Page 4 - mar-apr 2023
P. 4

word from the president

                      reetings!! As the days grow longer         which would prevent
                      and the weather begins to warm, it         the Administration
                      is with great pleasure that I extend       from banning gas
           Gmy warmest greetings to y’all on the                 stoves.  While this
            arrival of spring!                                   bill is a long shot to
                 Spring is a season of renewal, growth and       become law, it sends
            hope, and it is a time when many of us start         a strong message
            to enjoy the outdoors more often  With your          that Americans
            dedication to providing reliable propane gas         will not stand for
            services, you are helping to make sure that          agency overreach
            families and businesses across Alabama can           of this nature.  In
            enjoy the many benefits of this clean, efficient,    addition, legislation
            and versatile energy source                          has been introduced      uJessie Morganu
                 A few updates going on:                         in Mississippi and
            •   R  DeWayne (Wayne) Whiddon named as              Texas to protect gas stoves from Uncle Sam.  We
                new Administrator to replace retiring            anticipate continued activity across federal,
                 Administrator W  Mark Nelson  Mark served       state, and municipal governments in the coming
                 on the AL LP Gas Board for 25 years overall     weeks and months. In addition to the data we
                 and was the administrator for the past          have on stove emissions and ventilation, NPGA is
                 11 years   We wish him the best and I’m sure    gathering even more information to ensure that
                 we will be seeing him around! Happy             all policymakers understand the real data.  For
                 Retirement                                      example, NPGA has compiled state-by-state
            •   Next REAC Meeting will be held on July           data of electric/gas stove usage and asthma
                13, 2023 @ 10:30 at 770 S  McDonough St ,        rates, which not only fails to demonstrate any
                Montgomery, AL 36104                             correlation between higher gas stove usage and
                 “NPGA has been working with numerous            higher asthma rates, but in fact, it suggests the
            members on Capitol Hill, including Representative    opposite—states where gas stoves are used more
            Issa (R-CA).  Rep. Issa has introduced the Gas Act,   than average tend to have lower than average
                                                                                       rates of asthma. We are
                                                                                       collaborating with PERC
                                                                                       on consumer education
                                                                                       around gas stoves.  PERC
                                                                                       has developed talking
                     Bobtails     to       Bulkplants                                  points should CSRs or
                                                                                       others need readily
                                                                                       available information
                                                                                       on gas stoves.”  Steve
                                                                                       Kaminski, NPGA President
                                                                                       and CEO
                                                                                        As we move into this
                 New Bobtails   Betts Vapor Proof Lights:      New Installations
               Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   Maintenance & Repairs  exciting new season, I
               Hydrostatic Testing  & accessories          All Work Performed to NFPA 58
              Annual VK Inspections  Truck Meter &             Code Upgrades           want to express my sincere
              Annual DOT Inspections  Dispenser Calibration  Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal  appreciation for your
             Base Engineering Shutdown
                                                                                       ongoing efforts to serve the
                                    FREE ESTIMATES                                     needs of your customers

             40 Industry Drive      Jason Gamble, Owner                (256) 593-2420  and communities  Thank
             Boaz, AL 35956            (205) 616-9084                  (800) 757-6639  you for all you do ■
             Email:                            Fax: (256) 593-2460

     4                                            Alabama Propane Gas Association  | March / April 2023
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