Page 4 - Sep-Oct 2023_Neat
P. 4

word from the president

                     ello everyone!  Here we are once            to help you get ready
                     again, on the verge of Fall being here      for the busy season.
                     very shortly, although it certainly                Once again, I
          Hdoesn’t feel like it outside. High School             want to thank every-
            and College football has already kicked off! I       one for coming to the
            hope your favorite football team has a good          APGA/LPGA "Voodoo
            season, except for Georgia, we don’t need a          on the Bayou" con-
            three-peat, just kidding. Roll Tide!!                vention this summer
                   Our busy season is just around the            in New Orleans, LA.
            corner.  I hope everyone has gotten some relief      A big thank you to
            from the extreme heat we have been experi-           everyone who had           Brian Rogers
            encing this summer, maybe that will produce          a part in making the
            some cold weather and good sales.                    convention a success and keeping it operating
                   I hope everyone has been able to get          smoothly. This year, the reverse raffle and silent
            fully staffed and trained and is making their        auction events raised a lot of money for the
            best efforts to make sure all trucks are in good     APGA/LPGA scholarship funds. Thank you to
            shape so we can be safe and not get compla-          all of the suppliers who donated auction items
            cent this winter. There are several articles about   and raffle prizes to help raise money for these
            safety, weather preparedness, educational            funds. I hope to see everyone at next year's
            resources, and quick links throughout this issue     APGA/LPGA summer convention in Pensacola
                                                                                           Beach, FL. See the of-
                                                                                           ficial "Save the Date"
                                                                                           announcement on
                                     DEALERS LP EQUIPMENT                                  page 21.
                                     An Affiliate of R.E. Michel Company, LLC
                                                                                              Don’t forget
                                                                                           about the APGA Fall
                            Your  SINGLE SOURCE  for                                       Gathering Commit-
                                                                                           tee/Board Meeting
                                                                                           that is coming up.
                                                                                           We would love to
                                                                                           have you join us.
                                                                                           This event will take
                                                                                           place on September
                                                                                           28th & 29th at the
                  ...and ALL your propane equipment needs!                                 Marriott Legends at
                                                                                           Capitol Hill located at
                     Check us out online at                                  2500 Legends Circle
                                                                                           Prattville, AL 36066.
                                   and follow us on
                                                                                           See event details and
                                                                                           registration informa-
                           1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303                     tion on page 10-11 or
                                   800-433-8925                                            click here to register


     4                                  Alabama Propane Gas Association  | September / October 2023
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