Page 21 - Winning Women 2017
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          Vanished! Why are women disappearing on the path to senior leadership?

                                                                        Four times per year in their workplaces:
             51% of SA population is female  61% of men aspire to reach a top management position  17% of women are exposed to sexual overtures or harassment

             53% of tertiary-educated South Africans are female  62% of women aspire to reach a top management position  37% of women feel uncomfortable with inappropriate conversations
             28% of senior leadership roles are held by women  62% of men are confident of reaching a top management position  47% of women feel excluded from company networking events
             <3% of South African CEOs on the JSE are female  57% of women are confident of reaching a top management position  54% of women feel a lack of respect or acknowledgement

                                            54% of women feel their communities believe in equal opportunities
          Source: Gender (dis)Parity in SA by Bain & Company                                                     Graphics24

          THE                                                                      understand  how  societal,  organisational
                                                                                     Fajardo  says  the  research  aims  to
                                                                                   and  personal  factors  interconnect  to
          DISAPPEARED                                                              make  sense  of  people’s  experiences  and
                                                                                   then  design  solutions  that  will  result  in
                                                                                   all-important  change.
                                                                                     But,  she  warns,  “there  is  no  silver
                                                                                   bullet”;  we  must  “convince  men  and
                                                                                   women  that  there  is  a  financial  benefit
          Where are women in leadership?                                           to  companies  and  this  will  change  the
                                                                                   black  female  experience”.
                                                                                     Despite  70%  of  both  men  and  women
                                                                                   believing  in  the  benefits  of  gender
          If women aren’t empowered to reach their                                 equality,  this  conviction  drops  when  the
                                                                                   same  people  are  asked  if  the  main
          full potential it will cripple the economy.                              reason  behind  their  support  for  gender
          Gayle Edmunds unpacks new research into                                  equality  is  improved  performance.
                                                                                     This  lack  of  belief  in  the  bottom-line
          gender equality in corporate South Africa                                benefits  flies  in  the  face  of  numerous
                                                                                   studies  that  have  found  that  increased
                                                                                   gender  parity  grows  a  country’s
               nclusion  is  a  problem  –  the                                    productivity  and  competitiveness.
               numbers  show  it.  Diversity  is  not        Women  make             McKinsey’s  2011  report,  Unlocking  the
          “Ithriving,”  says  Catalina  Fajardo,             up  51%  of  the      Full  Potential  of  Women  in  the  US
          the  co-author  of  Gender  (dis)  Parity  in                            Economy,  found  that  greater
          South  Africa:  Addressing  the  Heart  of         South  African        participation  of  women  in  the
          the  Matter.                                       population  and       workforce  since  1970  accounted  for  a
           The  report,  released  in  May,  delves      51%  51%  53%  of  tertiary   quarter  of  the  country’s  gross  domestic
          into  why  women  are  “disappearing”              educated  South       product.
          from  the  path  to  senior  leadership            Africans,  but          Conversely,  ILO  and  ADV’s  Women
          despite  having  the  same  levels  of                                   and  Labour  Markets  in  Asia  –
          aspiration  and  confidence  as  men  when         the  numbers          Rebalancing  for  Gender  Equality,  also
          beginning  their  careers.                         don’t  add  up...     released  in  2011,  found  that  Asia  and  the
           Women  make  up  51%  of  the  South                                    Pacific  sacrificed  $42 billion  to  $47 billion
          African  population  and  53%  of  tertiary                              a  year  because  of  women’s  limited
          educated  South  Africans,  but  the               Perceptions           access  to  opportunities.
          numbers  don’t  add  up.  Only  28%  of            matter  and             The  conclusion?  The  solution  begins
          senior  leadership  roles  are  held  by                                 with  all  of  us.
          women.                                             only  39%  of           Bonang  Mohale,  vice-president  of
           Once  researchers  start  adding  up  the         women  (against       Upstream  and  chief  executive  of
          number  of  chief  executives  at  JSE-listed   39%  39%  58%  of  men)   Business  Leadership  South  Africa,  puts
          companies,  the  percentages  fall  into  the      believe  that         it  in  his  foreword.
          abyss  –  less  than  3%  are  women.              gender  equity          “In  the  same  way  that  white  people
           The  Gender  (dis)  Parity  authors                                     matter  in  black  emancipation,  men
          surveyed  more  than  1 000  women  and            is  a  priority       matter  in  the  cause  of  gender  equity.
          men  in  the  private  sector  across  all         at  work.             This  is  not  and  never  has  been  a
          sectors  and  industries,  and  conducted                                woman-only  issue,”  Mohale  writes.
          more  than  50  one-on-one  interviews                                     “In  your  capacity  as  an  individual,  a
          with  people  who  work  in  corporations.                               member  of  your  community  and  a
           At  non-management  levels  58%  of   overtures  or  harassment,  as  well  as   leader  in  an  organisation,  you  must  use
          women  aspire  to  reach  the  C-suite,   inappropriate  conversations,  being   your  influence  to  make  a  real  impact  –
          compared  with  48%  of  men,  yet  once   excluded  from  company  networking   and  make  it  soon.
          these  women  reach  middle  management   events,  and  feeling  a  lack  of   “Quite  simply,  if  you  believe  in  gender
          their  confidence  levels  drop     acknowledgment  and  respect.        equality,  the  only  logical  outcome  is
          significantly.  This  is  because  they  start   The  significant  missing  link  is  the   greater  inclusion.  If  you  don’t  share  this
          to  experience  the  day-to-day  realities  of   resources  and  initiatives  to  promote   view,  I  urge  you  to  reach  out  to  others
          gender  inequality,  the  report  concluded.   gender  equality.         who  do  and  start  having  conversations
           At  work,  these  inequalities  manifest   Perceptions  matter,  and  only  39%  of   about  it.”
          as  negative  experiences  encountered  at   women  (58%  of  men)  believe  gender   . SEE THE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP
          least  four  times  a  year,  such  as  sexual   equity  is  a  visible  priority  at  work.   CENSUS FEATURE ON PAGES 38 & 39
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