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28                                                                                                  BWASA

                                                                                                          PHOTO:  ISTOCK

                                                                SIGN UP
                                                                SIGN UP

                                                                 and watch yourself and

                                                                 your business grow

          ALISON  VISSER
                                                THE ASSOCIATION AT A GLANCE
               oes  your  business  need  a  boost?
               Do  you  need  someone  to  bounce
          Dideas  off?  Are  you  wanting  to   The  Businesswomen’s  Association  is   Boys  to  Men  programmes  aim  to
          give  back?                           the  largest,  most  prominent     transform  young  women  and  men
           There  is  a  reason  why  the       non-profit  association  of  business   into  responsible  adults  [See Pages
          Businesswomen’s  Association  has  been   and  professional  women  in  South   32 and 33].
          growing  for  nearly  four  decades.  The   Africa.  It  has  more  than  15 000   •  Mentorship  programmes  offer  a
          value  of  signing  up  is  worth  far  more   members  and  23 000  subscribers  and   chance  to  be  guided  and  mentored
          than  the  annual  membership  fee.   affects  more  than  15  000  people  a   by  those  who  have  “made  it”  [See
           Members  cite  the  amazing          year  through  its  programmes.    Page 37].
          networking  opportunities,  the  support   The  organisation  has  five  focus   4. Awards and recognition
          structure  they  inherit  as  a  member   areas:                         These  include  the  Regional  Business
          and  the  member  directory  they  have   1. Skills development and training  Achiever  Awards  and  the  national
          access  to  as  some  of  the  highlights  of   High-impact  programmes  are  held  to   Businesswoman  of  the  Year  Awards
          their  membership.                    equip  members  with  the  right  tools   [See Pages 9 and 30].
           The  association  caters  for  women  at  to  better  understand  the  business   5. Corporate social investments
          all  stages  of  their  careers.  From  the   world  and  improve  their  skills.  •  Sanitary  Sisters  distribute  sanitary
          student  to  the  informal  trader  to  the   2. Research and advocacy   towels  to  schools  [See Page 35];
          woman  on  the  top  of  the  corporate   The  organisation’s  highly  anticipated   •  Stationery  Start-up  (packs  are
          ladder  –  there  is  a  membership   Women  in  Leadership  Census  2017   donated  to  Grade  1  children);  and
          category  tailored  for  you:         will  be  released  later  this  year  [See   •  Corporate  wear  programme,  where
                                                Pages 38 and 39].                  underprivileged  young  women  are
          General or full membership (R550)     3. Leadership                      given  clothes  to  confidently  enter
          This  is  the  original  class  of    •  Businesswomen  of  Tomorrow  and   the  job  market  [See Page 36].
           “When  the  Businesswomen’s
          Association  started,  it  was  for   awards,  on  Pages 10, 11 and 12]  most   Honorary membership (free)
          women  in  business  or  business   of  our  finalists  were  at  executive  level   This  is  granted  to  women  of
          owners,  so  this  was  particular  to   –  their  needs  are  different  to  those  of   distinction  who  have  made  significant
          women  running  their  own  businesses,”   women  who  are  mid-level  in  their   contributions  to  the  association.
          says  executive  director  Matshepo   careers,  so  we  customised  an  offering   It  includes  retiring  presidents  and
          Msibi.                              that  is  specific  to  the  needs  of  women   vice-presidents,  regional  chairpersons,
           General  or  full  membership  is   who  are  in  those  very  senior  positions   and  people  of  distinction  “such  as  our
          granted  to  someone  who:  is  a   –  or  who  aspire  to  be  in  those   lifetime  achievement  recipients  like
          business  owner  or  entrepreneur;  is  a   positions,”  said  Msibi.    Mama  Graça  Machel,  who  was  last
          professional  woman  who  holds                                          year’s  recipient”,  said  Msibi.
          a  position  in  a  company;  is  in   Corporate membership (R40 000)      “This  membership  type  is  granted
          the  public  or  private  sector;  is   This  type  of  membership  is  granted  to   from  time  to  time  as  the  board
          recognised  as  a  leader  in  her  field;   a  company  or  organisation  that  has   chooses.  Honorary  members  do  not
          or  has  contributed  to  the       more  than  51  members  registered  on   have  voting  rights.”
          advancement  of  women  in  business   the  association’s  database.
          and  the  community.                  “These  are  all  kinds  of        Cooperative member (R350)
                                              organisations –  private  companies,   “We  called  this  a  cooperative  member
          Executive membership (R2 000)       state-owned  enterprises,  government –   because  it  was  an  inclusive  title  –
          Executive  membership  is  granted   but  has  a  maximum  limit  of  150.  It’s   it  focuses  on  women  in  the
          to  someone  who:  is  a  successful   not  about  the  money  –  it’s  about   informal  sector  or  rural  areas;
          business  owner  (more  than  10  years   getting  women  to  be  part  of  the   women  who  are  farmers  or  run
          in  business),  holds  a  senior  leadership   association,  and  getting  them  involved,”   small  businesses  in  the  townships,”
          or  executive  position;  is  recognised  as   said  Msibi.              said  Msibi.
          a  leader  in  her  field;  or  has                                        “This  is  a  new  category.  We
          contributed  to  the  advancement  of   Group membership (R25 000)       realised  that  we  have  neglected  the
          women  in  business  and  the       This  is  similar  to  a  corporate   women  in  the  informal  sector,  in
          community.                          membership,  but  is  granted  to  a   the  townships  and  the  rural  areas  –
           “This  is  a  new  category.  When  we   company  or  organisation  that  has   that’s  where  most  of  the  support  is
          looked  at  the  corporate  category  [of   between  two  and  50  members   required.”
          the  Businesswoman  of  the  Year   registered  on  the  database.                            .  TO  PAGE  29
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