Page 26 - Winning Women 2017
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26                                                                                                  BWASA

          Bringing women together




          A perspective on the

          Association’s history,
          by Truida Prekel
                                                 Members of the Executive Women’s Club: Dr Jopie van

              he  Businesswomen’s  Association    Rooyen,Truida Prekel and Professor Lily Gerdes
              has  grown  into  the  largest
          Tassociation  of  business  and
          professional  women  in  South
          Africa –  widely  recognised  for  the
          role  it  plays  in  promoting  the  role  of   Organisations that also contributed
          women,  and  a  respected  voice  on
          gender  issues.
           Many  women  now  enjoying  the      Two  other  business-related  women’s   sponsored  by  Old  Mutual.
          benefits  and  fun  of  membership,   organisations  that  also  started  in  the   All  women’s  organisations,  except
          probably  do  not  realise  how  far   early  1980s  may  be  of  interest  to   those  affiliated  with  political  parties,
          women  have  come  in  the  past  four   complete  the  picture.         were  invited  to  join  –  to  form  a
          decades  or  so.                        In  1981,  I  started  Womanpower,   broad  forum  working  to  advance  the
           At  the  2017  annual  general  meeting   with  Ronel  Erwee  (Tuks),  Jopie  van   development  and  interests  of  women
          of  the  Cape  Town  branch,  executive   Rooyen  (HRSC),  Lily  Gerdes  (who   and  communities.
          director  Matshepo  Msibi  mentioned   had  been  the  first  woman  professor   With  branches  in  the  major  cities
          that  she  had  been  struck  by  the   at  Unisa)  and  Pauline  Walters.   and  annual  national  conferences,  this
          mutual  supportiveness  among           We  offered  mostly  free  workshops  created  opportunities  to  meet  a  wide
          members  –  that  the  “queen  bee    for  women  in  Pretoria,  Johannesburg   range  of  women,  also  some  from
          syndrome”  that  people  often        and  Cape  Town  –  at  that  stage  few   Lesotho,  Namibia  and  Malawi.
          mentioned  as  being  a  problem  among   companies  were  prepared  to  invest   The  Women’s  Bureau  was  closed
          businesswomen  does  not  seem  to  exist   in  the  career  development  of  women.  down  in  the  mid-1990s  after  the
          in  the  association.                   One  of  our  projects  was  “Matched  founder  and  energiser  Margaret  had
           It  had  struck  me  in  the  early  1980s   Pairs”  from  1983  to  1985  –  where  we   emigrated  to  Australia,  in  her  80s.
          that  while  “queen  bees”  seemed  to  be   sought  out  emerging  black  business   I  had  the  privilege  of  representing
          prevalent  in  the  US,  the  first   and  professional  women,  and     the  Women’s  Bureau  when  the
          Businesswomen  of  the  Year  –       matched  them  with  white  women  in   Women’s  National  Coalition  was
          Val  Mickleburgh,  Margaret  Lessing,   the  same  fields.  This  broadened  to   established  at  the  initiative  of  the
          Marina  Maponya  –  and  their        create  rewarding  opportunities  for   ANC  Women’s  League  in  1991.
          successors  were  generous,  sharing   women  to  get  to  know,  befriend  and   I  served  on  the  steering  committee
          women,  who  set  the  tone  and  example   support  women  they  might   with  inspiring  women  like  Frene
          for  other  women  to  encourage      otherwise  not  have  met.         Ginwala,  Mavivi  Manzini  and  Thoko
          newcomers  and  emerging                In  1981  Margaret  Lessing      Didiza  –  and  we  got  many  other
          businesswomen.                        established  the  Women’s  Bureau  of   women’s  organisations  to  join  the
           The  Businesswomen’s  Association    South  Africa,  which  was  mainly   coalition.    – Truida Prekel
          grew  out  of  a  merger  between  three
          women’s  organisations  –  the  Executive
          Women’s  Club  (the  largest  of  the   Leadership,  as  manager  of  marketing   on  personal  and  career  development
          three),  National  Association  of   and  public  relations,  and  had  started  a   for  women  managers.
          Women  Business  Owners  –  started   four-year  part-time  Master  of  Business   We  first  offered  this  workshop  in
          by  Professor  Ronel  Erwee  of  Pretoria   Leadership  course.          October  1979,  and  there  was  such
          University  Business  School  –  and   I  did  my  dissertation  for  the  degree  demand  that  we  had  to  present  the
          ProWaldo  (an  association  of  black   in  business  leadership  on  the   workshop  three  times,  and  often  later.
          businesswomen  and  professionals).   development  of  the  managerial     Margaret  Essberger,  public  relations
           In  a  way  it  started  in  1975,  which  the  potential  of  South  African  women.  manager  of  Barclays  Bank,  was  one  of
          United  Nations  had  declared  the   One  of  the  outcomes  of  my  research  the  participants.  She  had  started
          International  Year  of  Women.  This  led   was  that  I  developed  a  module  on   having  informal  lunches  for
          to  more  awareness  on  women’s  issues   women  in  management  as  part  of  our   businesswomen  and  said  she  would  try
          and  roles  worldwide.              one-year  management  development    to  establish  such  an  organisation.
           I  worked  at  Unisa  School  of  Business  programme,  and  a  two-day  workshop             .  TO  PAGE  27
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