Page 14 - Winning Women 2017
P. 14
Teddy Bear Foundation
n her 17 years at the Teddy Bear
Foundation, Dr Shaheda Bibi Omar
Ihas shown consistent commitment
and dedication, working tirelessly and
leading by example.
“The work I do has a special meaning
for me. A learned scholar once said:
‘You make a living from what you do
but a life from what you give.’ I believe
that this is my calling and I want to
see children becoming champions.”
The Teddy Bear Foundation helps
children who have been abused or
neglected. Omar is the director of the
foundation, and oversees all the
therapeutic services.
“The work I do is not a job, it is my
passion. I love what I do and seeing a
child’s face light up makes it so
meaningful and gives me the energy I
need to proceed. Children come to the
foundation ‘stuck’ or immobilised,
and we find ourselves in the inequalities made her realise what was fair and just.
privileged position of getting that education was her sole “I have continued this journey and
them ‘unstuck’ – mobilising weapon to fight and ward have never turned back, holding people
them and helping them heal.” off the social ills that so and institutions at all levels
Married for 40 years, with many faced at the time. accountable. This characteristic has
four children and seven After she was denied the been one I have carried through in my
grandchildren, Omar describes ministerial consent needed to career, where there is no place for fear,
her husband as supportive of study at the University of only courage. There are times when
both her academic pursuits as Witwatersrand, she started courageous conversations are necessary
well as her work demands, which working, and signed up to study in order for the truth to prevail.”
can negatively influence home life. Her through the University of South Africa. Today, Omar’s bravery and courage
family is her greatest blessing and Even here she experienced much have seen her tackling government and
asset. inequality, where lectures and holding people accountable as she
It was a positive learning experience graduation ceremonies were separate fights the injustices perpetrated against
to grow up in a densely populated part due to the segregation of races. children and their families.
of Johannesburg and live for many “This sparked my fight to overcome “We need to continue challenging
years with extended family. injustices being perpetrated against government and other stakeholders on
“It was also a privilege to be raised in non-whites. It catapulted the need to becoming accountable for the human
a community where neighbours could stand up and speak out and fight for injustices we are seeing. Angry people
help and depend on each other. This often lash out at the weakest and most
sense of community nurtured in me vulnerable. We need to continue
her life – “it ignited the interest in “ “ and children is a systemic issue needing
the values of sharing, caring, being
standing together to make the ‘rock’
grateful and compassionate towards
stronger. The violence against women
others, which has assisted me
throughout my journey,” she says.
systemic intervention.
“One of my greatest inspirations was
“We need to pressurise government to
I hold people and
address people’s fundamental needs
a neighbour who was a librarian. He
institutions at all levels
such as employment, housing,
took a keen interest in the education of
our community and introduced us to
recreational facilities, equal
accountable. This
This, she says, was a turning point in
healthcare. Our work is about integrity,
one I have carried
honesty and having courage.
“An act of kindness can be seen by
books and a pursuit for education”. characteristic has been opportunities for education and better
through in my career,
Omar started her journey at a time the blind and heard by the deaf, and so
when opportunities and access to where there is no place the legacy that I would love to leave
education were not equal to all, and for fear, only courage behind is that of kindness, substance
witnessing and experiencing these and honour.”
Winning gave me exposure. I travel a lot,
countrywide and internationally, mentoring
other women and I am now a motivational
speaker. Since I won this award, there are
many funders who are keen and willing to fund us. MERCEDES-BENZ IS THE 2017
Mary Raletooane – Social entrepreneur winner, 2016 ENTREPRENEUR CATEGORY