Page 12 - Winning Women 2017
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12                                                                                                  BWASA

          CORPORATE                                                                  “There  are  numerous  and  certainly
                                                                                   very  worthy  campaigns  being  launched
                                                                                   by  individuals  and  groups,  but  I
          MICHELLE  WILLIAMS-SWARTZ:                                               believe  that  more  still  needs  to  be
          Operations  director  for                                                done  to  find  a  sustainable  solution  to
          Johnson  &  Johnson,                                                     significantly  reduce  these  incidents.
          East  London                                                               “This  must  include  appropriate
                                                                                   funding,  policy,  education  and
                                                                                   necessary  infrastructure  to  support
                 ichelle  Williams-                                                and  govern.”
                 Swartz  has                                                         Helping  and  supporting  other  people
          Movercome  a                                                             is  key  to  her  leadership  style.
          childhood  filled  with                                                    “Our  most  important  role  as  leaders
          domestic  violence  and                                                  is  to  develop  other  leaders  and  this  is
          memories  of  financial  difficulty  to  rise                            a  topic  I  am  incredibly  passionate
          to  the  top  of  the  corporate  world.                                 about.  I  am  energised  by  seeing
           As  operations  director  for  Johnson  &                               women  and  men  with  strong
          Johnson  East  London,  she  is                                          leadership  potential  coming  through
          responsible  for  the  manufacturing                                     the  organisation.
          facility  producing  about  60  million                                    “It  gives  me  a  great  sense  of
          consumer  products  a  year.  But  it  took   being  too  scared  to  get  involved.”  fulfilment  knowing  that  I  had
          a  lot  of  faith,  hard  work,  a  spirit  of   Crimes  against  women  and  children  something  to  do  with  the  growth  of
          resilience  and  kind-hearted  people  to   have  made  many  headlines  this  year.   others.”
          get  there.                         For  Williams-Swartz,  “seeing  what  is   Williams-Swartz  juggles  her  career
           “I  grew  up  in  a  home  where   happening  in  our  country  saddens  me   with  raising  her  three  daughters  –
          domestic  violence  was  ‘normal’.  Some   immensely  and  I  feel  we  are  not  doing   Kaylee,  Kassidy  and  Kallyn  –  with  her
          of  my  worst  memories  include    enough  to  address  this  very  serious   husband,  Rian.  She  has  ensured  that
          watching  as  my  father  tried  to  strangle   matter”.                 her  daughters  feel  empowered,  engaged
          my  mother  and  I  thought  she  was   She  uses  any  opportunity  she  gets  to  and  inspired.
          about  to  die;  my  father  trying  to  stab   speak  to  women  trapped  in  abusive   “I  believe  that  many  face  very
          my  mother  in  the  street  after  hours  of   relationships,  and  to  share  with  them   similar  if  not  worse  challenges  and  we
          fighting;  my  mother  and  I  locked  in   the  effects  of  “staying  in  the   all  have  a  story  to  tell,  but  it  is  about
          the  house  while  my  father  beat  her,   relationship”  especially  from  the   making  a  conscious  decision  to  turn
          screaming  for  help  and  neighbours   perspective  of  the  child.     the  mess  into  a  message.”

                                                                      J o h n s o n  &  J  o h n s o n  h a s  b e e n
                                                                      championing women and giving           t hem
                                                                      the tools, resources and opportunities
                                                                      to succeed at work and at home since
                                                                      our founding more than 130 years ago.
                                                                      We believe women can be catalysts for
                                                                      creating healthier people, healthier
                                                                      communities and a h ealthier world.
                                                                      Women are innovators meeting today's
                                                                      challenges and inventing       t omorrow's
                                                                      solutions. They are scientists and
                                                                      technologists.     T  hey are  c  aregivers,
                                                                      mentors, mothers and innovators. T hey
                                                                      are the anchors o f t he family, leaders i n
             our business and drivers of the global economy.
             We must champion t hem. Celebrate them. Partner with them. And give them the freedom to
             pursue their passions.
             Caring for women in our global community will fuel the future of human health.
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