Page 19 - Winning Women 2017
P. 19

BWASA                                                                                                    19

            JUDGES’ NOTES

                                              SUE  HADCROFT:
            Entrepreneurship  forms  a        Managing  director  of  Cubicle  Solutions
            significant  part  of  the  South
            African  economy.
             “[This  category]  is  so  important  roudly  South  African,
            because  a  lot  of  women  out        Sue  Hadcroft
            there  who  are  entrepreneurs    Pimmigrated  to  South
            don’t  find  the  recognition  that   Africa  from  the  United
            they  deserve,”  said  Dr  Thandi   Kingdom  in  2003.
            Ndlovu,  who  won  the              “I  am  very  proud  to  say  that  I  and
            entrepreneur  award  in  2013.    my  family  choose  to  live  in  South
             “And  because  we  don’t         Africa  and  are  also  celebrating  our
            recognise  them  and  don’t  make   citizenship  that  we  were  granted  in
            a  big  song  and  dance  about   May,”  she  says.
            them,  young  people  have  no      Eight  years  ago,  the  Hadcrofts  started
            idea  about  the  fantastic  women   their  business,  Cubicle  Solutions,  which
            out  there  who  are  doing  great   manufactures  waterproof  toilet  and
            things.”                          shower  cubicle  systems.
             Another  judge,  Dumisani          Her  husband,  Alan,  realised  there  was  significant  for  gym  clients,  including
            Mthombeni,  highlighted  the      a  gap  in  the  market  where  a  particular   Virgin  Active  and  Planet  Fitness.
            gruelling  process  that  candidates   waterproof  and  robust  board  was   “Also,  with  the  green  movement  being
            in  this  category  undertake.    available  but  not  used  for  this  type  of   very  prominent,  the  fact  that  all  of  our
             “In  the  entrepreneurial  category  application.                     products  are  ‘green’  was  very  relevant
            you  should  have  been  physically   “It  was  more  of  a  concept  at  the   and  extremely  important.”
            involved  in  running  the  business   beginning  because  we  had  no  trading   Hadcroft’s  official  title  is  managing
            or  setting  up  the  business.  The   history  or  projects  to  refer  to.  Then  we   director.  This  makes  her  responsible  for
            auditors  want  to  look  at  the   landed  our  first  project,  which  was  to   everything  from  the  company’s
            financials  for  the  past  three  years   manufacture  and  install  the  toilet   marketing  and  sales  strategy  to  the
            at  least.                        cubicles  for  the  new  Fifa  head  offices  in   financial  control  of  the  business  and
             “So  there  are  quite  a  few   Sandton  in  2009,  a  year  ahead  of  the   “day  to  day”  general  management.
            submissions  that  one  has  to  do   World  Cup.”                       The  business’  growth  over  the  past
            in  order  to  meet  the  criteria  –   They  developed  the  range  in  2011   eight  years  has  created  nearly  60  jobs  in
            and  it’s  audited  by  KPMG,”  said   when  lockers,  benches  and  locker-bench   KwaZulu-Natal,  the  Western  Cape  and
            Mthombeni.                        combinations  were  added.  This  proved   Gauteng.
             The  2015  entrepreneur  of  the
            year  and  owner  of  Blue  Platinum
            Events,  Lee  den  Hond,  said  she   ENTREPRENEURS
            was  looking  for  people  who  were
            “very  driven”.
             “But  it’s  also  not  only  about   BARBARA  FARRELL:
            what  they  are  doing  in  their   Owner  of  the  Udec  Group
            business  but  also  what  they
            are  doing  outside  of  business,
            with  a  great  focus  on  the    The  “100%  shareholder  of
            empowerment  of  women  in        Udec”  isn’t  big  on  titles  and
            South  Africa.”                   doesn’t  introduce  herself  as
             Ndlovu  was  very  impressed     the  owner.  But  she  is  very
            with  the  candidates.            involved  in  the  day-to-day
             “I’m  bowled  over.  The  quality  of  running  of  the  business  and  loves
            candidates  is  exceptional.  From   visiting  her  customers.
            having  looked  at  their  profiles   Farrell “started small” in 2004, running
            and  CV  and  what  they  have  done,   the business on her own with just a
            I  would  expect  nothing  less,”  said   handful of products.
            Ndlovu.                             “As my knowledge and experience
                                              grew, I increased the product portfolio.
                                              Today, I am very proud to say that we
                                              offer the most comprehensive range of
                                              adsorbents and purification catalysts in   is to be an entrepreneur,” she says.
                                              the refining, petrochemical and mining   Farrell completed her schooling in
                                              industries.”                         Cape Town.
                                                Farrell puts the success of the Udec   “I am dyslexic, so school was a huge
                                              Group down to her “excellent team    challenge for me; I really needed to learn
                                              consisting of only women” and expert   to be resourceful to make it through.”
                                              management from the operations and     Farrell found a flair for languages, and
                                              sales/marketing managers.            has lived in numerous countries,
                                                Farrell, who comes from a family of   including Singapore (where she learnt to
                                              entrepreneurs, was born in Germany. Her   speak Mandarin) and Russia (where she
                                              parents moved to South Africa in 1982.   learnt to speak Russian). She is also
                                                “I come from a hardworking family and  fluent in German and French.
                                              money was always tight. My parents     “My biggest driver has always been to
                                              taught me to be tough and think logically.   be independent. I believe that the
                                              My father started his own business when   strength of a person lies in the ability to
                                              I was 12 and I saw first-hand how hard it   get yourself out of any situation.”
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