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APGA Fall Gathering & Committee/Board Meetings
              APGA F         a ll G   a t h e r i n g & C      o m  m   i tt ee/B   oa   r d M    ee  ti n g s
                                      S e p t e m  be  r 28t   h - 29t    h, 2023
                                      September 28th - 29th, 2023

                 Marriott Legends at Capitol Hill & Robert Trent Jones Golf Club, Prattville, AL
                 M a r r i o tt L e g e n d s a t Ca p i t o l H ill & R o b e r t T r e n t J o n e s G o l f Cl u b , Pr a tt v ill e, AL
                                         2500 L e g e n d s C i r c l e, Pr a tt v ill e, AL 36066
                                         2500 Legends Circle, Prattville, AL 36066
                    PGA invites our members to join us                  On Thursday evening, we have a wonder-
                    on Thursday, September 28th at the           ful dinner buffet planned to celebrate this year’s
                    Marriott Legends Conference Center           Fall Gathering. We invite you to come out and
            Aat Capitol Hill in Prattville, AL to re-            enjoy this social time together. Please make sure
            lax and enjoy some recreational time prior to        to indicate the number of guests that will be
            Friday’s schedule meetings. Choose from golf,        attending dinner on the registration form.
            a private guided tour of the Alabama History &              Early Friday morning, we’ll begin our day
            Archives Museum and Governor’s Mansion, or           together with a catered breakfast at the APGA
            spa time at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown        office in Prattville.  Immediately following break-
            Montgomery. You can reserve your spot for golf       fast, we will begin our committee and board
            or the guided tour on the attached form. Spa         meetings.
            appointments should be made directly with the               If you would like to register for the event,
            Spa at Montgomery in the Renaissance Hotel by        please use the registration form on page 11 or
            calling (334) 481-5210.  For additional informa-     click the link below to register and pay online for
            tion about the Robert Trent Jones Capitol Hill       the event or to reserve a room at the hotel.■
            Golf Course, please click here.

                       CLICK HERE TO REGISTER & P                                A Y ONLINE
                       CLICK HERE TO REGISTER & PAY ONLINE

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