Page 8 - mar-apr 2023
P. 8

from the executive director’s desk
           A                                                     The campaign’s ob-

                       t the time of this publication, I will
                                                                 jective is to increase
                                                                 consumer awareness
                       have been in the propane industry
                       for only two months  It’s clear that I
                                                                 propane in Alabama
            have a great deal to learn about the industry        and consideration of
            Rest assured, I am up to the challenge!              The 2023 campaign will
                   Over the past two months, I have been         utilize multiple media
            gradually assuming more of the association’s         channels to reach
            day-to-day business operations, listening to         homeowners in 527 zip
            members discuss their concerns and the issues        codes across Alabama
            currently impacting the industry, reasearching       that were identified as
            and resourcing materials to help address your        propane country by         uLaural Bunnu
            needs, and working with the Board and lobbyist       PERC
            to develop a strategic leglislative plan for 2023           On March 9th, the APGA office will host
                   January’s business included the LP Gas        the Winter Committee and Board Meetings in
            Board Meeting followed by the NPGA Winter            Prattville, AL  The meeting agenda and details
            Board Meeting in New Orleans, LA  My time was        can be found on page 13. I hope everyone will
            spent meeting and listening to industry pro-         take the time to come out and participate in
            fessionals and other state executives, hearing       directing the future of the association
            updates from PERC, and learning more about                  Registration is now open for the 2023
            the pressing advocacy matters and legislative        Southeastern Convention and International
            issues currently impacting the propane industry      Propane Expo that will be held on April 23-25 in
                   In early February, the Board approved         Nashville, TN  For more information about this
            the 2023 Environmental Messaging Campaign            year’s Expo please see pages 10-12 of this issue.
                                                                                              The APGA Safe
                                                                                       Installation of Appliance
                                                                                       Rebate Program is well
                                    DEALERS LP EQUIPMENT                               underway  Remember,
                                    An Affiliate of R.E. Michel Company, LLC           rebates are available un-
                                                                                       til September 15, 2023 or
                                                                                       until the funds are deplet-
                           Your  SINGLE SOURCE  for                                    ed   Please don’t let your
                                                                                       customers miss out on this
                                                                                       opportunity for valuable
                                                                                       propane appliance re-
                                                                                              Over the next few
                                                                                       weeks, I have plans to
                                                                                       get out of the office to
                  ...and ALL your propane equipment needs!                             tour facilities and meet
                                                                                       with members in person
                                                                                       Please feel free to con-
                    Check us out online at                               tact me anytime to dis-
                                  and follow us on                                     cuss your needs or voice
                                                                                       your concerns  I take
                                                                                       great pride in working for
                          1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303                  you and helping APGA
                                  800-433-8925                                         secure a successful future
                                                                                       for Alabama’s propane

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