Page 10 - mar-apr 2023
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                                 THE INDUSTRY’S LARGEST

                                           PROPANE EVENT!

                                           APRIL 23-25, 2023

                                      MUSIC CITY CENTER, NASHVILLE TN

                     Produced by
                       e hope everyone         social entrepreneur, as well      WHAT TO EXPECT IN 2023:
                       is planning to          as the founder and President
                       attend the 2023         of Thistle Farms  With over 25    • CONNECT with thousands of
           WSoutheastern                       years of leadership experience    attendees representing every
                                  REGISTRATION & HOUSING NOW OPEN!
            Convention & International         in mission-driven work, she       segment of the propane indus-
            Propane Expo at Music City         inspires and motivates            try
            Center in Nashville, TN            audiences everywhere with
                   The convention will         practical and loving steps to     • DISCOVER more than 250
            begin on Sunday with NPGA          inspire change in individuals     suppliers of goods and services
            welcoming members followed         and communities                   Expo offers the largest array of
            by an update from PERC  This                                         propane-related products and
                                                                                                   MORE INFO HERE
            year’s Keynote Speaker will                                          services in the world; all in one
            be New York Times bestselling                                        convenient location
            author Jon Acuff  For over 20              To Register
            years he’s helped some of the                 for the                • LEARN about products, busi-
            biggest brands tell their story,                                     ness techniques, safety, and
                                                                                 more at over 40 education
            including The Home Depot,                      2023                  sessions or workshops
            Bose, and Staples  Next, a                Southeastern
            Welcome Reception will be                                                 For hotel information
            held in the Expo Hall to kick-off         Convention                 and to make your hotel
            this year’s festivities                 CLICK HERE!                  reservations, please see page
                 Monday morning’s                                                12 ■
            Prayer Breakfast will feature
            Becca Stevens  Stevens is
            an author, priest, speaker,

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