Page 22 - july-august 2021
P. 22

Apply to attend LP Gas

                                                           Growth Summit

                   LP Gas magazine is accepting applications for its LP Gas Growth Summit,
            set for Sept  15-17 at Reunion Resort, outside Orlando, Florida
                   The unique networking event brings together retail propane company de-
            cision-makers and propane industry partners for two days of one-on-one busi-
            ness meetings, educational opportunities and other networking and recreation-
            al events  The magazine aims to help propane marketers improve their business
            operations, grow gallons across markets and build lasting partnerships
                   Partners confirmed for this year’s event are: ADD Systems, Anova, Blue
            Cow Software, Cargas, Gray, Gray & Gray, Hiab, IPS, Legacy Energy Consulting,
            Metsa, Otodata, Propane Management Systems, Roush CleanTech, Tankfarm
            and Tiger Payment Solutions  In addition, Steve Whaley, director of autogas
            business development at the Propane Education & Research Council, will pres-
            ent about the autogas market
                   LP Gas covers two-nights lodging, food, drinks and golf at the resort  LP
            Gas also confirms it is working closely with the resort to implement event proce-
                                                                                      dures and practices
                                                                                      that focus on the
                  Looking for a reliable,                                             safety and well-be-

              customized supply plan?                                                 ing of Summit partic-
                                                                                      ipants  Space for el-
                                                                                      igible retail propane
                 Crestwood offers experienced NGL professionals committed to
                creating reliable, yet flexible supply plans that meet your needs.    decision-makers is
                             Things you may not know                                  limited
                                   about Crestwood:                                        Interested pro-
                   Assets include Hattiesburg, MS and Tirzah, SC both equipped with   pane marketers
                   storage, truck rack and rail rack as well as multiple rail terminals   can contact LP Gas
                   in the Southeastern US.                                            Editor-in-Chief Brian
                   Manage over 300,000 bbls/day of propane across the country with    Richesson at briches-
                   assets connected to major supply hubs.
                   One of the largest truck and rail propane fleets in the country, with   son@northcoastme-
                   over 250 trucks and 2000 rail cars.                                dia net or 216-706-
                   Offer flexible price risk management solutions.                    3748 with questions
                                 Want to know more?                                   or to inquire about
                        Call today for help with supply programs, index               attending  For more
                     pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or             information or to ap-
                           our transportation and storage capabilities.               ply, visit https://www
                                                  Max Johnson
                                                  Senior Supply and Asset Manager — Southeast  lpgasmagazine
                                                  D: (816) 329.5316
                                                  C: (913) 972.5721                   summit/  ■
                                                  ICE ID: mjohnson31

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