Page 24 - july-august 2021
P. 24

Propane has a bold new look

                                            and story to share on behalf

                                            of our industry.

                                                You and your colleagues in the propane industry have been inno-
                                            vating for years, creating exciting opportunities for growth  Now we’re
                                            reflecting that forward-thinking spirit with a new brand platform that
            captures the benefits of propane now—and sets the stage for an even more successful future.
                   Propane is environmentally friendly and ensures energy equity for everyone  Our new logo and
            brand promise bring these messages to life in a fresh and modern way, while empowering you to com-
            municate the benefits of reliability, affordability and versatility to potential new customers.
             Take advantage of our new branding toolkit to:
            •      Watch a video to learn more about the strategy about the rebrand
            •      Access educational content about the new brand messaging
            •      Sign up for webinars to learn how to integrate the new brand into your marketing materials
            •      Download marketing materials including the new logo files and collateral pieces to help get
                   you started
            •      Sign up for swag with the new brand logo for you and your team members
                                      CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED

              We’ll be bringing the story of propane – energy for everyone to life in exciting
                                         new ways in the months to come

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    24                                           Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  July / August 2021
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