Page 23 - Winning Women 2017
P. 23
As Farzanah Mall prepares to step down as and participate in mainstream economic
president of the Businesswomen’s Association, upliftment projects.
she explains why she has dedicated so much “However, creating opportunities for women
of her time to it. and empowering women to overcome
Mall joined the KwaZulu-Natal branch adversity and limitations will always be close
Happy Ralinala committee in 2006, and to my heart, and so I’ll
took up leadership still be watching from
positions at the the sidelines and
association from 2010. supporting where
She was elected to the required.
national board in 2013 And her hopes for the
and president in 2014. future?
“My experiences “As I step away, I’m
showed me that when hoping that the board
women from all walks and regional teams
of life unite, the most continue to drive the
Matshepo Msibi phenomenal outcomes organisation with
can be achieved. I integrity, unity,
watched women who excellence and passion,
thought they were too Farzanah Mall, KPMG board member and that the membership
poor, too weak, too director: advisory – risk consulting and participation in all
uneducated – through PHOTOS: TEBOGO LETSIE programmes increases –
support, mentorship, including in the student
bursaries or just by chapter and mentorship
the informal sector. Add “ “ that the organisation is
being inspired by
programmes, that the
the awards programmes
adversity – reach for
Natasha Lalla someone who overcame finalists and winners of
their dreams and
come back to serve, and
succeed,” she said.
Creating opportunities
“My experiences also
representative and
for women and
inclusive of all women.
showed me the
“Being president, and
hardships women face –
empowering women to
from management
overcome adversity and
positions to trading in
intelligent, thought-
provoking, hardworking,
to that the high rape limitations will always be leading dynamic,
vocal and passionate
close to my heart
and abuse rates and it’s women provided me
clear that we still have with an opportunity to
Deidre Nxumalo-Freeman a great deal to do. But serve as well as an
it’s time for me to move to new opportunities invaluable growth opportunity, one I will
and unlock value in other areas.” cherish
Mall has a deep interest in high-performing “I leave with the richness of human
countries and economies and has specialised experience. If South Africans are able to
in sectors such as education, health, retail, overcome their prejudices, are able to choose
manufacturing and agriculture. leaders based on competence and delivery,
She’s looking to participate in driving and hold leaders accountable, we have a
strategy, leadership and outcomes in these wealth of intellect, experience and capability
areas for both the public and private sector that can transform and grow our economy.”
Kgomotso Tshaka
. FROM PAGE 22 needs to be streamlined to ensure guaranteed
dealing with. The objective for the rest of the sustainability.
year is to reclaim our voice and be an “The world is changing and it is resilient
effective representative of the 51% of the organisations that survive. The association
population – women across the board – and to should embrace disrupters and be agile
hold leadership accountable to bring about enough to continuously define its next S-curve
change.” as the environment shifts,” says Tshaka, a
As Tshaka says, the organisational focus on board member for two years, who brings to
women in today’s economic climate is vital. the table a wealth of experience, having
“We need to ensure that there are served on other boards since 2006.
Cristina Teixeira alternative platforms that enable women to Tshaka believes the organisation needs to
participate successfully in this rapidly ensure a sustained funding pipeline. This can
changing economy. Organisations are shrinking be done through solid partnerships and
and are not able to absorb all new skills mutually beneficial strategies.
coming from tertiary education. Emerging “As the economy shrinks and inflationary
young leaders need to look at entrepreneurial conditions escalate, this organisation cannot
opportunities,” she says. rely on business as usual. The leadership must
“The association facilitates access to deliver step change and sustained performance
opportunities and networks that would with clearly defined measures. The
otherwise be few and far in between.” membership base needs to grow organically as
The organisation faces various challenges, an indication that the defined strategies add
Wyna Modisapodi one of which is its growth strategy, which value to the members.”