Page 16 - Winning Women 2017
P. 16
Vice-chancellor of the
University of Pretoria
ducation has always been a big
part of Cheryl de la Rey’s life.
E Growing up in Durban, her
immediate family was small.
“I am the older of two sisters. Both
my parents worked and, from an early
age, I cared for my younger sister. We
spent holidays and after-school hours
with my cousins and I recall many
hours playing ‘school’. I was the oldest
and I was always the teacher in our
‘play school’.”
When De la Rey was very young, her
mother emphasised the importance of
education especially for women.
“I recall her telling me and my sister
that we needed to have a career so
that we could be independent one day.”
From her childhood experiences of
playing school, she developed a
passion for education and, while
she did her master’s degree, De the women students I have society-wide responsibility, but the
la Rey taught as a locum mentored have gone on to be university has taken on a leadership
teacher at her old high remarkably successful in role as far as education and awareness
school. their chosen careers. go.
“I [also] taught for a year “The University of Pretoria The University of Pretoria has
in a high school after I first itself has seen significant launched an awareness campaign
graduated and before I progress in transformation called #SpeakUP, which aims to
continued on to academia. over the past few years and increase awareness of sexual
“I strongly believe in the transformation continues to be a harassment and sexual assault.
transformative power of education. priority for us. “We are sensitising staff and
“Access to education changed my life “Student access and success is top of students to issues such as homophobia,
and I wish to pass that on to others.” the list of our current priorities. sexual harassment and rape. Each
Today, De la Rey is the Women students are in the majority campaign message also includes
vice-chancellor and principal of the overall and we have already seen a information about the university’s
University of Pretoria – one of very change in the gender composition of Careline telephonic service
few women in South Africa who have our lecturers and our doctorate (0800 747 747) where staff and
had this title. students.” students can access counselling and
“You could say that this role is the De la Rey believes that crimes support.”
equivalent of a chief executive post in against women and children are a De la Rey is one of only a handful
the private sector. I provide leadership, of women vice-chancellors, a situation
strategic direction and oversee the that she admits concerns her.
dinner or just sitting on the couch “ “ at the end of June!
day-to-day operational management of
“Of 26 universities there were four
the institution.”
women vice-chancellors but one retired
De la Rey has been married for 30
“We need to change perceptions of
“My husband and I were high school
leadership – too often the qualities of
We need to change
good leadership are associated with
sweethearts and he has always been a
perceptions of
masculinity only. We need to change
key part of my career journey. We
stereotypes of leadership.”
both work hard but we dedicate time
leadership – too
to be together such as a Friday
often the qualities
holds a transformative power for both
evening when we enjoy going out for
individuals and society as a whole.
“There is no other intervention that
watching TV on a Saturday afternoon.” of good leadership are De la Rey believes that education
associated with
As an educator De la Rey has holds so much power to unlock
contributed to the success of many of masculinity only potential, and I am immensely grateful
her students. for the opportunity to work at this
“I am especially proud that several of level.”
“ “
Winning the Businesswoman of the
and expanded my influence beyond
Year Award has given me more voice OLD MUTUAL IS THE 2017
Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng – Education SPONSOR OF THE