Page 7 - Sep-Oct 2023_Neat
P. 7

from the executive director’s desk

                    he fall has arrived and so many exciting             APGA wants to
                    things are happening as we all gear up       remind everyone that
                    and prepare for the busy fall and win-       October 7th is National
            Tter months ahead. Although we cannot                Propane Day! Fall sea-
            predict the weather for the coming season with       son is football season
            any certainty, we want to ensure that you have       and football season is
            everything you need. To help you prepare, we         tailgating season! This is
            have a special two-page edition of the Safety &      the perfect opportunity
            Education section. You'll find tips on fall's driving   to spread the positive
            hazards and a resource guide for safety outreach     story of our industry.
            materials to add to your consumer education          See page 34 for ideas to     Laural Bunn
            toolkit. Then, turn to page 27 for information and   celebrate National Propane
            resources for winter preparedness from PERC.         Day and to download your toolkit today.
                   This month's magazine features APGA's                 We're currently planning this year's District
            events and meetings. The upcoming Fall Gather-       meetings. Be on the lookout for the official meet-
            ing will be held on September 28th -29th at the      ing announcement in your email inbox. We want
            Marriott at Capitol Hill in Prattville, AL. You can   to see you there!
            find the event details, agenda, and registration             Please feel free to contact me to discuss
            information on pages 10-11. APGA will host the       your needs or concerns. I am always happy to help
            Fall Committee and Board of Directors Meetings       our members and to do what I can to promote the
            on Friday, September 29th, at the APGA office        propane industry in Alabama.■
            in Prattville, AL. We invite you to come out and
            take part in the future of the association. The
            Fall Committee and Board of Directors Meeting
            Agenda can be found on page 34. Also in this
            issue, you'll find the recap of this year's APGA/
            LPGA Voodoo on the Bayou - "I cast a Spell on
            You!" Summer Convention in New Orleans, LA. To
            see the fun and frivolity shared by all, check out
            the photo montage on pages 12-19.

                   The 2022-2023 Safe Installation of Ap-
            pliances Rebate Program has come to an end.
            If you had any installations between October 1,
            2022 and September 15, 2023, there is still time
            to claim a rebate for your customers! For instal-
            lations that occurred during that time frame,
            paperwork must be submitted no later than Sep-
            tember 16th. The 2024 Rebate program begins on
            October 1st. We have added additional rebates
            for stoves/dryers and logs. The 2024 program
            paperwork will be online the first week of Octo-
            ber. Please see page 33 for additional information.
            New program information will be available on
   after October 1st.

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