              Four women who have been recognised for
              the quality of their research and teaching:

                                Prof Tania Haneko oom
                                Chancellor’s Awarddd for
                                teaching  e xcellenceee
                                                                                    Almost 60%
                                                                                    of postgraduate
                                                                                    students at
                                Dr Alisa Phulukdar rree                             UP are female
                                NRF Y-rated researcher
                                UP Young Research hher award winner
                                Molecular mechanisssms involved in                                57% of
                                chronic inflammatory disease  The number of                       UP staff
                                                           black women                            are female
                                                           who hold
                                 Prof Stella  N  komo oo                                          Almost 75% of
                                 NRF A-rated researcher    76%                                    postgraduate
                                                            over the past
                                 Race, gender a nd dddiversity                                    students
                                 within organisations        five years                           at UP are
                                                                                   UP is supporting
                                                                                   a  f urther
                                                                                   37 black female
                                 Prof Mmantsae Di iiale                            academics in their
                                 Finalist for N STF Em mmerging Researcher Award   PhD studies
                                 Solar energy conversion from materials
                                 development to device fabrication

              Make today matter   

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