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CHOOSE POSTGRADUA T E                                    S TUDIES IN THE SCHOOL


        The School of Human and Community Development is situated in the Faculty of
        Humanities, rated amongst the best Humanities faculties on the continent. The School
        offers four degree programmes: in Psychology,  S  ocial Work, Audiology and Speech  Our prolific research is the
        Therapy. W  e  h ave two clinical training centres: Emthonjeni Centre  a nd the Children’s  pride of the School and our
        Communication Centre. The Centres offer interdisciplinary training opportunities for
        our students. Emthonjeni Centre  i s  a  walk-in centre  t hat  i s  s ituated in Braamfontein  research outputs influence
        and the Children’s  C  ommunication Centre  i s  a  pre-primary school for children with
        language impairment. Interdisciplinary method is a  g lobally recognised approach to  national responses to
        clinical interventions because of common comorbidity of clinical disorders.            problems that our
        Our postgraduate students get opportunities to work alongside globally recognised
        scientists and receive the best teaching and intellectual stimulation from our diverse  communities face with
        academic staff. We offer opportunities for training our students in the communities    respect to well-being,
        both in Johannesburg  a  nd in surrounding provinces. We are  l inked to a  n  umber of
        national and local NGOs and have rural practical sites such as the Ndlovu WITS         mental health, and
        Audiology clinic.
                                                                                                  speech and
        Under the leadership of Professor Mzi Nduna who is a  fi nalist in the Business Woman
        of the Year Award  ( Education  c  ategory), the School attracts the best students and  hearing disorders.
        lecturers, locally and internationally. T he School has competitive programmes and our
        graduates are  a lways  s ought after by their employers of choice, locally and overseas.

                                MASTERS AND DOCTORAL DEGREES IN PSYCHOLOGY
          NB: All degrees extend over two academic years of full-time study and comprise coursework modules, internships and research reports.

                                                                            Master of Arts in Community Based
                Master o f A rts  i n  C  linical Psychology
                                                                                 Counselling Psychology
       Introduction                                              Introduction
        Courses in this programme include, psychotherapy, p sychological  The aim in this programme is to develop effective counselling skills
        assessment (clinical observation, history taking, specialised  and knowledge within the community context (marginalised
        interviewing, pathology testing and report writing), community  communities); to participate in community projects and community
        clinical practice, amongst others.                        psychology supervision.

            Master of Education in Educational Psychology           Master of Education in Organisational Psychology

       Introduction                                              Introduction
        Counselling, adjustment/maladjustment and educational psychology in  The Master of Arts in Organisational Psychology takes place over a
        the community. P ractical training is provided at the same time.  single full-time year period, and aims to provide students with a
                                                                  thorough knowledge of advanced theoretical issues in applied
                                                                  psychology within an organisational context, together with the
                                                                  development of advanced analytical and reasoning skills.

                                              • M  aster of Arts in Psychology by Dissertation
             RESEARCH-RELATED                 • M  aster of Arts in Psychology by Coursework and Research Report (Research)

             MASTERS DEGREES                  • M  aster of Arts in the field of Social and Psychological Research by Coursework and
                                               Research Report
                          DOCTORAL DEGREES - D OCTOR            O F  P HILOSOPHY DEGREE (PHD)

      • G  eneral PhD (by thesis OR including publication) • P hD including publication in the area of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Practice

             For more  i nformation, email our administrator, M  rs Lauryne Lokothwayo (
                     For information on selection criteria, visit:

                                                         SCHOOL OF
                                                     UMTHOMBO WOPHUHLISO LOLUNTU
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