Page 9 - Sep-Oct 2023_Neat
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                                              Y OUT
            SAFET Y OUT R EACH
             RESOURCE GUIDE
             RESOURCE GUIDE
                   ummer has come to an end in Alabama. With
                   the end of the summer months, Hurricane
                   season is ushered in right alongside the
            Swinter preparedness efforts for many pro-
            pane providers and their customers throughout the
            state. For this reason, the fall and winter months are
            the busiest time of year for everyone in the propane
            industry. Before the season is upon us, remember
            to dedicate some time to educate your custom-
            ers. By taking a few simple propane-related safety
            precautions, customers can reduce the potential
            for property loss and personal injury. Educational
            materials and resources for weather and consumer    PERC’s Consumer Safety Videos
            safety outreach are available to download, print, or   •  These can be found on > safety >
            electronically distribute to your customers. Contin-    consumer safety videos.
            ue reading and click the links to view the safety and
            training resources.                                 •  Share the video series from
            Weather Safety Outreach                             •  Download the Videos from the Resource Catalog.
                    Mother Nature can unleash her fury in just a   •  Share the Videos from PERC’s YouTube Channel:
            few devastating moments. PERC has prepared a host       Propane: Energy for Everyone
            of weather safety resources for propane marketers.     »  Brochures, manuals, tags are available for pur-
            These downloadable resources include local media        chase from the Resource Catalog
            release templates, safety flyers and videos, social     »  Preparing Customers for Winter
            media posts and more to help spread the word on
            propane home weather safety before, during, and     Propane Presents Technology Series
            after a significant weather event occurs in your area.      Join PERC's Propane Presents Technology
            Download these resources from the Resource Cat-     Series to learn about propane technologies and
            alog. Consumers can also get all of these weather   hear directly from OEM's who are leading the future
            safety tips, flyers, and videos from the Propane and   for propane-powered equipment. The most recent
            Weather Safety page on                 webinar dealt with Winter Preparedness and fea-

            •  Floods                                           tured best practices, properly training and preparing
            •  Hurricanes                                       your team members, prepping and maintaining your
                                                                equipment, and managing your supplies and logistics.
            •  Power Outages                                    To see the recorded presentation or to view upcom-

            •  Tornadoes                                        ing propane presents webinars, click here.
            •  Wildfires                                        The Learning Center
            •  Winter Storms                                            Most importantly, remember to prepare your
                                                                staff by providing them with proper training so they
            Consumer Safety Outreach                            can be ready for all weather conditions and safety

                    Propane marketers can share, download       concerns. The Learning Center on of-
            and purchase a variety of important consumer        fers a variety of training modules. Sign up for PERC's
            safety resources from PERC. Whether it’s for a social   educational eNewsletter, Training Tuesdays. New
            media, a company website, or local media, these     editions are published on the second Tuesday of each
            are a great resource for your toolbox.              month and are emailed directly to your inbox.■

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